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I've been extremely happy with the sketches I've been doing lately (honestly fav part about taking a long break from drawing is that the bounce back is usually *chef kiss*. Take much needed breaks, fellow artists! You need them to avoid burn out!)  so I wanted to take advantage of it by taking some time to sketch out a new ref for Nicole! I IMMEDIETLY didn't like the one I did last year, even from the sketch stage LOL so I felt like her ref needed an update. 

I feel the complete opposite over this one xD Got that cuteness down PAT! And something I tend to struggle with is drawing my own rl body type (which of course, I want Nicole to have) but I think I was able to finally translate it here.

Anyway, gotta run to pick up some groceries! I'll finish this up at some point in the near future!



Wild Doggo Jackie

Nicole is looking even more beautiful than ever! ^_^