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Cinematography isn't afraid of going dark, as in "black crush" dark. It's common, but part of the original imagery as shot, and the Dolby Vision pass does what it can to keep this to a minimum. Star Trek: First Contact loses little more than a smidgen of depth. Dimensionality remains strong, and highlights (especially the Enterprise's glowing thrusters against black space) stand out gorgeously.

There is a suggestion of Paramount's usual filtering via the grain structure. On occasion, grain can stick and move with the actors unnaturally, but the detail is lush, full, and sharp. Definition in close gives First Contact renewed life when debuting on UHD. Texture thrives in these conditions.

Equally stellar color gives space incredible auras, brilliant in their saturation. Primaries glow, whether Starfleet uniforms or the rich flesh tones. Lasers and torpedoes bring spectacular density.


While not the greatest in range or dynamics, Star Trek: First Contact does great work in using the width afforded to it by TrueHD 7.1. Positional design and tracking does everything right, whether it's sparks flaring inside a damaged ship or lasers slinging by the screen. Precision earns a reference grade.

The only thing robbing First Contact of reaching the best tiers is bass, or the limited use of. Explosions need a greater, bolder rumble, something to truly shake the room. That's lacking, if still producing a juicy jolt at its peak.



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