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While war scenes soak up a bland, dry orange/teal palette, the rest shows a pleasing saturation with a sepia tinge. Warmth and comfort, purposeful, separates the homeland scenes. Warm flesh tones and crisp color look great.

Finished at full 4K, sharpness proves unwavering. Simply stellar scenery utilizes the fullest possible definition, and those close-ups deliver facial texture in droves. Wool uniforms sport dazzling definition, making All Quiet on the Western Front a worthy upgrade from its streaming counterpart.

In Dolby Vision, the limited sunlight piercing cloudy skies drives a heavy contrast. Black levels push the teal tint during the day, but at night, there's a reasonable drop toward near total black, if still elevated slightly.


A record setting 17 audio tracks line this disc, the main one being German Atmos. And that mix is a pure Atmos spectacle. Dirt debris from mortars and gunfire work through every available channel, the heights used here more than or equal to any other disc on the market. Rain sounds absolutely real. Accuracy is astonishing, and the soundfield brilliantly wide.

Throbbing, thick bass accentuates every explosion. The punchiness is a show stealing aspect of this track. Thunder adds its own boomy jolts. Tank treads make an appearance past the hour mark via a stellar, deep rumble.



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