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A stellar new master lets Star Trek: Insurrection glisten in 4K. Invisible encoding keeps the grain structure flowing transparently, true to the film stock. There's no damage to speak of, and the brilliant resolution lets detail flow gorgeously. Imagery is visibly scanned at 4K thanks to the enormous texture on display.

Pleasing contrast utilizes Dolby Vision to let the phasers, explosions, and various space-y sights glisten. Solid, stable black levels keep shadows firm (at true black), keeping dimensionality thick.

Various nebulae produce awesome color saturation, oranges especially prevalent. Other colors, like flesh tones, show natural vividness.


While it's reasonable, Star Trek: Insurrection's low-end could reach better tightness; each rumble sounds too loose, if powerful. That's a complaint with limited legs, given the range and volume at work. Explosions and ship engines shake the room with force.

Choosing TrueHD 7.1 to match the Blu-ray, the mix spreads through the soundfield at a constant rate. Motion flawlessly transitions between the available channels, sweeping effects and separation a worthy home theater effort, easily reference in this regard, and even with the loosened bass, still viable as such overall too.



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