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A rudimentary master greets viewers after booting this disc. Likely an older shelf-sitter print, damage and dust keep up their presence throughout Men at Work. The thick, heavy grain structure looks natural, at least for a lower resolution transfer. It's thick, but well encoded.

Excellent color reproduction gives the primaries a shine. Some potent reds mingle with accurate flesh tones. Men at Work is bright enough too under the west coast sun, sporting crisp contrast and black levels near crush, if usually avoiding any loss.

Men at Work isn't much for definition, sparsely defined. It's HD, but borderline so, the source scan seemingly struck before the modern era of top-end 2K or 4K work. There's enough to get by and it's acceptable.


Equally acceptable, the perfectly fine PCM stereo track balances the dialog and music fine. Fidelity barely reveals its age aside from occasional lapses like shoreline waves. Simple background music produces a small drop into the low-end, enough to give the sense of range alongside the clean treble.


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