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AAAAH! It's August! And I'm LATE!

As you can probably guess, summer isn't terribly good for staying organised. Between Nessa making me jealous of her right-around-the-corner beach access, me dying of heat waves I'm not evolved to function during and all of Team Nessassity having forgotten the concept of sleep schedule, it's been a bit challenging to get anything done.

Well... we've done a lot of "research" on cute animal ears over the past couple of weeks. Does that count?

But silliness aside, sunny days and Final Fantasy raid nights haven't completely destroyed our productivity (yet).
While MEC: Omega and MEC: Asari narrative content have fallen victim to my distractedness and been pushed back a bit, work on Elves of Stellaris and [REDACTED] continues on schedule! (Well... something resembling a schedule).
So in today's Monthly Mod Report, we'll go over all the new additions!

Elves of Stellaris

Last month, I teased early WIPs of the "dreadnought" or, as it's come to be known to us since then, battleship2. What shouldn't come as a surprise to anybody, Nessa has once again outdone herself! Let's take a look at the new battleship variant's final form:

I've never been so excited to have big spooky glowy red NOPES crawling all over my screen! And speaking of red and glowy...

GLOW 2.0! It's usually a bit of an overkill on warships given their relatively small size and ubiquity and performance-taxing activities, but we've been toying with the idea of mixing in GLOW 2.0 elements into our ship designs in subtle ways. We'll see how it works out, and if we like the results... well, you know how much we love GLOW 2.0!

Oh! But of course, Drow ships come in two variants, the Tulshar Red and Eilistraeen Purple. Up to this point, the only difference has been the glowy pattern. Red was NOPE, purple was a thorny vine. However, they both shared the same cobweb plating and... you have to admit it didn't quite make sense on the purple variant.

So! We've decided to differentiate it further by giving it a new plating pattern!

It's a lot less visible from afar, but if you're familiar with our other big shipset, MEC: Asari, you might have an idea how it works. In fact, this pattern may seem very similar n_n
While the cobweb is intended to pop in the dark, the Asari-style plating looks incredible when reflecting light! It may still require some tuning and adjustment to account for the black diffuse texture, but we're very happy with how it looks already, so you can expect all of the Eilistraeen Purple ships and structures to retroactively adopt this new look in the near future!

And speaking of near future, let's have a look at the next ship currently in development - the Titan!

For now, only the outer armour is finished so it may not be inspiring all the awe and terror it's supposed to, but don't worry, it will! That huge hollowed-out section in the middle is where the gun goes! And if there's one thing you can learn about Team Nessassity within 5 seconds of interacting with any of us, it's that we love big ships, big explosions and big guns that turn big ships into big explosions!

BUT it's not all! Before we close it out, let me tease you with some more concept art - mining/research stations and defence platforms.

They're towards the end of our list of things to tackle (warships take priority, followed by civilian ships, starbases and then small stations) so it's going to be a little while until we get to implementing these, but at this rate, it still may be sooner than we expect! We've been on a roll with Drow ships and we have no intention of slowing down!

But I do have an intention of ending this post before it becomes a novel! Thank you as always for taking your time to keep up with our shenanigans and for supporting our work <3

There's a lot more coming from Team Nessassity in the foreseeable future and I'll see you next month to talk some more about our other projects as well. Until then, have fun playing Stellaris and/or enjoying your summer to the fullest!




I’m actually very interested in your findings on cute animal ears! What did the research show? =0