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Hai! Today I'll be posting my first Unannounced Project! Before we proceed, let me explain what that means and why this and some other things in the future may be (not) announced the same way.

All patrons occasionally get to see exclusive sneak peeks of upcoming stuff and they will continue to do so! But this is the first time I'll be showing something that hasn't entered full production yet. While this means it's not going to be released for a long time, it does give you a chance to get involved at the embryonic stage of the project, probably the best time to offer your ideas! 

The projects you can expect to see under this label more often than not are very early, very rough drafts of stuff that we have big plans for but have barely started on. Everything about them is subject to change and more often than not the release date is impossible to predict at this point.

Our policy is generally not to announce anything until the fundamentals are set in stone and we have something finished to show off. The reason Unannounced Projects are unannounced is because we are not 100% certain that they will be released, in this form or at all. At this early stage, they may still be scrapped and their assets repurposed for something else. It's something that happens a lot in software development but is almost every time met with feelings of betrayal and broken promises from the general public. So we generally keep it to ourselves.

But if there is a demographic I can trust to understand it and not overreact to potentially drastic changes of plans, I hope I can count my most dedicated patrons amongst it n_n

Unannounced Project posts are accessible to  SENPAI THINKS OF YOU! ($5) level patrons and above. But don't worry if you do not qualify! Once a project enters full production and has a solid enough foundation that its release is a certainty, all Unannounced Project posts related to it become declassified and available to all patrons (who still get to see it long before the general public!)

The first Unannounced Project, codename: One Rule, is scheduled to be (not) announced today!


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