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[Note: The review will be for the 4K disc, but no matter what I tried, the UHD wouldn't rip. Had to settle for Blu-ray this time]

From Chris: Meh ghost film from the 70s starring Mia Farrow. Slow and not much  happens at all, kind of feels like a television movie from the era with  better acting. I guess Scream Factory sometimes picks films they know  they can secure new interviews, as the director does a new audio  commentary.

Dolby Vision aside, this film has  that soft, gauzy cinematography which briefly came into vogue during the  decade and isn't the stuff of fantastic 4K PQ. Fine grain reproduction  but the dense shadows are practically another character in the cast.  Audio is distinctly middling.




I watched it a few days ago. I would agree that it is not for all taste in that it is extremely slow and more of a psychological study. And there’s lots of loose ends that are never tied up very well at the end, like how come, she never discovered the husbands body in the basement ? Probably that’s why it never got a release when it was finished. In any event I absolutely loved the cinematography. I feel that each scene is like a masterful painting. Certainly the best thing about this movie and of course the second is watching Mia, since I find anything she does so arresting. Someday I’ll go back and listen to the commentary. Of course, the most interesting question about this release is why in 4K?


Also, I see you couldn’t rip it in UHD. Let me see if I can. I’ll let you know.