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Ludicrously sharp, pristine, and glossy, Creature from Black Lake shows extreme texture and detail throughout. Close-ups draw out the facial detail, and wide shots define the forest as if magic. Grain isn't consistent but it's well handled and controlled by the encode.

There's barely a scratch or speck left on this vintage film stock. Pinpoint black levels crush but only when at their darkest zones; that's unquestionably the source material. Contrast does spectacular work when possible. Sunlight glistens from the white van and other surroundings, still controlled as to avoid clipping, yet pleasing.

Rich color saturates brilliantly, likely helped by modern digital tools, but that isn't apparent. Primaries hold natural qualities including flesh tones. Trees around the forest display a splendid, hefty green. It's spectacular.


It's rough going for this audibly old and cheap recording. At times, dialog is almost completely lost if among a crowded hallway in a school or a noisy exterior. Worn down mono keeps the source as-is, and at least uncompressed in DTS-HD. Forget any real range or fidelity.



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