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Flawlessly digitized film stock highlights Kino's elaborate UHD release, capturing the precise grain structure sans any compression faults. Other than a dust speck, the print doesn't reveal faults, and resolution remains consistent. Complex cinematography favors wavering focus, and that naturally limits detail. When on point though, it's gloriously precise. Texture flows from the frame, revealing the messy locations, facial detail, and whatever else this film stock originally captured.

Dripping with deep noir aesthetics, Touch of Evil sees tremendous benefit from this Dolby Vision pass. Outstanding shadows drape every shot, invigorating depth, bringing even more dimension to the film than the exotic camerawork does already. Bold contrast matches, intense when popping from pure blacks, yet cautious as to not clip. That cautious mastering offers significant life to this presentation. It's marvelous.


Capable mono preserves the dialog intact. It's naturally worn if perfectly rendered. Preservation and restoration negate hissing or pops.

A jazzy score is represented by clean horns, treble stable holding together even at peaks. There's no range to speak of, although drum beats and bass smoothly flow from the DTS-HD track.



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