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Hello!! this is a big pack with more than 100 street props, there are several separate props and several together, attention the props together for both HS1/HS2 have "scene" in the item name, they are practically a pre-assembled set like squares, subway entrance and things like that.

In HS1 look for [Street] and in HS2 look for "Street Props"

I hope you like it, this one took a long time to make it functional!

If the glasses makes your character dark, chenge the Render Queue in Rende Editor!!

[HS1] https://mega.nz/file/DiwRgD6Q#H9QIYyTG073O99hxJrj-AlPmVaeEND-MQBFY-qCr5Bw 

[HS2] https://mega.nz/file/CiBXQCbJ#XGlSkP0OWv3_BfCEOwlojHVILDPsvuYFUiN7guidicw 
