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An average 2K upscale drives decent enough detail into the frame. General softness is typical for a digital source like this, including the effects shots. Lack of resolution aside, Lost City looks wholly pristine. There's not a spot of noise anywhere; it's absolute clarity.

What helps? The intense color, giving flesh tones intensity and primaries pop. Saturation stays high alongside an amber push, especially in the jungle. This doesn't dilute the overall beauty, or purity.

In Dolby Vision, there's a definite glow. Black levels don't always hit the deepest levels, but they stay dense enough to keep the dimension alive. Contrast enriches things enough, elevated and bright, nailing highlights where needed. It's a pleasing, if standard 4K image.


While a few moments have fun with the soundstage, Lost City's Atmos track is rather passe. Surrounds elevate, even exaggerate in places, drawing too much attention to themselves. Jungle ambiance stays unusually low for a movie like this, preferring the stereos. Gun fire travels well though. Sniper bullets jump from the rears to the fronts accurately, and a reverb echoes through the air. Motorcycles pan around as they chase the heroes, accurately panning.

Decent enough bass throbs. Explosions use the subwoofer potently. It's a solid rumble, if routine. Then comes the finale inside a volcano, where Lost City begins to, literally and figuratively, erupt. LFE power grows (lowers?) to impressive power.



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