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I sent it in for a repair and as there was a  thick yellowish/ brownish bar showing around the edges of the screen was told it was going to be some time before I got it back. Surprised with an email from UPS that it was coming home early to see this when it came on.
Because of the issue that happen back in 2019-2020  they took it in to repair for free (special situation) said for a repair of the screen itself is $1700 I asked to take out the magnets as it was turning the screen a different color same situation with the others I had( the magnets are on the sides not the top and bottom.) But if I paid that much and just to receive that...I think I would rage. Not gonna lie. Though I had a small argument with a wacom rep in an email as he was trying to pin it on me and cover his behind and told him I still have the emails and pics. Not pinning anything on me for their mistake.

2019-2020 They sent me new ones and repaired one or 2. It was the 24in cintiq pro when it was under warranty. Went through 6-8 of them until they gave me a choice give my money back or can upgrade to the 32in cintiq pro. They knew the 24in line had issues as one of the reps told me over the phone but I didnt hear or read of anything bad about the larger one so I went with the larger one. Free upgrade because of the defective line they had. Dead pixels, stuck pixels, tears in the screen, the screen changing colors, real bad light bleed ...it was a mess. 

Any-who...it was sent back. I just hope they do better.

I miss it though  :’(



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