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NTR Quest - Odyssey 35 - Harem Maintenance

  • "They kind of have to be." 8
  • "Things don't have to be different." 3
  • 2024-03-02
  • 11 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 35 - Harem Maintenance ', 'choices': [{'text': '"They kind of have to be."', 'votes': 8}, {'text': '"Things don\'t have to be different."', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 3, 2, 1, 11, 17, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 11}


“I'd love to continue the, uh... 'Tour' but I have to attend to my own people. This is a far stranger place for them than it is for me. I don't know how they'll adjust to having to be underwater constantly.” You explained. Trita seemed sad, but understanding.

“That actually was not an issue.”


“Some of use Seafolk are creatures that do require oxygen some of the time. For that reason we do have  structures where interior is dry with an airlock. They're made for quick, comfortable stays just so those folk do not have to go to the surface every single time they need to breath.”

“Oh! That's handy. So they all go put up in one of those buildings.”

She nodded. “I will take you there.” She offered.

“Thank you, Grand Chamberlain.” You stop to think.
“Come to think of it, what would be the name for the position above you?”

She considers the question as she leads you steadily to your destination. “Good question. You are over all of us, but you are not a tyrant so far. You seem fair, like you want to preside over us relatively equally. Ah!” She smiled.

“Presaedent? Sounds fine to me.” You did not particularly care. You liked the way it sounded, anyway.

The structure she brought you to was something building into the side of a sheer cliff. There were many spots but unlike a normal structure on the surface there was no need for any pathways to the entrances. They could simply be swam up to. It struck you that the place was like a vertical inn.
“Your people are in the first, second, third, fourth and fifth spots. Your family, Your two women, The Gnoll, the small Prince and the Aniyub. In that order.

“Clever way to split things.” You remarked.
“You managed to split everyone into their respective groups without even knowing them.”

“We inferred a bit. In any case, I will leave you be for now.” She swam away.

As decided you swam up to the second entrance and knocked. The door opened into a hallway filled with water. You swam down it and to your surprise found it began to go up. You swam up into a small little circle of surface water, finally arriving in the air-filled room. It was a shock to see things so dry.
“Oh this is clever!” You complimented.

“Right?” Jeane chuckled.

You pulled yourself up into the room. “How are you two handling things?”

“Finding not much to do.” Jeane sighed.

“How about you, Teuta?” You smiled at her and went to sit beside the priestess on the bed, rubbing her shoulders.
“How have you been handling yourself?”

Teuta closed her eyes and smiled. “I don't know. Is this how normal people feel? I abstained the whole time and now I'm so hot and excited to see you.” She leaned on you affectionately, crawling into your lap. You felt like it would be wrong to refuse her after you asked her to abstain from doing it with others. You kissed her deeply, pushing your tongue between her lips. Her tongue circled yours, saliva mixing. She moaned a little, hugging around your neck.
“I want it...” She mewled. You smiled, pulling her into your chest. You both scrambled to remove your bottoms. She straddled you eagerly, seeming like a parched wanderer that just found water in the desert as she lowered herself over your cock and began riding. She closed her eyes and threw her head back.
“Hnnn.. Ah!” Teuta breathed.
“It's so good!”

You chuckled. “How's it so good when nothing's changed?”

“I just wanted it more, maybe.” She admitted. The two of you continued to entwine comfortably for the next half hour. Riding, cuddling. You had far more control over your body than before. It was still difficult to hold back your orgasm, but it felt far more possible, even while the tight priestess's sex was tightening and sucking in your cock. Since she had been so good in waiting, you wanted her to tire out before you stopped. Eventually, as she started to slow down simply due to her body not being able to take anymore you came. She sighed comfortably, remaining in your lap until you pulled free. Teuta breathed evenly.
“I think... I can finally say this works.”

“Oh?” You let her continue to lean against your chest, stroking her smooth blonde hair. It had been made a little rough and tangled by the water.

“After I stopped justifying to myself why I was doing it, I thought maybe I was just a dumb slut that needed dick.” She paused.
“Maybe that's true, but I can wait for your dick as long as I need to.”

“Eh...” You scratched your head.
“You're not a dumb slut. But... I'm very flattered and happy for you in regards to the other things.”

“Thanks.” Teuta cuddled against you comfortably. Jeane sat down next to the two of you. You placed a hand over her.
“How are you feeling?”


You nodded, almost letting that fly over your head. After it sank in you blinked and did a double take towards her.

She nodded\ shyly. “Yes.”

Teuta slid off your lap to lay down on the bed. You moved closer to Jeane and draped and arm around her shoulder.
“What do we know at the moment? Boy or a girl?”

“Nothing like that.” She smiled, leaning into your side.
“I am just glad you are reacting like this. There was a lot of uncomfortable talk about concubines and other things and... You never seemed that interested. I was worried you would be troubled.”

“I'm just surprised. I'm not troubled. Do you think it was before or after...” You motioned towards yourself.


You felt relieved. You were not sure if it would matter but you would still rather the child be Human or Elf rather than... Whatever you are.
“Good. That's good.” You smiled and hugged.
“I'm a bit excited now that I'm hearing about it.”


“And... A little frustrated that you told me after we came down here. I don't want you going through anything that could harm the baby.” You explained.

“I understand but I got a bad feeling from those people we left behind. I think I am safer taking my chances here.”

“Thinking about it... Yeah, you're probably right. You're safer here than anywhere else.” You furrowed your brow.
“I'm not sure what to do. Is it safe to have sex with you like this?”

Jeane chuckled. “It wont hurt the baby so long as you are only as rough as usual.”

“That's a relief.” You kissed her on the cheek, then the lips. She laid back and closed her eyes as you slide to her side and continued kissing around her neck. Eventually she spread her legs wide, wrapping them around your back. You went another round, pumping into her carefully.

Jeane opened her eyes. “I said you could be as rough as usual.”

“O-oh! Sorry, I was just nervous.”

She smirked. “Come on. I have also been left without you for too long, Fin.” She uttered affectionately, with a hint of mild frustration.

You gave her a nod. “Got it!” Then lifted her under her rear and began roughly rutting into her. She grabbed the sheets and mewled for you, cumming after a few thrusts.
“Haaah...” She let out, panting already.

“You're a bit more weak than Teuta, huh?”

“Who can have sex for... That long. I am already so tired.”

“Maybe it's hormones?” Teuta mentioned, laying on her side with her hand idly in her sex.

Jeane nodded self-consciously. “Maybe. I did not want things to be different.”



If Jeanne's pregnant that actually probably complicates things for when Lad and Fin meet. Gonna be some drama if Lad shows up and is like "Ok Fin, I know you have several loving relationships and a child on the way, but I need you to destroy the world so another world you don't remember continues to exist."


Also, question about how pregnancy works in the sim: would Fin and Jeane's child here be the sim-carnation of one of their kids from the real world? Or would it be an entirely new being with a distinct core? And is it possible for entirely new life to be born in the sim with no connection to the world outside of it?

Roland Taranis

This is where I think it's important for Lad to try to find his own solution for the Sim problem. With Cao's help, I feel like it is in the realm of possibilities to allow people from the Sim to get out of it without returning to the planet's Core (dying). The big trouble on the horizon is that Fin & Fiona are prepping to kill Cao at first sight...