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I've been drawing all of my life and I pretty much kept to myself for the past years so I'm not a person of trends or anything like that. Just someone that loves to draw. But the reason I'm writing this is I don't really get feedback on anything and it kind of bothers me. Even though I've been doing this for years I feel like fall short sometimes. I'm trying to become better, more interactive, more of someone that can entertain as I've really never been able to do something like that.

Not worried about likes or faves. Artistically and professionally speaking I need feedback to grow. It is why I often ask feedback and suggestions and get them in the journals on FA but it stops then and there.

So I'm asking you guys as most of you know I'm not a fur and I draw these images for you guys. But it's not a community I surf in. So I'd like for you guys( ...after...10 years?) to tell me, what do you like, enjoy seeing in art...not just xxx but overall. What's out there for me to discover that I can bring back to you guys. Give me suggestions on what you'd like to see in the future. I've been thinking of doing wall papers and phone case art but I don't know if you guys would enjoy that. So any critiques(good or bad) and suggestions are welcome.

Sorry for the ramble just thought I'd get this out there.


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