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You awake in the center of a circle that includes all your friends. You sit bolt upright as you  return to the world of the living, even though for you it simply felt like any other sleep. You pan your gaze over all the friendly faces.

“We all decided that we could not do this without you.” Shadowheart claims with fraudulent smile.


Asterion snorts. “We had a spirited discussion.”

“Oh.” You stand and dust yourself off.
“Thank you, everyone!” Opening your arms, everyone takes a step back.
“I said... Thank you, everyone!”

Karlach cringes. “No offense, Dove, but I'll give it a minute or two just to make sure I don't get struck by lightning.”

“Alright.” You pout sadly before the Barbarian.

“Oh fuck it!” Karlach caves immediately and rushes forward, picking you up into a big bear hug.
“Glad you're back. But... Don't go daring gods to kill you, yeah?”

“I learned my lesson.” You claim without a hint of truth behind it. Only Asterion winks at you. You pull him aside.
“I'm glad you had my back. You wanna go grab a bite?”

“Dinner with a beautiful woman that just came back from the dead? Now that is an offer I can't refuse.” You take his hand and guide him somewhere dark and quiet.
“What brought this on, aside from your usual morbid fascination with seeking your own death?”

You shrug. “I really just need to be taken advantage of by someone right now. It was traumatizing, not knowing if I would wake up.”

A giggle escapes his thin lips. He touches them curiously. “You know, Darling, I'm starting to think that this relationship might be a bit toxic.”

“Eh?” Without further adieu he latches onto your neck like a snake and begins sucking the warm vitae within. You moan, immediately losing yourself to the feeling. The idea him taking all of you into himself and you slipping away fills your mind. It is intoxicating. Perhaps that is what he meant? Asterion learned from the last incident, however. Once he had his fill he releases you, a bit woozy but no worse for wear. He licks the twin prick points to stop them bleeding and pulls back, smiling at you like he had just had sex. You fan yourself.

“I'll take it as a compliment.” He says slyly.

“Oh, should we have sex, too?”

“No, I'm fine.” He said flatly, waving you off.


Your part approached the entrance to the Goblin camp. With nothing in life being easy, the Goblins present a blockade of archers, worgs and fire flanking the road to funnel all who approach into a choke point. The wooden walls are build into the mountain and seem sturdy. As you approach, you realize you will be flanked on all sides.

“What do we do?” Shadowheart whispers.

“They're just Goblins at the end of the day.” Karlach shrugs.

“Naturally-” You begin to speak.

“Oh gods...” Shadowheart mutters, bracing herself.

“-we walk up and I'll use my 'Drowness' to force them to let us pass. They can't say no.”

“Good thinkin', Dove!” Karlach compliments.

“That's not good thinking!” Shadowheart exclaims.
“That worked once! This is a fortress we are infiltrating and they are not simply going to let us pass because one of us happens to be a Drow.” You give her a smug look before she finishes speak.
“How can you be so confident?” She asks in an annoyed tone.

You do not want to say that you win regardless of whether the Goblins let you through or capture you. They are known for being quite cruel and without mercy. It sounds positively glorious. You begin to walk, regardless of whether the others follow you. After a few steps they do follow cautiously. Karlach is right, after all, if worst comes to worst they are just goblins. You approach the one that is posturing as though he is in charge. He has positioned himself in the center of the rogue with a beast at either side of him. You wonder what he would have them do to you were you to act belligerent. A subtle, dangerous smile crosses your lips at the thought.

The Goblin male, sensing malicious intent, takes a cautious step backwards, lowering his head in your presence.
“Uhh...” He can not seem to find the right words. You stop in front of him, a few feet away. You stare at the Goblin expectantly, brows raised and red eyes wide and unblinking. Your shadow is cast over her, both figuratively, and literally. A bead of sweat rolls down his small brow during the standoff.

You touch your chin in thought. `I may need to be a bit more bold if I'm going to have this man punish and capture me.` Your smile widens as you regard the muck. There is an ample mixture of dirt, water and feces from the Worgs. You lift your chin haughtily.
“I am... Meant to soil my feet in this mud.”

“N-no!” The Goblin stammered, waving his hands in front of him.
“Of course not, my Lady!” He says while desperately looking around.

You laugh. “You seem to be looking for something, however, in a moment I will begin walking and I wonder what will happen if the soles of my shoes are soiled.”

“Shit! Shit!” he gives one more cursory glance about before throwing himself on the ground, face first in the dirt and shit as you take your first step. Your foot extends to land on his back. You take another big step and hop over the muck nimbly.

You turn around on the other side. He is lifting his face up, dirty and brown. A good color for his green skin. You make an annoyed sound. He gasps, wondering what he did wrong.

`He's trying to make this boring. I have to push him more. Something's got to give.` You point towards your party.
“Them too.”

“Of- of course...” He grumbles. Hesitantly, everyone except Karlach walks over the Goblin. Karlach hops to the other side in consideration of the poor fellow.

Shadowheart whispers to you begrudgingly. “I suppose I can no longer deny your... 'Drowness.'”

“Thanks.” You shrug, moving on.

The camp is lively as you get in. Goblin children are running around, people feasting and there is even a bard singing tales of their Hobgoblin leader. You join the children in throwing a stone at him. They cheer your marvelous aim as it wings him in the eye. The Goblin attending to him becomes angered, but she can not do anything against you, so she simply retreats into the fortress with her toy. You find more fun and games to be had, like a circus, but Shadowheart will not allow you to dally. You are urged towards the entrance. You simply walk past the ogre guarding the exterior door and finally arrive in front of a Goblin with a spine. He has enough of one to stop you.

“Oi! What're you lot?”

“Yes, hello. I am a Drow.” You state.

“Right...” The wheels in his head are spinning slowly.
“So, what're you lot?”

“Yes, hello. I am a Drow.” You say again

“Wot? You tryin' to trick me?”

“Actually... I am a Drow.”

Shadowheart pulls you aside. “What are you doing!? You can speak with a  serpents tongue so why are you acting stupid?”

You wink at her. “All part of the plan.” You turn back towards the Goblin. He looks at you.

“Uh... Wot?”

Yes, hello. I am a Drow and I am coming to meet my good friend...” You trail off, nodding with bright eyes and a long smile.

“Min... Thara?”

“Yes!” You nod and point.
“Minthara. That is a name that I have definitely heard before. I am here to see the attractive Drow woman, Minthara.”

He looks at you strangely. “Wot?”

“Yes, Hello. I am a Drow.” You smile.

“Oh, okay. Go on through, then.” He waves you all by.

Asterion asks in hushed tone. “Did you hypnotize him?”

“Some may call it that.” You hold your head high.

“Alright, but what did you actually do?” He asks impatiently.

“I played the Drow Card.”

“Oh, I see! Such a subtle trick!” He exclaims sarcastically.

“Please. Subtle Trick was my nickname back home.” You offer proudly.

Karlach blinks. “Wot?”

You enter into a grand, dimly lit chamber. Every corner and shadow a place an archer or a shaman could be hiding. At the center of it all sits a comfortable, old Goblin sage. She is applying brands to her followers with a hot poker. You find the prospect.
“I may need to take this one on behalf of you all.” You claim.

“Why?” Asterion asks.

“No one really asked you to, Dove.” Karlach follows you up, as you are already moving.

As you approach the Goblin you get a strange sensation. The emperor speaks into your mind. `This is a True Soul. You may take her tadpole if you wish to grow your power.` He explains. After a short pause of you staring ahead blankly he says more assertively.

`You will taker her tadpole and grow your own power...`

You blush. “Yes!”

“Eh?” The old woman stares at you cautiously.
“True Soul, are ya?”

“Yes.” You nod.

“Come to get branded? Alright then, give us yer hand. Give it here.”

“Do my lower back.” You ask, turning around and lifting your shirt to expose your lower back and the crack of your rear. The woman shrugs and pushes the hot stick into your skin, holding it there until the symbol was seared into your flesh. She only pulled back as you moaned.

“Oh god... Yes.” If you were not already smoking from the new tramp stamp, you would wish you were.

“You uh... Got somethin' wrong with your head there?” The woman asks.

“Yes.” You offer eagerly.

“Oh yeah, I can tell. You're a special one, you are.”

“I am very special.” You agree.

“I'm a healer, and you're one of us now, so why don't I try and treat that headache of yours? Without your friends around. They got all their brain bits in the right order already.”

“It's obviously a tr-” Astarion mutters behind you.

“Sounds fine!” You say loudly.
“Let's go.”

You follow the Goblin Priestess to a more private location. The door is shut behind you, separating you both from prying eyes and ears.
“Alright, now that we're alone... You must havin' a terrible go of it. Headaches, ear and nose bleedin'.”

“I even have voices in my head, doc! I'm really messed up...” You whine.

“All right, all right. You just drink this potion. It'll-” You grab it promptly and down the whole thing in three seconds by swirling the liquid to allow it to escape faster. The Priestess is dumbfounded.
“Didn't even tell you what it did...”

You look down on the woman smugly. A mastermind at work. “The thing is, dear Goblin. I am immune to poison. Now that I have you-”

“It's a sleepin' potion, luv.” She says frankly.

“Oh.” You fall forward onto your pretty face.


You awake some time later in a cell. It lies adjacent to a crumbled excuse for a bedroom. It has the luxuries that one would struggle to find easily. She is a hoarder. You look up, still woozy from the potion.
“Absolute's got questions about that wriggler in your skull.” Guy says forcefully. You look down and see yourself wrapped in a chain that is far too big to hold you. It is like you were restrained by an amateur. It is faintly frustrating, but you hone in on her question.


“Heh heh. That's alright. Already know your headed for the after life. Teeth fall out, hair slicks off. Skin tears. You're gonna become on of them soon enough. Then I'll have you all to myself. My own little squiddy pet.”

“Oh, that's not actually gonna happen, but I'll be your pet for a while.” You stand up, rolling your wrists as you look around. Guy steps back cautiously.
“You! How'd you get out!?”

“I'm basically a twig and you used a big chain and shackles.” You walk over to the wall.
“Here... These.” You point to a pair of smaller shackles with a weaker, thinner chain on them.
“If you use these, my wrists wont slip through.” You hold out your hands while looking away awkwardly, like an experienced lover giving hints to their partner during their first time.

“But it's smaller.” She argues.

“Yeah, my wrists are smaller and I'm weaker.” The shackles slide around and close uncomfortably tight.
“There you go... No way I get out of these.”

“Huh. Thanks for the tip.”

After a day you are already serving at your new Master's side. You proved yourself adequately already. She keeps you barely clothed with nothing but a collar. It seems perverse on her part, but it was actually your own suggestion. To be frank, the Goblin Gut simply does not know what to do with you. You offer many favors, but she seems quite unnerved around you. She is content with accepting your servitude and your submissive appearance. That is all.

As another day passes you begin to be fed up with the lack of any kind of initiative on the Priestess's part. Sure, she is cruel, but barely to your liking. She even refuses to subjugate you to the extent that you could find joy in the little things she has you doing. You sit naked on the side of her bed, resting a hand on her small Goblin paw.  You sigh.
“I think we both know this isn't going to work out.”

“Yeah... It was fun, but all in all, you're a bit much.”

“I know.” You chuckle.
“So, I can go?”

“No, I'm gonna kill ya.”

“Oh. Hmm.” You wonder what to do. It will be inconvenient for your friends to both find your body and revive you again. Suddenly the Priestess falls forward. You check her.
“Dead?” You look up and see at the side of the bed a dwarf woman with curly dark hair, narrow black eyes and freckles over her nose and cheeks.

She stares at you. “We aren't going to talk about this.”

“Why'd you save me? Is it my natural charm?” You ask seriously.

“What? No... It's my master. He wanted me to watch you and make sure you didn't meet an unfortunate demise.”


“The one and the same.” She smiles.

“Does he talk about me? I'm still down to give up my soul for basically nothing!”

She nods slowly in disbelief, both brows raised. “Alright. Bye.”



Jane Hexum

i really look forward to Loviatsrs blessing stripping down naked give+4 bonus i'm not joking this this is in Game XD

Tanya Wormald

Many people will not believe how much of this stuff is in the game. I actually skipped a toe sucking scene.