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Yeah I know..its not even Halloween yet, but looking at my schedule, I may need to start on these much earlier than intended x'D 

This year, once again, I'll be sending out holiday cards along with a small original art piece of your character of choice (can be OC, fan character, caricature of pet or yourself, etc!) as a way of giving back and saying THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT THIS YEAR! You guys are so wonderful, you deserve all the good you can get <3 

EVERYONE who is a current patron, no matter the tier you're subscribed to, have the option of receiving a card and original art piece in the mail (:

The form for the holiday cards are ready to go!  All I ask is that you guys please fill it out no later than the 16th of November, so I have time to get these drawn, packed, and mailed out by the first week of December! 


Keep in mind:  If you do not wish to give me your mailing information, then please do not click the link above/fill out a form. I'm happy to still do a drawing of your character, but it'll be digital and sent in an email. If you'd prefer to go that route, then let me know and I'll message you via Patreon to grab details from you!



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