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Abhorrent compression leaves endless artifacts behind. It's a mess, barely above DVD, and that's being generous. Rapid editing/cutting suffer worse than the rest, leaving chunky blocks behind with every edit.

As such, no surprise detail collapses. Any resolution gains in this HD presentation are instantly wiped out. Net 2.0 looks soft and unimpressive. A hearty contrast won't help, but at least adds some brightness to an overall dull image. Post-production tinkers with things, blowing out/clipping some highlights on purpose.

Color grading introduces a few distinct palettes for flash-forwards, notably cooler tones for prison scenes. The rest veers toward warm, even toward sepia or yellows. Still some other colors persist, saturated enough to draw the eye. Things such as flags lining the streets show rich reds and blues.


Serviceable DTS-HD stereo, splitting the front soundstage on occasion when the action picks up. Cars drift between the available speakers during chases. The soundtrack dances around too, nothing spectacular, but enough.

Slight range uses the subwoofer where necessary, but limited in extensions. An explosion hits the limit, a passable fireball erupting to rumble a bit.



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