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Last week was a pretty rough week. My partners dog, Tara, unfortunately ended up being put down last Monday. He had her for a solid 15 years, and she lived an absolutely amazing life in his care, and over the last few years, his parents care. 

Foxjump's mom is an active member in the local geochaching community. Not only that, but Tara would sometime's tag along on the adventures with her. Like a lot of dogs, she loved spending as much time as she could outside. I thought making her into a geocaching tag would be a nice little memorial for her. I know she meant a great deal to them all, and I wanted to do more than just a drawing of her.  

For those that are unaware of how cache tags work, they're like little collector items. They each have a code on the back that you can log into pathtags.com, which will take you to the tag's page. You can learn about the tag itself, who designed it, add it to your collection, offer it as a trade, etc. I ordered 50 of them so that some can be used in geocaches that can be found by all sorts of people that do geocaching as a hobby, but also to be kept by Foxjump and his family, since it does have a keyring on it so you can attach it to keys, a lanyard, etc. 

The tag is pretty small in size. About the size of a quarter / 25cents, and is made with enamel and silver plating. The first image is my original design, the second is the proof they had just sent me today for it. I should be receiving the tags in 4-6 weeks, so once I get those in hand, I'll share pictures of the physical tag here.

I also made her tag page into a little memorial. (Unfortunately, you need to have an account in order to view the page, so I included a screenshot of that so you guys can see!) Thankfully you can include multiple picutres, so I uploaded a few of her as well. 

Foxjump's starting to feel better about the loss but I know it's going to take some time. He hasn't spoken much about these but I do know he was really appreciative of it when I showed him. I just hope they look really nice once they're finished (:




That is such a beautiful tribute to her. I wish Foxjump and you both peace and healing in this time. I lost my beloved pup of eight years, Rhapsody, that same weekend prior, so I know all too well how deep this pain runs. My deepest sympathies and condolences to you both. May you take peace in knowing how much Tara loved you, and what good care she was in with Foxjump and his parents. 💛