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From Chris: MVD reissues a 2007 movie which made it out years ago on BD from  the defunct Weinstein Company. A whiz-bang combo of fast cars and stupid  fun racing action, think a poor man's Fast and the Furious. This is  like comfort food, a check-your-brain at the door guilty pleasure which  is more entertaining than it has any right being. They crash expensive  new cars like the Porsche GT and a beautiful Ferrari. The movie is basically a PG-13 take on Andy Sidaris  directing The Fast and the Furious.

A  number of recognizable faces like comedian Eddie Griffin and Tim  Matteson (Animal House), but the primary female star is a soap opera  actress I've never seen before. She would have made a wonderful choice  for Wonder Woman in her heyday. Not a half bad actress, surprised she  never broke out of soaps beyond a couple DTV films in the late 2000s.  The movie badly needs a Paul Walker as her love interest, the bland male  lead she's paired with makes one wonder how he got cast.



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