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Another work in progress of a detailed commission for ManuKoa featuring his two red crested cardinal characters, Kalena and Manu! 

I'm a little behind on this one, but this client is so great to work with and very understanding of my schedule, so I'm not panicking too much! (But I do want to get this done by next week!)

I'm EXTREMELY happy with how this is coming along. Backgrounds take a LOT of work and energy out of me, but its soooo worth it. I'm really liking this blocky style I've been doing for backgrounds lately. This commission requires shading/highlights so I'm looking forward in seeing how that'll look with this specific background! 

I'm hoping I'm getting that cozy European pub style down! Its my favourite style when it comes to pubs (we have a small one like this down the street and its a frequent spot we hang out for a pint) and I hope the client thinks so too! 

OH and see if you can spot all the Nicole related things in the BG :P I was instructed to make it look as if she owns this pub, haha! I may add more in later but I'm out of ideas! Any of you have suggestions for it? 



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