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ALRIGHT! Fuck me, but this one took a while. Really struggled to get into the right headspace for it, but I got there eventually! A minor reveal about Hisheng and some joyful notes of goodbye to cap off one of the last few parts of arc 4's rising action. See y'all in a few hours for the next installment!


Back when they first met, it had been Raika who initiated just about everything. Hisheng had still been shy about his appearance, more prone to holding back, quieter overall, but he’d been big and slim and had a great butt. Raika picked him out for a good time… and found herself surprised by how long that good time lasted. Even when they were dating, though, she was the one who initiated almost all their physical intimacy. Hisheng was always down to cuddle, but to take it any further required a bit of… prompting. Or teasing. Or asking vividly enough to make him blush.

Now, she finds herself pleasantly surprised as a wave of Qi from him washes over the forest floor, turning hard dirt into soft, firm padding of earth and moss.

It’s not effortless. She can see him speak a few words under his breath, feel the slightly more abrasive notes his Qi hits as he bundles it into a specific pattern. It manifests almost more like an array than anything, his hands clasping into a sign as a wave of precise Qi is sent out and remolds the earth.

But it’s also clear that it’s no professional array or technique. It seems fresh, raw, and she would bet money that it’s something he invented. An application of Qi meant to incentivize moss-growth and both rearrange and firm up soft earth. It’s a delicate technique, and one that she can’t really think of any use for in more intense combat- but it makes for a very comfortable bit of seating.

He turns back to her with a smile, bowing courteously as he waves at the patch of green, comfortable earth. “This one would be eternally grateful if the honorable Raika would test his grasses.”

She laughs, confidently strolling past and letting herself fall heavily backwards onto the ground. With her biology, she weighs easily around 50 stone (700lbs), and if the ground is going to break under them and make a mess, it’s better to find out now.

She lands with a thump against the earth, and finds that despite the impact, it has a surprising amount of give and consistency. There’s a layer beneath the moss, and beneath the soft soil underneath it, that might be some kind of mud, something to absorb heavier impacts.

She raises an eyebrow at Hisheng as he watches her splay out and dent the ground she lays on. “Excellent ability to absorb impacts. Truly a first class use of Qi. A pity you have to waste it on little old me, when you could be making such lovely defensive techniques with it…”

He rolls his eyes. “I made it for you, Raika.”

And at that, she grins wide, teeth on display as she cackles. “Ah, Hisheng! Ever so thoughtful, and ever so busy thinking of how to have some fun with little old me. Truly, my heart warms at having pierced your mysteries and found someone so entirely depraved hidden within.”

This time it’s his turn to laugh, shaking his head. “All that rage you had, all that thoughtful, contemplative peace… and the moment I agree to a roll in the hay, you splay yourself out and start presenting like a madwoman. Truly the masters are wise, as their teachings tell us we contain multitudes.”

“Ha! Get over here and I’ll show you multitudes.”

He sighs. “That makes no sense.”

But she can’t help but notice that his heartrate is elevated, his hormones beginning to express themselves throughout his body- oh, yeah, and that his robes are open and his shirt is coming off.

For all that he’s tall and muscled, Hisheng isn’t particularly showy about said muscle. It’s not something he cultivates to look good, and has at least as much in common with a laborer as it does a trained athlete. His tattoos stand out markedly, swirling patterns of roots and looping patterns bright against tan skin, and juxtaposed with them are two bright scars along either side of his chest. They highlight his frame, making him visibly solid in a way she’s always enjoyed.

She has her robes off her shoulder already, leaning back against the soft bed made for them. Chest bindings, as usual, are the only thing holding back her “modesty”, and they don’t last long. In a movement that’s not technically humanly possible, the robes get thrown off her shoulders, off her waist, off entirely, joining her shoes across the clearing, and she’s already starting to unwrap what’s left.

Hisheng snorts at how quickly she’s getting naked, but she notices that he doesn’t hesitate to join her in the act.

She sits up, chest on display, a full foot taller than he is and at this point stronger- but she laughs at how his eyes land on her tits and stay there.

He kneels onto the bedding, one hand going around her waist, the other around the back of her neck to bring her closer. 

“You look more gorgeous than ever,” he whispers.

And then, taking the initiative, he kisses her. 

She grabs him under his thigh, yanks him in close, and puts him on her lap, straddling her, as she opens his lips and introduces him to just how long her tongue has gotten, He flinches in surprise, but, true to form, decides to accept things as they are and adjust- which means, in this case, letting his lips fall open and relaxing as she pushes a long, slender stretch of muscle down his throat. He makes a little gasping noise, and, rather than pull away, surprises her by using his hand on the back of her head to bring her closer.

She absolutely giggles at that. 

She wraps a hand around his waist, pulling him down harder into her lap so that he grinds on her thigh, his lower lips getting hot and slick enough that the friction is entirely pleasant. She huffs a little breath against him as he begins to move back and forth against her, back and forth, one arm pulling her lower back up into him even as he presses in towards the kiss.

She enthusiastically reciprocates, making their body contact total. Her chest presses against him, and he gives an appreciative hum at the softness of it. She’s stayed very proud of them, and kept them around for situations exactly like this one, and she enjoys his reaction, how he squirms and presses himself closer, how one hand leaves her neck to knead at her chest.

She retracts a few inches of tongue from his throat to laugh. “Look at you. All wet already.”

He chuckles throatily. “It’s… it’s been a while.”

“Mmmh. Sorry I left such a strong impression.”

He snorts. “Something like that. My bed has been much cooler without you. More refreshing.”

“Oh yeah, then I suppose you haven’t missed this.”

She runs her tongue up his neck as she lowers her hand to grab his ass, kneading him right back. He chuckles, and pushes forward into her.

She laughs as he grinds and presses in, and he gasps as she kneads against him, grinds her thigh up against him… she bites his earlobe and whispers, right to him.

“Is this what you want?” she asks. “For your big, strong friend to ravage you? To drag you down on this lovely little bed you’ve made and make you cum your brains out one more time?”

He laughs, throwing his head back. “Not quite. Let me show you how much I’ve changed, hmm?”

A burst of Qi flexes against her, the physical contact close enough that she can actively feel his meridians churning and shifting beside and behind his flesh. His strength increases, and then increases again, and she finds herself shoved hard back into the earth.

“Well alright then. Show me what you’ve got… and I’ll show you mine.”

Flesh is reshaped, transformed, and Hisheng blushes as he feels something press up against him from her lap. 

He looks down between them, where, coming from between Raika’s legs, is a very real looking cock. 

He looks up at her with an eyebrow raised. “And how long did it take for you to figure that out?”

“Actually not all that long. A couple months, maybe. Had to copy and recycle some biology I already had.”

“All for little old me, then?” he asks with a smile. “I’m flattered.”

And without further ado, he sits right on her.

It feels really different than last time. Flesh is one thing, she’s made something like an approximation of a penis before, but this… the nervous system makes all the difference, and there’s ever so much nervous system in the recreation. It might not be perfect per se… but then again, nothing is. And it feels great.

Hisheng is almost painfully hot, incredibly warm, and the way he squeezes makes her flinch and tremble very slightly. She feels as much as sees him smile, and squeeze against her, making her clench her teeth and gasp. 

He laughs softly, and then she realizes he hasn’t been moving, because he starts to.

With a roll of his hips he grinds against her, and she enjoys the way his heart flutters and how he gasps at the connection. His hands land hard on her shoulders, and he uses the leverage to lift himself and come back down again. He grinds against her, his hips moving in circles against hers, and as he moves he makes little squeezing motions that have her shudder.

“When the fuck did you learn that?” she asks, a little bit breathless.

He smiles. “Just because your last tools weren’t as sensitive doesn’t mean I didn’t do my utmost. It is a cultivator’s privilege to do as well as they can in whatever they wish, is it not?”

“I couldn’t agree moOre-” she’s a little interrupted as he slams back down, and she can’t help but laugh. 

Honestly, it reminds her of her issues with overstimulation. Not in a bad way, nto like the agony of experience crashing onto her, but similar enough that there’s a parallel. She actually has to hold herself back from falling into a kind of peak, a strong feeling of orgasm building up. It’s different than before, not full-body, but there’s something to be said for how focused it is. Not as intense, maybe, but deeply enjoyable.

She pants as he rides her hard, bouncing on her cock and making her laugh breathily. There’s a lot of fun to be had in letting go, modifying the control scheme and the amount of sensitivity, but for a “first time”, she’s electing to keep things as-is.

And then she cums, and it takes everything she has not to bite him. She twitches, presses him into a hug, puts her face up to his neck, breathing hard, tight breaths that let the heat of her body out onto his skin. It doesn’t take much for him to meet her there, the sensation of her cock twitching inside him enough to have him gasping in concert with her.

It takes a few breaths to recover, and then he’s moving again.

He milks her to three different orgasms before he’s done, cultivator stamina keeping them both awake and moving even as she has to actually use some regeneration on herself due to the mild damage the bloodflow is doing to her newest member.

It’s only after that full hour of shifting, coiling, bouncing sex that things calm for a moment, Hisheng finally going from a squat back to sitting politely on her lap, warming her. He smiles down at her, sweat coating the both of them, and flicks her lightly on the head.

“You’re not doing bad for your first time with this thing,” he says. “Not very active, mind you, but I suppose I can continue to offer my generosity.”

She grins wide, eyes dilating.

“Not that active, am I? Well, maybe I can show you some more of how I’ve changed.”

In a burst of heat so intense her body briefly lets off steam into the air, she’s shifted and changed, two new limbs emerging from her shoulder blades to match her normal human arms. What better time to test out that so-far-unused system of limb-linkage than now?

Two arms pin Hisheng’s wrists above his head as she alters their position, pins him down properly with his legs around her waist, two more grabbing hold of his waist. He laughs, pushing one hand back up and around to grab the back of her head and bring them closer again, even as he wraps his fingers around hers with the other one and starts rolling his hips back into her, just in time for her to do the same to him.

Hisheng is built tough. He can take a pounding. 

She obliges.

The sound of flesh-on-flesh echo through the little clearing, a spare hand going to the delightful nub at the top of his slickness and adding a little bit of extra stimulation to the mix. Hisheng starts panting first this time, even as the angle introduces Raika to some all-new all-fun points of contact inside the both of them. This is a bit more familiar to how they used to do it, Raika being the dominant in their encounters, but even still it’s different. Beyond the fact there’s no longer a strap involved, or the fact that, by unspoken connection, neither one does very much kissing; Hisheng is active now, engaged in a way he often wasn’t. There’s a confidence in his body, his physicality, that seems to have really grown in the years since they last saw one another, and he’s happy to buck his hips into her thrusts, to press his forehead to hers, clench the hand held between them tight, pull her into him with his legs- and she makes sure to enjoy every moment of it.

It will not be the last time they see each other. This she vows, as clearly as she can, deep inside herself. 

But it will very likely be goodbye for a few more years to come. Besides, the fact she’ll see him again someday doesn’t make any sort of excuse for why she can’t make this a hell of a fond farewell.

His grip on her is incredibly tight, and she actually ends up laughing when he starts cutting her thrusts short with his legs, pulling her back in. She obliges, making shorter, faster motions, and again, his breathing picks up a bit faster than hers.

Then again, she’s cheating. She’s got big lungs.

Ok, and also maybe the ability to shapeshift her body to optimize oxygenation.

But who doesn’t want endless stamina for moments like these?

Hisheng doesn’t quit, though. He keeps up more than adamantly, his own Qi stirring to life and improving his form, his focus, and most certainly his ability to match her movements. It’s almost a wrestling match between the two of them, a competition to climb further onto and into each other, and as she feels him shudder against her, she can’t find it in herself to have anything to complain about.

Sex is great.

Unironically and genuinely, sex is great. Good sex, even more so. To Raika, it’s a way of showing intimacy, maybe even romance, sure, but above either of those, it’s just fun. There’s something engaging, mentally and physically, about engaging like this with someone. Of feeling their blood pulse through them, the sweat mingle between them, the wetness of willing flesh and the active moments of someone as interested in her joy as she is in theirs. 

For a while, it was the best way she knew to be close to someone.

It’s not anymore, and she doesn’t regret it for one second. But as Hisheng climaxes a third time, as they hit the half hour mark of her thoroughly enjoying herself inside him, as she finally shudders and hits that peak again, she sure as shit knows that it’s still a damn fine way to do it.

He’s panting hard, with the Qi outside his Dantian a little dry, by the time they stop and she slowly, slowly pulls out of him. She luxuriates in the sensation of wet, gripping walls for just a few moments longer before she pops out, shivering in the warm air and taking her time as she twitches with aftershocks.

“That… wow.”

She laughs. “Glad I still know how to get that reaction out of you.”

He laughs right back, breathy and tired. “And here I thought I’d be the one surprising you. I suppose your body remains your greatest asset.”

“Hey! Fuck you too, I have a wonderful mind and a delightful soul.”

“Delightfully twisted, yes.”

She snorts, crawling over him on all six limbs to plant a soft kiss against his forehead. He tastes of sweet, of rich, fragrant earth full of life and nutrients, of exhaustion and hormones and chemical joys of biology.

And… she technically budgeted longer in the day for the visit to the sect. Sun’s still high.

“Hey,” she says, smiling mischievously. “I don’t think I’ve truly, properly expressed thanks for the valley you prepared for us. Let me show one of my favorite changes.”

She brings her mouth and the long, thick, sinuous muscle inside of it down towards his hot, still-dripping hole, and Hisheng finds himself with a significant amount of difficulty coming up with a sincere retort.



I love me some weird erotica, and that was great.