Important Update (Patreon)
Hello guys!
Just wanted to do an update letting everyone know what I will be planning for the future.
I will be changing a lot soon its just takes me a bit longer to figure everything out. So for this month (for the pledges in August) and next month (pledges in Sept) and possible 3rd I will be putting the pledges on hold so that I may finish what I have left. My mind is everywhere except where it needs to be. I want to focus on my characters creating things that I can be proud of. But I cant do that if I'm steady stressing over things I shouldn't be stressing over. When I come back in 2 months (possible 3) I want to be completely finished with my commission queue that I have. And then I can start the next phase.
Changing the tiers
Changing the art
See if I can find some guest artists
Posting consistently
Having set dates on when to post certain types
- Comics on a certain day and if it will be monthly, weekly, or bi-weekly
- Pinups on a certain day of the week
- If a guess artist maybe a monthly thing if I could find those that are comfortable with it.
- Magazine cover mock up
- Sketches, roughs and whatnot
And anything else I can think of when it gets to that point.
I've started many sketches of Mid'Nyte and Marcus for the last year and none are finished as I'm trying to make sure other things are complete and worried/ stress about commissions and other situations. Dealing with 2 patreons, commissions, health, family, the pandemic, among other situations and it can be a bit exhausting and I want to step back and focus on one thing atm.
When I come back I want to be giving my all not 5%. I left out some things but it will be another update in the future to see where I am at during that time.
If you leave I would understand if you stay you wont be charged. I will alert everyone when all is said and done on here, on FA, and twitter as well.
Thanks for reading
btw the rewards will be sent in a few days
Angel 27
P.S. If any questions just send a PM or note me on FA