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Phew, what a weekend! Hadn't been to FE since 2019 so it was really nice to be back and see the usual faces again. I did extremely well in terms of vending; best con out of my 9 years of vending at furry cons so far. Thank you all so much, whether you purchased something or stopped by for a visit! I also had another table to debut MOTO YOTE and folks took a strong liking to it! I'm excited to keep expanding on that brand and continue to include it when I vend at future conventions.

I took a handful of traditional commissions during the con, done at the con. Gosh, I kept filling up either right after the public opening, or just before when sponsors had early access xD CRAZY! I'm just putting these two up here since the lovely clients went and scanned them for me! If I get more scans of the comms I did, I'll upload them here too, but all the low res bad photos I took are on Twitter x'D

I had such a blast, but now that the con is over, we're starting to see some folks who unfortunately got infected with covid. The con and it's attendees did a stellar job in every aspect of staying safe, but this virus is no joke, as everyone knows. So far I feel fine, and have been self-testing ever since I got back on Monday. Friends and attendees online are keeping everyone up to date with positive results online (Twitter) so I'm fully aware of who I associated with closely, without a mask on, that may have been exposed (so far, none). I do have symptoms that could be related, but I also generally get quite worn out after a weekend at a con (fatigue, loss of voice, mainly). Out of precaution, I am staying in quarantine the next week or so, continuing to test every day/couple days and just focusing on catching up on my queue, drinking/eating and getting rest (:

My next con...or should I say, cons, take place in July. Originally all three I'm planning to attend were spread out among 3 months back in 2020, but with the pandemic and having to reschedule, unfortunately all 3 are now in the same month so it's going to be...uh...interesting, juggling that amount of work/socializing/ etc. Two of the cons I'm GoH at so I'm quite literally going to be dust by the end of the month xD Definitely not use to that amount of socializing in general, but with the pandemic, it has turned me more into a hermit than I'd like to be xD But I'll do my absolute best to get lots of rest so I can be a pleasure to be around hahaah! So saying that I'm already planning to refrain from taking commissions in June (besides badge pre-order for con deliveries), July and August (for a break) before resuming regular commission openings in September.

Still a ways a way so I'll make sure to update on all that again closer to July.

But yeah! Next one will be Anthro Con on July 1st weekend, so I'll have a table for the first time ever at a US con for the weekend! Very excited to see folks I know from just the online spaces, meeting and introducing my work to new people too!

Regular postings shall continue now, so stay tuned! ^_^ 



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