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Hi everyone,

I've mentioned a few times online regarding my busy schedule coming up in July and it's finally here! It's started off pretty rough, but I'm hoping it'll smooth out from this point on wards.

Since I have time in my hotel room right now, and it's been a  while, I figured I'd give you all a little update on when to expect this  month.

I'm officially on the road to Alberta for Fur-Eh, 1/2 conventions I'm Guest of Honour at this month as of Monday. Since we're travelling  by car, we'll be out of town for about a week and a half (July  11th-21st). Once I'm back I'll have a little less than a week before the  next convention, CanFURence in Ottawa, for which I plan to work on  badge pre-orders taken on for it. Thankfully that convention is only a few hours away from home, so I'll be back in my home office much quicker after that ones done!

At this time patron rewards are currently on hold until the end of July once my conventions are over and done with! I aim to squeeze in the sponsored pinup piece in before the end of the month, since I prefer being on time with that! Otherwise, come August I'll get right back to work on what I still owe. I don't intend on taking on new commission work until September so 100% of my focus will be on owed work during  that month. I'm hoping come September I'll be back on track with everything and I can get back to taking on new work and starting up a consistent stream schedule again too.

As always, you're welcome to contact me via email if you have any questions or want an update, but I always encourage checking out my queue first if you're looking to get a quick progress update. (The links  in my pinned tweet on twitter and/or on my FA profile) Despite  travelling, I have my phone and laptop on me to answer emails, check in with online stuff, etc.

Thanks so much, everyone! Have a great week!



Happy, safe travels, and hope you and Foxjump have a great time! :)