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Hey guys!

I'm back in Canada now!

Ireland was such an absolutely stunning and amazing country to visit! My partner and I had a fantastic time over there. It was pretty much nonstop though x_x Every day we had something planned to do. There was a LOT of walking, eating, drinking...UGH. I'm exhausted xD But as good as it all was, I'm just super happy to be back home now. Two weeks was plenty to get to see both north and southern parts of the tiny island. It was great, and I learned a lot, and I'm just...SO happy I achieved this childhood dream destination trip, all by myself! <3 

So now that I'm back home, I'm planning on getting settled and back into the flow of things this week. Firstly will be unpacking, laundry, getting caught up at my full time job, you know, all that fun adult stuff. Later today I'll be posting the raffle results for the month of April. Everyone in the monthly sketch tier should have gotten the form link for details on the sketch. If that could be filled out asap, that'd be GREAT! I have a LOT of work to get through this month, and having that info sent to me within the next week or two will keep me afloat!

A bunch of WIP posts will be coming your way in the next week or two to make up for my lack of posting the last couple weeks! Don't fret, I have a lot of awesome projects that'll come with plenty of wips coming up that I can't wait to share with you all before the finish products are posted publicly!

I also have a new pin I'd like to launch preorders for sometime this week hopefully! I'll have that posted publicly but just informing you guys here ahead of time ^_^ 

Obviously its going to be a bit of a slow start for me, since I didn't draw AT ALL these last two weeks (so I'm likely a little rusty) but I promise to not make you guys wait too long!

I'll have streams back on schedule next sunday. Slots for clean up streams will open up friday and will be hosted next monday too, so stay tuned for public announcements regarding that as well (:

Cheers guys! Thank you so much for your patience so far this month! <3 


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