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You would NOT believe how long it took us to even conceptualise the thing. We've gone through several iterations, from giant satellites to adaptations of existing Mass Effect station designs.

But eventually we decided to take a step back and try for a more Stellaris-like look. We actually do like the way vanilla Sentry Arrays look, we were just very unhappy with the fact that all vanilla shipsets use the exact same model for it.

So what we ultimately settled on is a fusion of our established space structure style and the vanilla Sentry Array. The result is (hopefully) a recognisable silhouette that should tell you at first glance what kind of megastructure you're dealing with.

However, that's not all! This picture is just an early WIP, we're still not done adding details to it and it's yet to be mapped and textured. And oh! Of course, moving parts! The animated structures in Asari Civ and Elves of Stellaris were received with overwhelming positivity! And we love them too so we'll definitely try and incorporate more animations into future designs n_n




Also, who redesigned Patreon and MOVED ALL MY BUTTONS? Awww I'm going to be so lost for a while, I'd barely started to get used to the old UI! XD


They noticed that your search time for the buttons decreased. Therefore they hide them again so your fun searching them won't go away. ^^ I must say that the most horrible thing for me is the new Patreon logo. The Sentry looks good so far. I'm excited for the animations!

Andrew Topperwien

The animations really bring the structures to life :-)