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Eww. Smothered by noise reduction, there's no grain to speak of. Anywhere. At all. What's left is a pretty heinous layer of digital artifacting that's borderline DVD grade. Resolution makes the slightest impact from what is, maybe, a master struck for the 720p/1080i era then upscaled. If detail can slip through, then it does, but it's sparingly. Certain edges show aliasing, or possibly that's an artifact from the noise reduction. Either way, it's ugly.

Black levels don't exist during The Killer Meteors. Shadows veer toward mild grays or aged browns. Accepting the age and lower-end film stock (with near certainty on the latter point), Killer Meteors still looks putrid on this disc.

Can the color reproduction elicit a positive remark? Nope. Everything loses an edge due to time, greenery fading and contrast skewed away from pure white into various bleeding yellows, or maybe greens seep into the skyline. Diluted primaries don't stand a chance.


Options include DTS-HD mono tracks for English dub, Mandarin, and Cantonese. There are also 5.1 Dolby Digital tracks, Mandarin and English too. Those two are meh, hopelessly exaggerated like an early DVD surround track.

As for the original mono, each track suffers significant distortion. Music crumbles on the low end and highs sound akin to a blown speaker rattling. Any finer instrumentation in the score disappears in the wall of sound, murky and messy. Dialog is audible assuming the action doesn't pose a threat, but it's not clean regardless.



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