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Took some time for some personal art today. Well, it's more of a gift art piece for my partner, Foxjump, but it includes my character too, so it counts as personal art! x'D 

REGARDLESS, his birthday is towards the end of this month and I wanted to draw him something as a gift since I haven't done so in a while x3 We had this idea for an art piece for a while now; Sahara teasing Hamilton by calling him her puppy dog xD Not enough art of these two being a couple, and DEFINITELY not enough art of Sahara being sweet and cute for once vs being hot headed and brash xD 

I'm not sure how the conversation was going before hand, lol, maybe he did something cute for her and she's teasing him for it xD Who knows! But he secretly likes being given little pet names like this, that's for sure ;) 

I'll finish this up probably sometime next week after I get some owed work out of the way and will post it here after it's done (since I'm keeping this a surprise for him!) ! I had fun sketching this out :3




Oh my gosh this is TOO CUTE!


This put a big ol' smile on my face <3


This is so cute. ✨


This is so pure, you both...