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Hey everyone,

If you're on Twitter or FA you may have seen the update already but just for those who don't use either platform, I unfortunately contracted Covid earlier this week, and was hoping I'd be in the clear in time for Anthro Con but I was a little too hopeful in that regard -_-  It really sucks because of how much I was looking forward to vending at my first US con, deliver con badges to those who ordered one, and use this con as a little vacation/getaway too but alas. I also lost my first nights deposit to the hotel along with my table/reg/and assistant's reg fees as well. A good couple hundred dollars down the drain that I'm trying my best to make back with online shop sales this weekend (so far folks have been very supportive in that regard, so thank you <3)

As for how I'm doing, I've been fine so far. Symptoms are very similar to a bad cold. (Being triple vaxxed is what I have to thank for that, I think) It's just been annoying to deal with because I'm isolated in my apartment and whenever my partner is here we both wear kn95 masks (since he's still testing negative). Anyway..it sucks, but I'm hoping it'll clear up by the end of this weekend. My symptoms are almost gone but the rapid test still shows positive very quickly each morning I test so I think it'll take some time.

I wanted to update since it's now July and I know I owe you guys a finished illustration for June and I'm falling behind on pinup rewards. I'm still putting all my effort into resting and getting better but I'll get moving on those once I'm well enough to sit at the computer and draw again. (I tried last night but it didn't last very long :')  )

I'm going to get the usual posts out that I do on the first of each month, and choose the next folks that rotate into the Bean Club tier so stay tuned for that. Thanks everyone <3



Rest well and feel better soon!