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Hehehe. This may be the largest single chapter I've ever written for Reforged, and it's just straight up, full on, booty-smushing smut. I could not be prouder! Enjoy! I had a ton of fun writing this, it's been a phenomenal ride getting these three here!


It’s hard to tell exactly where she is, but as Li Shu’s improved, she’s started to be able to sense Raika through Qi again. It’s different; in a conventional cultivator, their Qi is a concentrated bright light, a sort of point of “heat” with different nuances to each, Raika feels more like a vague smog. Before, she couldn’t sense her at all. Potentially, someone with an expertise in sensing natural formations or currents of Qi might have been able to, but she blended into the environment almost entirely. As she’s grown, filling her reserves and growing the amount of Qi her body’s directly absorbed, it’s become more like a heat haze, still near-invisible but there if you know to look for.

She keeps an eye on that “heat haze” in the edge of her perception as it goes further away, the small spark of the kid secure and moving with her.

“Alright, I think she’s out of earshot,” she says.

“Too bad if she’s not, just means she gets a show,” Hao Nera says, shirt already off. Qen Hou groans.

“You and your exhibitionism. I swear you get off on trying to embarrass me in front of anyone we’re in front of.”

“Not anyone, just a few people,” Hao Nera counters. “You might not be particularly into women anymore, but I’ll have you know she is a specimen, and I doubt she’d mind. She can probably smell how hot and heavy you are half the time anyways.”

Qen Hou colors, his face reddening. “That’s-”

“Almost certainly true,” Li Shu interrupts, “but she’s also pretty certain not to care. I don’t think she’s the kind to sweat the small stuff, so to speak.”

“All the more reason to use her to tease the young lord here!”

Before Qen Hou can protest further, Hao Nera has picked him up and tossed him with casual cultivator strength onto the bed.

He’s particularly proud of it, Li Shu knows. He spent more time securing that bedframe and making sure the material of the mattress would hold up to intense pressure than he did the walls, and used her skills for the detail work. A solid punch to the wooden walls, made of solid logs, would break through them from even a strong Qi-Gathering cultivator, but the bed? Hao Nera made that bitch sturdy, and Qen Hou bounces on it, still blushing, but moving to disrobe a bit.

Li Shu, meanwhile, is looking for the fruits of a very simple, yet fruitful, entry into the world of alchemy. She reaches through her supplies at the far end of the room, digging through Hao Nera’s big fur jackets and their mixed bags to find a vial of slightly-slick lubricant.

“Got it!” she says, to a ‘whoop’ from Hao Nera and a groan from Qen Hou.

“Still feeling ok about this?” she asks the shorter of the two men.

He sighs, overdramatic as ever but touched with some genuine anxiety. “...Yeah. I think so. Willing to give it a shot at least.”

Li Shu smiles, tossing the bottle and flopping onto the bed after it, crawling up to where Qen Hou is and running a hand over his chest. “Hey. It’ll be fine. If it ends up too much, we just stop, do something more fun for you. And hey, you got me here. Emotional support and all!”

“Oh? And what do you plan to do, honored healer, besides pet my head and offer soft kisses? Have you a treatment plan?”

“Two!” she says excitedly, holding up the bottle of lubricant in one hand. Quickly and somewhat surgically she strips out of her robes to reveal her undergarments, and quickly discards them, too. As Qen Hou stares, eyes as wide as they always are in moments like this and breathing a bit heavier than before, she picks up the bottle and uncorks it.

“This,” she says as she gathers a few fingers-worth of the slick material, “is lubricant. Makes things a looot easier to slip in and out of. And secondly, I intend to share in the experience?”

“Oh?” Hao Nera asks, pants already kicked off and leaning against a wall in all his glory, watching the exchange with bright eyes.

Li Shu shrugs. “I’ve never done it there either. I figured it might make it easier if we experienced it together.”

Qen Hou lets out a shorter little breath, visibly dizzy with arousal, especially when he sees Hao Nera’s smile in response.

“Well well well,” he rumbles. “More work for me, but they say a labor of love is no labor at all. And I do so love to make you both whimper for me.”

Li Shu laughs, blowing him a brazen little kiss, and Qen Hou can’t help but snort his own laugh too. “Gods above, the depths to which I have sunk,” he says with a little laugh of his own.

“Gimme a minute and I’ll be sinking into your depths,” Hao Nera counters, which leaves Qen hou rolling his eyes and has Li Shu briefly cackle.

“At least let me get him ready!” she chastises lightly, kicking her underwear over towards Hao Nera with a mix of playful teasing and cultivator’s technique that sees him have to dodge or have it hit him in the eye. He grabs it out of the air, sending her a playful kiss as he does, but this time she ignores him. Lowering her fingers towards her rear she rolls the lube between them, making sure it’s at least a little warmed up. She has to arch her back a bit to reach properly, but slowly and carefully she massages it around her rim, lowering herself down to the bed with her knees up to give off a bit of a show. Slowly, carefully, she starts to press in a finger.

“Mmh!” she says, a bit surprised. “It’s… different. Definitely a bit… weird.”

“Bad weird?” Qen Hou asks. 

“Not… not really. Just different. Not good, not yet, but… might be different for you.”

“Not right away,” Hao Nera says, walking over to the bed now. “There’s a sweet spot one can find, but it’s not immediate. Not for any but the luckiest, anyways. Want to see if you’re lucky, princeling?”

“...It wouldn’t be a disappointment per se.”

“Mmh. Doing ok, honored healer?”

She nods, somewhat muffling the movement as she’s pressed face down at the moment. She’s down to the second knuckle on her middle finger, making sure to spread evenly and carefully. While there isn’t much in terms of enjoyment yet, a bit of wetness has started to form between her lips from the way Hao Nera purrs and the proximity to naked skin she’s sharing with Qen Hou. 

Qen Hou, in turn, is finishing disrobing, getting some help from Hao Nera in the form of a yank that pulls his pants off in one swift move and casts them to the other side of the room. As she warms herself up, she watches Hao Nera lean over Qen Hou, shorter beard against smooth-shaven face, and hears Qen Hou’s breathing, hot and heavy, juxtaposed with the slow, rolling purr that comes from their bandit. She pushes in a little deeper, taking her time, getting a feel for the stretching of it… and then slowly pulling back out. In… and out. In and out, nice and slowly.

Hao Nera’s hand is going lower, starting to tease and stroke Qen Hou, whose hands are roaming over over his shoulders, up along his chest. Hilariously for how much lean muscle Qen Hou has compared to Hao Nera’s bulkier frame, and for how they act around each other, Li Shu knows for a fact that the former can output two, maybe three times as much force as the latter. Shorter, whimpering, and pretty in his own way, he could crush Hao Nera’s ribcage with one hand… and instead he explores it, softly, no longer hesitant like he was but almost comically light.

Hao Nera, on the other hand, is more forceful, a swagger that he often plays up now smoother and more confident in their intimacy. He reaches around and lifts Qen Hou by the waist, deepening the kiss, pulling him up and rubbing their hips together.

Li Shu makes a noise, a finger going particularly deep, listening to them moan and whimper. Hao Nera, ever attentive, immediately shifts his focus, one leg between Qen Hou’s and grinding the “princeling” against his thigh as he leans over to Li Shu. One hand goes through Qen Hou’s hair, pulling it back to expose his throat, while the other lifts Li Shu up a bit by the chin, just enough that he can kiss her, lighter than with Qen Hou, softer.

She makes a little noise, something small and quiet, and it’s more than enough. He pulls her hips over to him, eliciting a little squeal as her fingers slip back out and as he yanks her in between him and Qen Hou.

“Warm him up for us, won’t you?”

She gives a little purr in affirmation, reaching down to Qen Hou. She still remembers when he was pursuing her back in Paleblossom city, how he’d been oh-so-proper. A regular little young lordling, a sect cultivator pursuing a cute little healer well in his reach. He breathes, soft and deep, as she reaches down into him, oil-slick trail pushing against his ring as he squirms, rock hard and pressed down by Hao Nera’s grip in his hair and the press of his body over him. She circles it slow, taking her time, being gentle about it even as Hao Nera grinds himself against Qen Hou, eliciting more than a few soft moans out of him. 

Li Shu reaches back, cultivation allowing her to pluck up the bottle from where it lays back towards her. She wets her other hand and reaches around, even as she refreshes the lube over Qen Hou’s ass. Smiling impishly, she makes a pocket of her palm. Hao Nera takes the hint, offering up a kiss along her jawline as he shifts himself and Qen Hou up and slowly uses it as a sort of pocket to frot them together, the lubricant making things flow easier and having enough of an effect that Qen Hou bucks his hips a bit as his breathing stutters.

All in all, it brings back some positive memories of their first night, though it took a lot less time to warm them both up this time around. Qen Hou is moaning, moving his hips, and as he does, Li Shu takes the opportunity to arc up her finger, beginning to stretch him out too. He gasps, and squirms, and is only cowed when Hao Nera starts to kiss his way down his throat, pulling his hair back and pressing him down, chest to chest.

A rush of warmth, a mix of alarm and arousal, pulses from Qen Hou as his Qi is kicked up by her pushing up to her first knuckle in him, and Hao Nera chuckles. He cycles Qi in return, his presence growing ephemeral, lightening the pressure on Qen Hou. He’s not gone, not the way he can turn up his sort of “intangibility”, but it’s enough that there’s less a sense of claustrophobia, less anxiety about performing or being responsive. Qen Hou relaxes a bit, though not as much as that first night, more comfortable with Hao Nera’s attention- not that that’s gone. His hair is still tangled in Hao Nera’s fingers, his cock still rubbing against their lover’s while they push into Li Shu’s hand, it’s just that the thought of being around someone, of being seen, is lightened enough that it avoids overstimulating him.

Li Shu, of course, takes the opportunity of his relaxing ever-so-slightly to slip a bit further into him, up to the second knuckle. He moans this time, and she pushes a bit further, trusting in a cultivator’s constitution to be more than capable of holding up to a bit of stress. Almost as soon as she does, she finds a small little bump, at the very edge of her touch, and-

Qen Hou bucks his hip, gasps, loud, and from how he clenches his whole body she’s pretty sure he almost came right there, out of sheer surprise if nothing else.

“Hah!” Hao Nera laughs, stopping his Qi-usage as he comes back into perception. “Goodness me, you are sensitive! Li Shu, think it’s all that fire Qi, keeps him hot and ready to pop?”

She rolls her eyes at him, even as Hao Nera starts kissing his way down Qen Hou’s body. Li Shu keeps her focus, one hand stroking Qen Hou, the other pulling her finger back a little, putting a second finger against his ring and pressing lightly. He tenses, but not in a bad way, and as Hao Nera kisses his neck, his chest, his stomach down to his hips, he actually pushes back into her a bit. She rewards him with a quick peck on the cheek- for all that their relationship has improved, they’re not… romantic? Friends, trusted allies, intimate enough to be lovers, but if anything, it’s more like they’re both dating Hao Nera. Or like he’s dating Hao Nera, and she’s more-than-friends with both of them? 

Ah, labels. Useful until they’re not. 

Hao Nera takes over for her on Qen Hou’s cock, and she takes her hand away to focus on herself, stretching herself as she stretches her partner. She can feel herself getting warmer, getting used to the sensation, her thighs rubbing together to provide a bit of stimulation…

Hao Nera comes up for air, his lips wet with lubricant, Qen Hou’s cock absolutely trembling, and starts to climb back up his body. He aligns himself with Qen Hou’s ass, Li Shu pulling her fingers out and letting him breathe.

“Moment of truth, princeling,” he whispers. “You up for the plunge?”

Qen Hou is quiet for a moment, breathing hard, painfully erect, warming the space around him in the vague glow of his Qi… and nods.

Hao Nera takes his time. He’s been plenty careful, and Li Shu expected the trend to continue, but there’s a bit of relief that he’s being so attentive, taking his time. He moves his hips slowly, letting Qen Hou adjust, letting the space between them shrink gradually, calmly. By the time he’s bottoming out inside him, Hao Nera is smiling, soft, playing lightly with Qen Hou’s cock as Li Shu plays with his hair, letting her Qi flow into him, alleviating stresses, keeping tension light. And Qen Hou gives out the loudest, longest, most breathless moan she’s ever heard.

She can’t help it. Li Shu laughs.

Qen Hou immediately blushes crimson, and she has to start patting him on the head and giving him little kisses on the cheek. “I’m sorry! It was just funny! You’re doing so good!”

He grumbles something, recovering his wits a bit to retort, but Hao Nera shuts him up with a new thrust and he ends up choking on his words, eyes closed tight and biting his lip.

It doesn’t take much longer for Hao Nera to start speeding up. Not much; cultivator or not, stronger than either of his partners or not, the point of the experience is pleasure of all parties. He keeps his pace steady, his movement consistent, though Li Shu can feel through her Qi and its connection to biology how he’s hitting a really good spot, over and over. Qen Hou starts whimpering not long after, panting, straining, and Hao Nera keeps one hand on his hops, pulling him in, and another holding his partner’s hand tight, letting him squeeze. Qen Hou, ever thoughtful, makes sure in turn not to shatter all his fingers through their grip. Li Shu keeps herself focused, taking care of Qen Hou, keeping an eye on Hao Nera, focusing on her own preparations- but is pleasantly surprised as Hao Nera uses his larger frame to reach a bit over Qen Hou and kisses her, long and deeply enough that she gets a little dizzy by the end of it.

Qen Hou whimpers, louder, and the bed flexes a bit as the temperature spikes, and a half-dozen candles about the room flare a mercury-white and dark purple- and then he starts shooting ropes over himself, cumming hard. Li Shu feels a warm splatter on her face and shoulder, Hao Nera gets his torso painted- and uses it as an opportunity to give a few long, hard final thrusts, each one a bit slower but absolutely hitting Qen Hou’s sweet spot, to the point that they both watch the flame cultivator’s eyes literally roll back. It only ends when he collapses, exhausted and boneless, to the bed, the flames sputtering back to their normal coloration as he intakes a breath as deep as she’s heard. 

He sighs back out just as contentedly a moment later.

“...ok so I have to ask, was that a normal amount?” Li Shu inquires.

Hao Nera shrugs. “You’re the doctor, not me. Probably a cultivator thing, though, I’ve had buds before that could cum even more than this.”

“You really are borderline insatiable, huh?”

He smiles. Pulls out of Qen Hou slowly, gently. And shows off the fact that he’s still rock hard.

“Eager to find out exactly how much?” he asks.

She laughs, and sits up to grab the back of Hao Nera’s head and kiss him. He kisses back, with quite a bit of force compared to how he was with Qen Hou. He knows already that, especially after a show like that, she’s not interested in the subtle stuff right now.

She touches her body a bit. It’s something she’s been planning, something she’s been working on, and with the use of her Qi, already specialized in altering bodies and assisting in natural functions, she feels herself loosen. Relax. Her bloodflow improves, ever so slightly, and she feels her pupils dilate and her muscles untense.

She pulls away from the kiss, planting herself back into the bed, back arched, knees high, and ass entirely presented. Qen Hou stirs a bit at the movement, his eyes swimming back into focus in time to see Hao Nera looming over her and take hold of her hand.

She smiles back over at Hao Nera.

“I’d appreciate it if you weren’t as polite this time around, hmm?”

Hao Nera laughs, and does as he’s told.

He grabs her by her hair, pulls her head back to make her arch back even further, and aligns and thrusts in one motion.

It’s still weird, still a bit of a not-quite pleasant thing… but one hand on her pussy, parting her lips, pushing into herself in tune with his thrusts, and things are changing pretty quick. She gasps, loud, lets out a moan barely more restrained than Qen Hou, to which he laughs.

She shushes him, sticks her tongue out at him, and then has to pull it back immediately as she almost bites it. Hao Nera thrusts, harder, faster, and she feels herself get wetter, feels herself get a bit louder. Qen Hou lets one hand wander down to her pussy, low and slow and a bit hesitant, and she gives an appreciate murmur as he does. It’s not his preference, that’s been made clear between them by now, but she knows he’s doing it more out of kindness and care than any deeper desire. That doesn’t stop either of them from enjoying it, and it doesn’t stop it from being a kind act.

She gasps, low and loud, her Qi flowing out in little patterns. She has to struggle to contain it, worried about what her particularly delicate and dangerous Qi might do, but then Hao Nera thrusts harder, and she hits a sweet spot in her pussy, and all of a sudden her legs are trembling and her body is trembling and there is a gushing of cum from her and-

Her Qi shoots out in a wave, small and light as a feather but a ripple nonetheless, and somehow she’s both here and there and everywhere. She is in her body, feeling her nerves come alight, feeling herself shake and whimper as something within her breaks free at last, and she is in her Qi, glowing, flowing, seeing those nerves moving, seeing the blood moving through veins, feeling Hao Nera’s muscles clenching and relaxing sequentially, feeling Qen Hou’s hormonal fluxes from recent orgasm-

In a moment of detached interest as her body shudders in joyous climax, she wonders what happens if she pushes this nerve cluster that’s lighting up. Just a bit. Just a teeny, tiny little touch.

“Woah, woa-”

Hao Nera explodes into her. She is clenching on him, and he’s still going, and now his hands are grabbed to her hips and he is gasping like a drowning man and his body is sending feedback of a flood of chemicals gushing through him. She feels him flood into her, hot and wet and a bit sticky and pulsing alongside his bloodflow, his cock twitching inside her hard.

And, conveniently as it turns out, having him cum that much harder in her really does push her over the edge again. Smaller this time, a micro version of what came before, but gods damn.

Hao Nera collapses on top of her, to which she can give a squeak at best as she is smushed beneath his weight and Qen Hou laughs.

“And here I thought we’d be a bit more equal. You sure you’ve never done this before, healer?”

She mumbles something incoherent from under Hao Nera, a mix of a very pleased groan, a whimper, and a grumbled sort of “fuck you”.

“Ok,” Hao Nera pants, barely breathing. “You… have got. To tell me. How you did that.”

She laughs softly underneath him. “Would you believe me if I said accidental and unethical medicine?”

He groans, still utterly limp. “You fucking would.”

Qen Hou mumbles something.

“Hmm?” she asks.

“Is there… uh… any chance for round two?” 


Cassandra Alys Walker (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-09 13:47:03 This sounds like my kind of party
2024-06-04 12:42:24 This sounds like my kind of party

This sounds like my kind of party