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Debuting on Blu-ray, No Escape looks like a recent scan from great, if dusty elements. While contrast lacks energy early on, that matches the murky prison interiors. This changes later, although black levels never quite reach their deepest levels. Dimensionality never quite finds its groove.

However, this sharp, well resolved film stock produces detail galore. Facial definition doesn't stray far from its early high point. Forests/jungles resolve the tall grasses, leaves, and brush in the frame. While grain looks a little rugged, the filmic quality holds together, never betraying the source.

Diluted, almost monochrome color saturation keeps the palette dry. No bright greenery here - slightly grayed primaries, pale flesh tones, and minimal zest means No Escape holds little punch visually.


The case artwork lists Dolby Digital. That's a mistake, thankfully. No Escape employs DTS-HD for its 5.1 mix, although it's hardly an exciting mix. Bass lacks, murky and hollow, although there's a rumble where needed. The worst happens during the biggest attacks, explosions from helicopter missiles lacking all depth. Oddly, it sounds like a compressed Dolby Digital track.

Positional splits make fair use of the rears, especially as action scenes involve large crowds. Yelling and footsteps feature in the surrounds, adding directionality to a front-focused track. Motion is utilized only when absolutely necessary, making the soundstage restrictively flat.



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