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Pulled from a 4K digital source, Black Adam shows generous sharpness and detail in close-up. Digital effects soften slightly, but that hardly matters given their definition. Noise rarely intrudes with few exceptions.

Dolby Vision hammers the screen, showy, intense, and eye-catching. Spectacular black levels counter the vivid contrast brilliantly. Black Adam shimmers when at its best, and that's most of the time.

Color follows the DC pattern, muted in mono or dualchrome palettes wavering between orange and teals as if filmed in the early 2010s. It's not moody so much as restrictive, and a handful of primaries can escape.


Black Adam pounces out of the gate with a deep Dolby Atmos track. Bass consistently jumps from the subwoofer, although to note, this isn't the tightest or deepest low-end, especially considering the genre as a whole. It's mid-tier bass, solid, rumbly, and loud, but muted.

The rest, however, is a stunner. Surrounds remain active throughout, whether it's Black Adam flying around the soundstage or missiles and bullets driving through the heights, rears, or stereos as needed. It's accurate, and nearly a non-stop aural assault.



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