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Alright, This is regarding commissions and whats going here with me:

To make a very long story short-
With all that is going on with me, my health has been better since my last visit to the doctor but when I'm stressed my chest hurts more than it used to which is a real cause for concern, my next doctor visit is in Nov. Also having issue with family and moving and so on.

Basically I don't want to go into details on my life on but I'm doing everything at once and it's killing me while going to interviews and getting phone interviews going to check new places and do as much work possible.

I know people are wanting their work faster and faster these days but I'm not able to produce 9 sketches in a day like I used to or produce larger images back to back within days. At times I have my moments for a full color image but it can take much longer from the moment that it's started. I was already behind and then I started catching up drastically until the hurricane came. Because of the statewide frenzy here it did a number on me and family across the state. As far as coms go it's a long list of commissions BUT it is a list that I can handle. And now I'm trying to catch up again. Now while trying to catch up again I've also been looking for other work that's not related to art and a new place to stay and for transportation as these are a need moving forward. My priority at this moment in time is to take care of myself and I will continue to work as much as I can to get all the art out to everyone.

Once things are settled I will again set arrangements for one on one streams to get work out of the way.
For those that have concerns please just send me a note.

I'm tired I'm drifting off while sitting here typing. Please forgive if there are typos.

(copied and pasted from FA)


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