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There's a decent, passable master on this disc from Mill Creek. While the print looks a little older and in need of a clean-up, resolution is high enough to produce some detail. Grain remains intact, and digital processing is avoided all together.

Sadly, it's the encode creating problems. While grain hangs around, the compression can't keep the imagery stable. Pure Luck's noisy and often messy compression swarms the screen. Long shots look more like DVD than Blu-ray based on the artifacting alone. Flatter black levels fail to hide further blocking in the shadows.

Color reproduction appears dry and dull, but not severely so. Decent enough flesh tones pair to average primaries overall.


Acceptable DTS-HD stereo reproduces the dialog well, firm and tight. There's no directionality noted as Pure Luck sticks firmly to the center space. Nicely rendered fidelity handles the score, mild as it is.



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