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It's a hideous opening for Beast, tanking the black levels while inviting smeary noise and fuzzy detail. Thankfully that passes, and near the five-minute mark, Beast looks splendid. Digitally captured at full 4K, the source material shows exemplary sharpness. Texture flows freely, medium shots just as luxurious as close-ups - until later.

Africa takes on a golden, warm glow that will dominate the daylight color palette. This grading doesn't dilute primaries. Where possible flowers and other foliage sport spectacular hues. Greens and reds show freely.

Black levels only find the deepest shadows on occasion, and noise can be persistent (even causing a reduction in detail). That initial smearing returns whenever the camera enters low light, if not with the same severity each time. Beast keeps a healthy contrast though. African sun is properly simulated, intensely bright. That's a relief from the noise.


As the action ensues, the 7.1 DTS-HD soundstage begins to show off. Grasses pushed aside by the lion find a place in the rears. So do roars and gunshots. Beast's precisely balanced mix pairs gorgeously with the video. Buzzing flies surround kill scenes as characters investigate. Ambiance is on the lower side given the potential for wildlife calls, although inside the jeep, bouncing metal and stray rocks kicking up behind the listening position.

Attacks draw out the low-end, roars and swiping claws a hefty presence. Gunshots hammer the LFE. The subwoofer isn't given the day off, supporting the deepest parts of the score too.


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