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Intense in contrast, Shooter looks like a Michael Bay production given the deep, pure black, and even crushing shadows. That's all intent. Dolby Vision doesn't bring out any additional detail in those black levels. Contrast will clip too, if to less severity than the blacks.

Likewise deep, rich color favors earth tones, especially greens. Forested landscapes spare nothing in bringing out the dense hues. Pure flesh tones hit on cue, while surrounding primaries glow where allowed. Pleasing reds have their place too, even amid the digitally-leaning cooler grading.

From a 2K finish, detail still sprouts. Expansive wide shots look fantastic still, and although on the rougher side, close-ups resolve rich detail. Texture flows. At a glance, this is a true 4K presentation. Usually thin grain spikes on occasion, although the encode handles those instances well, mitigating any compression problems.


Brought over from the Blu-ray, there's oomph in this DTS-HD 5.1 track. Gunshots and explosions reverberate, delivering the necessary power for a major studio action movie. Even the score throbs the low-end. LFE performance is consistent as a result, giving the room a satisfying shake for much of the runtime.

Precise mixing sweeps action around the soundstage, and also keeps ambiance flowing within cities, even open air via winds. Bullets pan once fired, echoing into the rears. Helicopters follow the camera, placed in the stereos or surrounds as required. This is a full, wide mix, but it's a shame Shooter wasn't pushed to Atmos.



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