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Finally back home from the cons I went out to  in July! It was such a busy month have two cons back to back that I happened to be Guest of Honour at! As most have seen, all the art has officially been released out into the open for both cons, after quite a few years being stored away due to the pandemic xD Totally worth it though, I think! A lot of people seemed to really enjoy all the work I produced for the cons (: I had a great time with them all and I'm super proud of what I was able to accomplish, especially with both cons taking place so close together (even the pre-pandemic dates were rather close!)

So here's a compilation of all the WIPs for the Fur-Eh! 2022 art I did! I left a couple out since I had already post their WIPs here since they were released to the public earlier. We got the badges (that sadly weren't used. Though I found out later it's because they had no idea they existed! x'D I think they got lost through communication at one point, which can happen, especially with the huge delay between the con. I'm hoping they'll be able to repurpose them one day though!), conbook cover, an ad and some additional promo pieces I ended up doing this year for them too. 

Once again, all the finished pieces are online in my galleries, but WIPs of these are always fun to look at too :3



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