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Bold contrast gives The Untouchables life on UHD. This is courtesy of a Dolby Vision pass that adds depth to the late '80s film stock, substantial via the black levels. Lights bloom, not overtly bright, yet perky. There's a glow and a steaminess to the cinematography this presentation helps along.

A rougher grain structure presents a challenge to Paramount's encode. It's not 100% perfect. As expected, the more complex the imagery, the less likely compression is to keep control. However, the loss is insignificant, the blocking minor, and the image integrity held up. At all times, the benefits of this 4K scan appear, always sharp and defined with detail outstanding. Facial texture jumps forward even in dark alleyways. Vintage Chicago never looked this great.

Oddly, around 30-40 minutes, the material dims, as if pulled from a different print instead of something near to the negative. Softness makes The Untouchables suddenly look worn, flat, and lacking. After that, it's fine, and back to stellar catalog transfer standards.

Superlative color reproduction pushes primaries to an appealing, rich limit. Flesh tones favor the warmer side within reason, while other hues appear vibrant. Chicago's lights glisten fully.


In Atmos only, the mix doesn't avoid age. Dialog sounds thin, a bit flat and dry. Action exhibits no range of note, gunshots flat. Any directionality happens briefly with the score more likely to take up residence in the rears. Same goes for the bass, supporting the music and little else.

A few Atmos effects happen, like a grenade rolling on a tin roof and some gunshots hitting ceilings. It's minor.



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