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Hello everyone! This is gonna be my very first poll here in Patreon and it's gonna be about the characters Eric and Skye from chapter 1 of Playful Distractions. Previously, the two only finished their fun with a blowjob, but this time I was wondering if you guys would want them to properly lose their virginity in chapter 2? (Meaning they will have their very own sex scene in chapter 2 and it's not just gonna be a blowjob)

Note: The owners of the characters Eric and Skye already approved this idea, so you guys will now have the final decision through voting this poll.  I'll probably give this poll a few days or a week.

Update: Poll has been ended early due to vote majority.



I think it's clear what people want :D


I think it's wrong to give us a choice. It's up to the character owners and you, Pak. Just look at mass culture and you will understand that most people have very low tastes and if you allow them to influence the art - everything will be bad.


You're probably right. I guess there's no need for me to make this kind of poll next time, but I do have a different kind of poll planned in the near future. Let's just say it involves making fanart of very popular anthro characters from both movies and video games.


I might be late to this poll but I find myself curious, was Skye also a virgin in that comic?