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NTR Quest - Odyssey 33 - Seafolk Vassals

  • Merfolk Deligate 6
  • Squidfolk Deligate 6
  • 2024-02-16
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 33 - Seafolk Vassals', 'choices': [{'text': 'Merfolk Deligate', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'Squidfolk Deligate', 'votes': 6}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 2, 16, 23, 33, 47, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


You knelt down in front of the Seafolk and raised the Core. “This one learned that we aren't to be messed with, same with that girl.” You pointed to the drooling fishlight that Djir had tamed. The Squid shook.

“I-I understand fully, sir!” He promised.
“We made a mistake.”

“You did. Now, I'm going to do something that isn't even that cruel, considering what you tried to do to us.”

“What is that?” His beady eyes stared up nervously at you.

“We're going to help you.”

“Eh?” Fiona blinked.

You waved a hand for her to wait. “But, this isn't a partnership anymore. You all are vassals. Your people that you represent, and maybe even more that I've yet to see. You get that, right? No complaints?”

He lowered his head. “Yes. I understand from your perspective this is how it needs to be. We have no ability to argue.”

“Good.” You smiled and glanced over your shoulder at Ashur.
“We need to go meet them. For the team, I think... Djir, Fiona, Ashur and... Mom.”

Marrien blinked. “Me?”

“I mean... Politically you're the brains behind all of this. We can take delegation from you, but ultimately if anything changes we need your expertise. Ashur's power is indispensable.” The Prince clapped happily, excited to be included.
“Me and Fion and Djir and probably handle anything that comes up. I need to go, because according to this girl, I can actually live under water just fine now. Any complaints?”

“None. I think that makes sense. Even bringing Mom. Only thing I'm worried about it how me and Djir are gonna get on... How do we even go down there? Would our abilities even matter?”

The Squid chimed in. “You are correct. It may be difficult.”

`Master, there is a way you can allow all of them to join you. My people use it to bring slaves down to our realm.`

“Oh?” You looked down at the Core.

`Yes. It involves creating an oxygen-rich liquid that will enter their lungs and sustain them. It also helps you land-dwellers at handling pressure changes within your bodies.` You felt like it was a good option when the Squid reflexively cringed.

“Looks like we have an option, I just have to learn how to use it. More importantly, Fiona, Djir... Feel that?”

“I felt it, but I was just watching to keep an eye on them.” Djir mentioned with a shrug.

“What is-” Fiona cocked her head to one side.
“Oh... I see it now. Who is it?” She asked without looking up.

“Lets see how they react.” You suddenly turned your gaze up to the skies in the distance, eyes wide. They rested directly on someone flying, though it actually felt like multiple people somehow. They were circling just out of range. Or, what they though the range should be. As soon as you looked at them they stopped.


“Master, what do we do?” Ai asked nervously.
“He's looking right at us and-”

“I see it.” Fin rubbed his eyes.
“Why's he in that form?”

Raithe touched her lip, her eyes shut gently. “They have a Djir, as well. Not an easy man to deal with by any means.”

“The Hero and Fiona do not seem weak. In fact, the power coming from them is actually overwhelming . What were the creators of this simulation thinking?” She was confused, because the power of each individual could be restricted or bottle-necked as they desired, but to allow people to grow without limit meant that they may not care. Fin tried to think.
“We may need to reassess the purpose of this simulation. The only reason to allow powers to scale to this extent would be to use them for some purpose. To begin with...” The Hero held out his hand.
“There is no limit to what is possible, really, but that should not be. If they wish to draw power from the simulation using the cycle, allowing something like me to accelerate growth exponentially by taking from that very cycle should not be possible. More over, allowing the Heroes to become strong like this is a variable that is unnecessary.” He gritted his teeth.
“How could I expect this? The troubling part is that this Hero is far stronger than I am.”

“I would have to confirm but Djir feels stronger as well, Master.” Raithe added.

“M-Master? What do we do?” Ai asked again.

“We... Should make contact before the other group. That was our goal from the start.”

Esther and Jeane looked at him. Jeane stated. “We should escape to a safer distance and continue observing, no? We can not handle them, so why should we deal with them.”

“Are you sure you don't just want to hang around your mother and s-” She stopped, frozen. Pain crept through her entire body as veins bulged and muscles flexed uncontrollably. It was like being shocked just without the electricity. She couldn't scream.

The Hero stared at Esther harshly. “Who is the Master, and who is the servant?”

“Y-you...” She squeaked.

“Who made you?”

“You.” She lowered her head.

“Who can unmake you?”

“It- It is of course you. Forgive me.”

“All of you need to remember your place.” The Hero stated calmly.

Jeane watched silently with a subtle frown. After a moment she spoke up. “If... The power of the Heroes is overwhelming, I suppose it can be said that simply watching from afar would show bad intent and may leave us in a worse position. Therefore, establishing favorable contact early allows us to shift the field in our favor, and against the Rangers.”

The Hero lifted his chin proudly. “Exactly. Jeane of course saw through my plan. In this world he has the power to decide the flow that the main timeline takes, and anything that flows against him becomes... Like us. But, even if this power seems all powerful he may only choose based on what he knows.”

“Correct.” Jeane bows her head.
“I apologize for doubting your plan to begin with.”


“They're coming.” Fiona observed.

You stood and watched closely, waiting to feel any kind of aggressiveness from them as they came closer. When they showed none you merely waited for the Seraph to land gently on the deck, away from everyone else. She placed a small carriage down like a lunchbox and stepped away. As she did, it grew into a full-sized carriage and people began to step out. You were the first in line to face them, and you looked over them curiously and suspiciously. A masked Ciar woman. She had a black eye-mask that covered the top half of her face and her nose. Then, a woman that Fiona reacted to.

She gritted her teeth. “Merit!? What the hell are you doing. I left you to watch my Kingdom!”

Esther smiled awkwardly and bowed. “I apologize, my Lady, but there was an important matter that required me to attend to.”

“What's important? These people?”

You felt something was odd about the Ciar Elf, and the Seraph felt oddly familiar. She was also wearing bandages to cover her eyes. It was odd that so many of them were hiding parts of their identities. You blinked as a woman stepped out after the one you thought to be Merit. She was a Beastfolk, but you could tell intuitively that she was of the same type as you. Golden eyes, long ears with red tips and red coat beneath her silver hair. She paid her respects with a curtsy. Lastly, and strangest of all you saw... You. The Human that left the carriage last had a strong Aura about him. About as strong as yours and Fiona's, but with no added training of his body. He had a face that was startlingly like yours, only his appearance was closer to the person you were, rather than the one you had become just recently.

`Is he one of your kind, or one of the Squid's kind?` You asked immediately.

`No Master.` The girl stated.

You cocked your head to one side quizzically. “What's going on? Are you seeing this?”

“Yeah... It's you?” Fiona uttered. Marrien seemed surprised and a bit suspicious as well.

“In appearance.” She interjected quietly.

You noticed him looking upon Fiona and Marrien specifically and found that to be particularly distasteful. You pointed at him.
“You.” He gulped and turned to look at you. You approached him. The way you sized up to him, you were stronger. Taller. More well built. He also had an odd way about him.
“What are you?” You stared down at him.

“You, from another world. Another time,I mean...” He explained.

“What?” You made a face.

“Yes, Love?” The Gnoll sauntered up, appraising the younger-looking version of yourself.

“You know my body pretty well, and my soul... What do you make of this?”

“W-wait, what?” The Hero's eyes widened at that statement.
“Body and-” Raithe blushed deeply and looked upon you with surprise.

“Why is that strange?” You asked.

“In-” He tried to speak carefully. He was trying.
“In my time, Djir was a villain, so hearing that sounds strange.”

You smirked. “In this time-” You tilted your head back. Djir sensed your intent and bent down. You kissed him on the muzzle as he rested his hand on your back.
“It's like this.”

Djir whispered in your ear as you kissed him. “This one has a dangerous look about him.” He stared the other Fin down harshly.
“My opinion is that he's an impostor. An insult to your image.”

“Now hold on!” The other Fin uttered, taking a step back.

“Yes. Hold on.” Marrien sighed, stepping forward.
“I'll be able to tell.”

You shrugged. “We're all here if they try anything. You'll be dead in an instant.” You warned as your Mother approached the other Fin and looked at him closely.”

“How strange.” She spoke.
“I actually expected it to be a trick, but this person does feel like you. Feels like my son.”

You watched the persons reaction to that. Their face became red and it was obvious they seemed to be fighting back their emotions. He covered his mouth and nodded solemnly.
“So you see. I am not lying.”

“About some things, you are.” Marrien added pointedly.
“You have a dark mind. I can deal with ill intent. It's even something I welcome sometimes, so long as I feel like it benefits me, too. But... You feel wrong emotionally.”

He grimaced. “You see...” Fin closed his eyes, searching for the right words.
“I come from a time where I lost you and Fiona to Sammead. I lost more than that. I lived a long time and I became... Jaded.”

Fiona laughed. “I lost to that ugly bastard? In what world would that be possible.” She chimed in, walking next to Marrien. Fin seemed in awe of them. Here they were, not just alive. They were standing on their own two feet. Their strength had fully come to fruition. They were as he would imagine if they had been cultivated and nurtured, rather than brought down too soon. Marrien with her incredible vision and empathy, and Fiona... A Hero that he never realized she could be. She was close to Merit, so she grabbed the girls hair aggressively and pulled her in so that their faces were close. The Hero could see that she was still hiding it well, but she was on the verge of acting up. He shot her a glare that forced her to submit. You and Marrien both noticed it as well.
“You... Bad girl. You disobeyed me. It better be a good reason.”

“Y-your Highness, these people came to Aniyufar and based on their story and appearance I thought that you would wish me to bring them to you.”

“Wrong.” Fiona smirked.


Fiona grabbed the girl's arm, then poked her belly and touched her rear all in short order. Esther blinked.
“You... Are not the Merit I know.”

“Why would you say that?”

“First, your body is different. Merit is not a Warrior. She's a weakling. Moreover...” Fiona stared her down harshly.
“Those eyes are fucking annoying me. Looking at me like that!”

“Like wh-” Esther began to say.

Fiona smacked Esther across the cheek. “What? You wanna kill me, Bitch? You think I'm treating you unfairly? Looking at me like you think you don't belong beneath me like the animal you are!” She dropped Esther to her knees.
“Merit's a sweet girl. Completely submissive. You're different. What did you do with her...” She shifted her gaze to Fin and smiled.

“Please believe me, Fiona. I left your servant alone!” Surprising to both you and her, Fin dropped to his knees, gripping at her tunic gently. You noticed something the others were not noticing at the time. Each of the people that had come with him, including the Merit that was on the ground, began to stare at him sharply.

Fiona looked down her nose at him and judged his behavior accordingly. “Hm.” She patted Fin on the head, touching his cheek.
“I believe you. So this girl is-”

He admitted quickly. “She's... Nobody. She's just a doppelganger of that person. Someone from the other time. I would never harm your people.”

Jeane walked up beside you. “That person.” She pointed to the Ciar.

“What about her?” You asked.

“She is me.”

You squinted. “Mask off.” You ordered.

Their Jeane gritted her teeth and looked to her Master. She was stronger than your Jeane by quite a bit. In terms of strength, she was just slightly weaker than the other You.
“What are you waiting for?” Fin sneered.

She reluctantly removed the mask and showed you her face. Jeane leaned back, stepping behind you. You felt there was a question that needed to be asked.
“Why are you here, Hero from another time?”

“I wished to live with agency. I come from a place with no future. There is nothing for us there. This world... It is beautiful, and- and...” He felt the stared on his back, but continued, trying to find a line to please both parties.
“You need my help to defend it.” As he said that, his version of Jeane seemed to be performing calculations in her head. She touched her chin, then offered a short nod, her aggression fading. Her doubt also diminished, though there was a glowing coal of it left.


“Of course.” He bowed his head.
“There is someone coming to end the world. They want you to die. I have been fighting them ever since I arrived here. They are relentless and clever. The one who leads them has a trait that allows him to passively control peoples minds... He has gathered around him many servants that he will throw at you to try and stop you.”

You held Jeane, whispering to her. “What do you think? A Hero that must be guided along the correct path? A Slayer that can not be trusted but can only be trusted.”

“It could be referring to the passive mind control.” She returned the whisper.
“As for this person's identity as the Hero, it could fit, but I am hesitant to say it is certain.”

“What are you referring to? What do those words mean?” Fin asked, listening in.

“We encountered a prophecy.” You explained.
“There is a Slayer that can not be trusted, but can only be trusted. There is a Hero that must be guided along the correct path if he is to stay. One of them will lead to the destruction of this world, while the other will maintain peace and balance within it. The Coda will exercise their final choice over the Gate and must leave, stay or die.”

Fin cracked a smile. “Heh...” He looked up at the sky and laughed to himself.
“I think they figured it out. That's the meaning of this prophecy!”

“Don't just say something like that without explaining.” You sighed, scratching your mane.
“They? Who is 'They?'”

“The Gods of this world, of course. I-” Fin motioned towards himself.
“Am the Hero that must be guarded along the correct path if I am to stay. I believe this was a message to me, as much as it was to you.”

“How do you figure?”

“It is my duty to aid the gods in saving this world, of course...” He looked up with a  knowing smirk.
“To do their bidding, for their interest.” Without saying it, he of course thought as well that it would for ample reward. The implication was two-fold. Jeane at least understood his implied intention. The plan to kill the Hero was foolish and would not serve his purpose as he wished, he could see that now. But, the simulation held the Hero which means it could also offer him what he wanted. Jeane could assume all she wanted that the control of the simulation was his objective. What he truly wanted...

“What about the correct path? You did not need us to reach that conclusion, Fin. So that is not the conclusion you were required to be guided to.” You observed astutely.

The Hero stood up and bowed while crossing his arm over his stomach. “That's because I am a villain. An Evil person.” He admitted. He waited for an appropriate response.

You and Fiona and Marrien and Djir exchanged looks. After a few moments you bit the inside of your lip.

Fiona laughed. “So?”

“Huh?” Fin looked up at you all and immediately saw the error of his speech. A looming council of dangerous, powerful and intelligent beings. Behind you, two people subjugated and tied up. Within your hand a felled elemental, an undeniable force for neutrality, if not good in the world.

“Heh.” You covered your mouth with your fist.
“What does that even mean? A villain? You think this is a story book or something?”

“I think he's been reading to many books.” Djir commented.

Marrien was the only one who seemed to take him seriously. “My son is right, though. What does that mean? What have you done? You can't just say that without confessing. It doesn't hold any meaning to us. People call me a villain. The Devil Marchioness.”

“That's right, mom. It's what I was thinking. It's a matter of perspective.” Fiona agreed.

Fin pursed his lips. Things were not going as he expected. “In my world I took over the Academy of Magic and turned them all into my servants. These people are from there. Jeane was a professor. I took her, as well and made her mine.”

“Okay.” You shrugged.

Marrien smiled. “Not bad. What else?”

He conveniently left out the mind control. Fin continued, growing a bit more confident. “I uhm... I took over the world. I started with Trysk and then went on to other lands.”

Fiona nodded. “We did that, sort of. We just worked the other way around. We conquered another land to use as a kicking off point.”

“Excuse me?” Your ears twitched.

“Well, we were always looking at more power back home.” Marrien admitted casually.

“I mean... I'm literally a brutal conqueror.” Djir said, rubbing the back of his neck with a light cackle. You could only nod. That was true. Even Djir was rehabilitated.

“They deserved it, but we were literally right about to conquer another group of peoples.” You called out accurately. You crossed your arms over your chest.
“Why in the world do the people chasing us want to destroy the world?”

“It's because you're special.” Fin claimed.
“They are also from a different world and they need you to... Disappear and this world to go away for their world to flourish. In the prophecy, you are the Coda. You get to choose.”

“I choose to leave, stay or die?” You furrowed your brow.
“I obviously want to stay.” You remarked. Fin bristled at that, but quickly collected himself and offered a short nod. In reality, the last thing he wanted was for you to stay. Anything else was fine. He found himself questioning the 'gods' over that last line. Moreover he thought that the line referring to a Hero could be a message for him specifically. Something he was meant to hear from them. If so it was heard loud and clear; play in our hands and you will get what you want.

“What's the hold up? The Hero asked.

“To cross the waters we need access from the Seafolk Alliance. That means going down to confront them and make them our vassals, officially.” You stared at Fin.
“Not going to lie. I don't feel comfortable leaving you and your party up here with my people.”

“Who all is going?”

“Me, Mom, Fiona, Djir and Ashur” Ai, the Seraph twitched a little in the background as you said that.

That immediately piqued the Hero's interests. “Perhaps we could come with you and offer assistance.”

“Hmm.” You considered it for barely a second.

“Huh?” The Hero looked at you.

“I just don't trust you that much. I also don't trust you to stay here. If you want to earn my trust, go while we are away and do not come back to try anything while I'm gone.”

`How will you protect your people in your absence, Master?` The Elemental asked.

`Good point.` You amended your decision.
“Everyone is going. Except...” You pointed to the Hero and each member of his party.
“You can hang out aboard the ship if you like, but we're all leaving beneath the sea.” It was a bit more risky, but to be frank, you thought that everyone would be safer with you, rather than placing them anywhere else.
“This is going to take me a little bit...” You groaned.

“H-how are you all going to go deep underwater!?” Fin protested.

You smirked at him. It was a foreboding expression and it only seemed to grow more menacing as you formed a orangish goo in your hand.
“Oh... I'm invincible.”


Raithe gritted her teeth once they were in private. “He's at full strength. No... Stronger! He could probably absorb me with a touch. He could eat and kill any of us and then he'd know everything. What were you thinking!?” She shouted at him.

He stared her down. “I was doing what I needed to do to earn their trust.”

“My Lord, is your goal to take over the simulation?”

“Exactly.” He smiled, satisfied with her conclusion.

“Then, why are you offering yourself so easily to those that run it?”

Fin clicked his tongue. “Is that what it looked like? We can't do anything that they don't want us to do. That's obvious at this point, isn't it?”

“Yes.” Jeane agreed reluctantly.

“My feelings are that our goal can be reached through aiding them. They wish to keep the power of the turais in this simulation. I don't think they actually care who has it.”

“So, you believe that if you can convince the Hero to leave or die we will be granted that power. However, in exchange would you not have to stay?”

Fin waved his hand. “Is that what you think? This is not actually another world, it is a throne from which the world may be controlled, out of reach of any detractors, where all variables can be controlled and changed based on the desire of the operators. Controlling this place is no different than controlling Coronia. No... It's better. That Angel has other ideas. In this case, we have less power but more control. The power will only grow over time, in fact. Think about it.”

“That... Does make sense, my Lord.” Jeane admitted.

Ai clasped her hands under her chin. “We must also strive to achieve our Master's happiness, whatever that may be.”

“Thank you, Ai.” Fin nodded.
“You are proving to be the most loyal.”

Esther frowned deeply. “I'm nothing? Nobody?”

“That's right.” Fin stared her down.
“You are upset that I did not stop Fiona from humiliating you? Why should you have any right to look at her the way you did? It practically gave us away.” He added quickly.
“Fool... You are a thing I created. Of course you are nothing. If I want you to die, you die. If I need you humiliated, it will be so.”

“Yes Master...” She grumbled.

“Your sister never talked back to me in such a way.” He muttered to himself.
“Perhaps the wrong one got captured.”


The accomodations for the water were simple. The creature they came in on for transport and for each person, their lungs were filled rather jarringly with oxygen-rich goo, and a bubble was placed around their heads that was filled with it. It allowed them to see out clearly and did not require them to breath. Since they had his own liquid around their head he could communicate with them as though nothing had changed. For the sake of convenience you pushed the Goo-Girl, Flovis's core inside of your body without absorbing her. That way she could help you and you did not have to carry her around. It would also make you seem like one of her kind. It took a lot of energy and quite a few meals to equip everyone, however you were able to get it done. Finally you all began to descend into the depths on the back of the beast. The ride was surprisingly smooth with none of you even having to hold on.

As the depths increased you felt the pressure. They did as well, but not to the extent that the would have if it were not for your solution. Over the course of a couple hours there seemed to be nothing. Then you entered the depth where it became dark. You thought to add luminescence to the good, allowing your party to see as though they were surrounded by light. Gradually as you descended further you spotted ahead a plateau of blue lights that shined as if it was day. The structures were tiered and seemed to be built high due to the lack of constraints they had in supporting such structures. The creature swam through a wide street and you saw all around various creatures that you had seen, and some you had not. In the distance you saw the domed structure that was the political center for the alliance. It was completely ripped open, crumbling.

`The Merfolk used to lead the alliance. This is their city and it is still the alliances capital but... The Hero destroyed it during a meeting and fought and killed many of our leaders.” Flovis explained.

`Why weren't there any Merfolk with you?`

`They actually did not believe in our intent to control you. They are proud as any of us, but wished to simply rebuild. We three viewed this as an opportunity to save face for our own losses and gain an advantage in political matters.`

`Trouble in paradise? The great alliance isn't as unified as we thought.`

`We all have our own lands and our own interests.`

`What's your take on what we should do next, Flovis?`

`My people, or depending on how you look at it, 'our' people will recognize you without any effort on your side. You absorption capability is beyond any of us, so of the goo Elementals there will be no challenge to your authority. The same can actually be said for the Sharkfolk. They have a respect for power and would never deny their defeat. They should work with you at the word of their fallen warrior. The only questionable decision I can not be sure of is if our third friend's people will be kind at all to what you seek to do. If there were a choice, it would be between him and the Merfolk who are weakened, but rebuilding their strength. Supporting either one could change the balance of power.`

The beast stopped. You hopped down and gently floated to the ground in front  of a woman with smooth blue skin. Her arms and legs were decorated with natural fins and her clawed hands and feet were webbed. She carried a long staff and rather than hair, she had a fin-like head-dress flowing down her back. Either side of her head she had long, pointed ears like an Elf. Her eyes had a layer of moisture over them, allowing her to see easily. She stared at you with a neutral gaze. Curiosity and caution were things you felt from her.
“Greetings, outsider.”


“I am Princess Trita of the Merfolk people. The fact that you are here, and the others seem so submissive must mean that their plan had failed.”

“Something you seem to have expected, but did not stop.” You smirked at her.

“How can I stop my ambitious opponents from making a mistake? It is simply that I had no idea their mistake would extend to the rest of us so easily.” You shrugged. Perhaps it did not have to. You felt it. If they could be reasonable they could be ruled more freely. The more amicable ones could be used to keep the nastier ones in line. The Squid stepped up beside you.
“Though, I suppose you would believe that you have that one under control, and no need for my input in whatever you are about to do.” You paused and glanced between her and the Squid.


Jane Hexum

OK guys I think this is one of the times when a 50/50 split is the best outcome. i definitely think dark fin might not be as evil as he's pretending to be right? his followers are forcing him to be stay evil right? I'm really not sure if the companions of the dark hero are savable at this point damn fiona is very domy also i had no idea sam had a longer name i really can't wait for darkfin to find out fiona totally murdered him just realized that djir didn't recognize his sister and dark fin didnt even know who dijr was meaning Raithe never told him about him djir must have been dead before they ever met right? sorry if this sounds really rambley it's was a bit late at night :)

Tanya Wormald

I think that he is quite evil. It's not extremely ambiguous that he's done very bad things, but you're mostly right. It seems like the companions have no reason to go along with a leader that does not align with the path he set them on. He literally found something shiny and switched gears. Like was commented last time, they're going to feel awfully betrayed if they see their evil leader as giving up his resolve so easily. There are a few of the party members that would be more crushed than others if Dark Fin decides he wants to try and redeem himself and live happily with his family.

Roland Taranis

A whole lot to talk about this week. Again -_-’ First let’s talk about the big thing that happened. the Dark Crew catch-up. Kudos to Dark Fin for managing to keep some of his crew’s unity while navigating the introduction with Fin’s group. Even if he did leave the “absolute mind control” part conveniently out of the picture. Eager to see how Fiona and the others will react when they learn about that… A big part of what did play is the conclusions Dark Fin takes from the Prophecy. He seems to believe that the Gods of the Sim are indeed the ones running the show. And he should be used to dealing with greater forces, so his interpretation cannot be overlooked. Do I think this is absolute proof ? Not yet. The Prophecy could be a very well-crafted piece with the exact intention that Dark Fin lends to it, but it could be much more subtle. We’ve got no clue as to how the Admins will bring their endgame around. Too many details go into too many little, seemingly disruptive, deviations to properly divine things. Like the “infinite growth” people seem subjected to, or still the fact that Fiona is Fin’s twin and share some of his “fate”. This interpretation allowed Dark Fin to turn his goal around toward something that could both keep his crew under control & satisfy his emotions. Shrewd indeed, since it all comes at the expense of Lad’s crew. There’s also the claims about the power of the Turais that both Dark Fin thinks should belong to himself, and Kara to Lad. Both would naturally want to evict Coda-Fin from his post as such. I think this is a good chance for Lad to prove himself worthy by not going into that “game” and again, think about a solution of his own. Sidenote, by the way, having one Raithe around reminded me, did we get closure about “Black Ranger Raithe” fate or is she still a prisoner of Echo while Dri, the twins & Lacey go about their merry business ? So for our choice this week, I’d think like Jane and aim for a tie. At least my goal in choosing this underwater route is to manage to open & educate the Seafolks, to allow for peaceful coexistence in the long run. Best way to begin with that would be by showing we got no favorites.

Tanya Wormald

Raithe is still captured, but Lacey is shopping out another Ranger's group for... Some reason.