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Robot Jox shouldn't look this good. A sensational new master brings the color into the modern era, bright, vibrant, and seemingly new. Spot-on flesh tones waste nothing. No matter the saturation, encoding handles things, keeping Robot Jox pure and film-esque.

Rich, dynamic contrast spares little. It's bright and bold throughout, even the multi-pass effect shots. Nothing appears weaker than the previous or next shot, Robot Jox's consistency proving impeccable.

The real gains come from the resolution, razor sharp and textured other than composited effects shots. In close, facial definition betters some genuine classics in fidelity. Every detail in the models appears without fault. Restoration clears the print of most debris, but again, save for the composites.


Mono PCM performs better than expected considering the budget and age. There's no wobble to the treble, and range even delivers bass at the beefiest moments. Orchestration resolves every instrument beautifully. Eighties audio rarely sounds this pure at home.



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