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A beautiful, freshly done master brings Tiger Cage III to renewed life in HD. Superior grain replication (better than the prior Tiger Cage II for certain) gives texture and sharpness proper due. Definition in close-ups is superb. Wide shots containing Hong Kong skyscrapers lose nothing in the transfer to HD.

Splendid color depth enriches flesh tones, pushing toward warmth, but not inaccurate. Primaries bloom, never oversaturated.

Attractive brightness pushes the contrast, intense and organic. Properly calibrated black levels deepen to pure black, elevating the depth. Tiger Cage III shows stellar dimensionality throughout.


Waning Cantonese mono struggles to resolve the score, and harsh dialog replication muddies the rest. Harsh sound effects fare no better, and considering the 1991 release, this sounds ancient compared to others from the era. The English dub (both tracks in DTS-HD) doesn't better than Cantonese track.



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