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Fin woke up next to Kara. The Fox was still snoring. He tried to shake her awake to no avail. “Ugh... Stayed up too late.” They had taken his 'milking' a little too far. Kara seemed to enjoy it a bit too much, even if it was necessary. He began to get the impression that she was taking her frustrations out on him. He noticed her ears twitch.
“Listen, I'm sorry. I know this isn't how you wanted things to go. Well it's the same for me. I didn't want things to go this way. Why would I ever willfully get infected with this damn seed...”

She turned over. “Obviously. It's not your fault. You are... A Hero in name. You needed more guidance and I didn't give it. That's why we went off track and got in this mess. From now on, I'll keep you on a leash.”

“That's an expression right?” She smiled at him as he asked nervously.

“Anyway...” She tried not to sound too obvious when she asked.
“Where's Elfie? She hasn't made a peep all night.”

“I'll go check. I don't blame her for keeping her distance.” Fin exited the tend and stood up, looking around the camp. His eyes rested on a pale hand slumped over a rock, twitching. The full body was out of sight. He rushed over.
“Jeane!” Fin shouted, finding her in a wet pool. He crouched down. She was alive, but that term needed to be used as losely as possible because there was barely any light in her eyes. They were black before, but as he looked into them they seemed a bit gray. There was a crude smile on her lips and she had no Aura to speak of. For all intents and purposes the intelligent woman that Jeane was, was gone. All that was left was a very life-like sex doll that was continuously dripping and drooling from both ends.
“Fuck...” He lifted her head onto his lap, wondering what he could do.

Kara walked over, her bare feet balancing delicately on the rocks. She stared down coldly. “Damn... I think she probably decided to get with an Orc.” She looked around, feigning fear.
“There's not much we can do for her, we need to keep moving or it's us next.”

“We can't just leave her!”

“Then I'll leave it to you. But... She's dead weight. Basically just a 'thing' now.”

“How can you be so heartless?”

“Heartless? You mean like moaning with delight while she gets wiped out by some random Orc outside?”

“That...” Fin's cheeks flush deeply.
“I'll worry about her, you- you just watch our backs as we get out of here. Where are we going?”

“Chandarra's a bad bet. We're heading north where Aoia has a strip of desert that they use as a trade rout. There's gonna be cities along the way.”

“Fine... We need to find a cure. At all costs.”

“Think I don't know that?” She snaps back at him.

“First opportunity we take. I mean real opportunity. We got tricked too many times. Because of your mistakes.” She stated, attempting to gaslight the Hero. He fell for it and looked down while hefting Jeane up onto his back.

“M-maybe we can cure what happened to her, as well?”

Kara rolled her eyes. “Yeah, maybe we'll meet a Dragon.”

“Would that help?” Fin huffed, beginning to walk behind Kara.

“Onyx Dragons got the ability to Heal anything, basically. But they're... Unpredictable.”

“Unpredictable how?”

“I don't know! I just know that if you try and get healing from one, you better have a good reason.”

“We got a pretty good reason... Jeane's a doll and we're on the verge of becoming fertilizer.”

“Yeah...” She gritted her teeth.


They broke through the jungle after a few days of arduous walking. What lay before them is a flat, rocky desert flanked by mountains on one side and jungle on the other. It looked to go on forever to the East, however.
“You sure there's a city along this route?” Fin asked wearily. They had only what water they could carry.

“If I remember correctly.” Kara nodded.


“Maybe you should drop the dead weight if you're worried...”

“Never mind... I'll trust you.”

“As you should.” She smiles, walking forward with her tail wagging behind her.

Contrary to her guess, there was no settlement, not in four days. They were both running out of water. Fin was doing far worse than Kara, who was merely uncomfortable. The Fox needed water, but she could subsist on other things. More importantly, the seeds in their bellies felt like they were aching from being starved of even the most basic of sustenance.
“Maybe we can get rid of them like this?” He pants.

“Can't be sure...” Kara grumbled.
“Maybe we'll die before they do. We got no way of knowing.”

“Point taken...” Fin took a sparing sip of water, then offered the last bit to Jeane. Kara narrowed her eyes, looking back discreetly.

“Are you serious with that?”

“She needs water, too...”

She held her face in her hands and shook her head. “I'm not sharing.”

“You don't have to.” He stared at her harshly.
“I told you I'd take-” Fin blinked. He had felt like he had seen settlements before, but they turned out to be mirages. He desperately tried to confirm that he was not seeing things when he saw a high, white tent with smoke rising out of it.
“You seeing that?” He pointed.

“Yeah!” Kara began running. The Hero jogged after her with Jeane on his back.

“W-wait up!”

The camp was actually a forest of tents with the large white tent being something that stood as a monument in the center. As Fin and Kara both stumbled into the camp a pair of androgynous, Bronze-skinned Human twins with dark eyes approached. They stopped on either side.
“Welcome.” They said in unison.

“Uh, Hi.” Fin was the first to speak, but Kara quickly stepped in and began to speak for them.

“What is this place?”

As it became more than a one off instance, Kara and Fin realized that both of the twins seemed to constantly speak as one.
“This place is a Church.”

“A church of tents/” Kara questioned.
“I don't remember it being here-” She stopped, blushing as she remembered the last time she had even been close was maybe a hundred years.

“This I a Church Caravan. All those who require healing and salvation travel with the father.” As one moved, the other moved in a  mirrored fashion.

“There's something off about them.” Fin whispered.

“Are you gonna get picky about who saves our lives?”

“Maybe, if it lands us in more trouble.” Fin spoke up.
“Uhm... The Father heals? Can anyone request healing? What about the cost?”

They nodded. “The cost varies from person to person, and problem to problem. We find that it is better to speak with the Father to know what the price of your healing will be.”

Fin lifted his shirt. “Can this be healed?”

“Speak with the Father.” They smiled.

“This might not be-”

Kara interrupted Fin before he could finish. “We'll at least talk to the man, you idiot... What else can we do? Do you possibly have water?”

“Water. Food. All is provided. Please... Follow.” The twins began to walk shoulder to shoulder in lock-step until they reached a large, filled cart. In the back there were barrels with spouts at the bottom. The twins each took a bowl and held their under the spout as they poured. Fin's eyes caught the sight of a thick white fluid being pushed out through the spout into the bull. He covered his mouth and nose. It smelled and looked like-

“Perfect!” Kara took the bowl gratefully, drinking from it as if it were water. To her it was, smooth and flavorless and cold. To fin, he even saw her struggle with it as the seed flowed past her lips, onto her cheek and down between her breasts. She struggled to get it down and even still she treated it just like it was water. He shook his head. “

“N-no... No thank you.” He whispered to Kara.
“Something is wrong, here.”

“I already checked, it's not poisoned. Don't you wanna feed your sex doll, at least?”

“No.” Fin shook his head.

The twins smiled at him knowingly. “It is filled with nutrients.”

“Ah, you added something to it?” Kara wondered out loud.
“Thought it might've been a little enriched. Definitely not just water.” She shrugged casually, taking Fin's bowl.
“You not drinking this?”

“I'm not. You shouldn't eith-” Fin cringed. The Twins smiled brightly. Kara lifted the filled bowl over her head and let it pour down over her face and into her open mouth and over her in a far more aggressive manner. He could see from her expression that from her perspective she was taking a refreshing shower. To him, she was a stinking mess of sticky seed that was only getting worse in the sun. He looked to the two.
“What is this...”

They showed surprise at the same time and cocked their heads together. “Interesting. The Father will see you both immediately.”

Fin gulped. “Kara, I really, really-”

“Yeah, I know. But I wont let any more of your bad decisions put me in danger. Got it?”

“Yes, Kara.” He relented. He could already tell that it would be impossible to stop her.
“We can go talk, at least.”

“I know we can.”

They were lead towards the large white tent. Inside a makeshift chapel had been set up with pews and even a podium. At the head of a long red black carpet stood a man of good height with skin as white as a corpse and eyes like small black buttons. But those eyes shined vibrantly, even as a pair of black Orbs that should not have been able to show as much light or depth. They showed it all and reflected with the depth of a gem. His head was tall and he was bald completely without a hint of hair. His body, huge and bulbous with a good build, but a belly that stretched his robes at the front. He held his arms outstretched, looking down at them as they enter.
“Dear lost lambs.”

Fin got a bad feeling he shrunk back a little as he was dragged forward with Jeane on his back. “I don't like this...”

“Then you don't have to get healed.” Kara scoffed. She walked forward. The twins stayed with Fin and flanked him. Slowly their arms curled under his as they pulled him into one of the pews. He let Jeane down next to him, careful not to let her fall. The twins rubbed his back soothingly.

“The Father will meet you and your friend separately.” They said.

Fin began to sweat and shake a little. “I saw what you did...”

“What did we do?”

“That liquid. It was-”

They shushed him, both at once with the same gesture and the same lean forward. “Only a pure soul that is on it's way to breaking can see things for what they are.”

“Only-” His eyes widened. As Kara walked up the steps Fin looked up and saw the Father grinning at him. Blackened teeth, scales flanking his cheeks and neck. On the sides of his head, curved horns the color of charcoal. His robes, folded wings. Kara did not notice. As Fin was about to stand the twins tightened their grip around each arm, weighing him down.
“Please...” He used to be strong. He used to be quite a Hero. The road East had weakened him into less of a man, and less of a Hero. He knew that. He felt helpless, despite their weak, small bodies being the only thing weighing him down. He felt their heads lean on either shoulder. The reached up, forming a circle with both their hands in front of him. Through it, it seemed to create a window that showed Kara up close with the priest on the stage. A one-for-one view. Fin stared at it, suddenly beginning to understand what they wanted just a little bit.


“Greetings, Child.” The Father grinned. He had pulled her into a private room at the side, separated and sound proofed from the rest of the tent for a purpose. It was an office. A study. A sitting area. Many things. There was also a bed.

“Cut to it.” She said flatly.
“I know what you are by looking at you. You're an Onyx, right?”

“My, how special. Right to business, my girl?”

“Not your girl, not unless you want me to be.” She stuck out her tongue.
“But, that shouldn't be necessary. I have a problem that you can fix and I even got payment.”

“You have it all figured out.” He praised her cheerfully.

“Cure me of this seed and you can have that Hero out there as payment. I know you know he's special. You can do a lot with him, but I'm done. Does this work for you?” Kara asked shamelessly.

“This works very well for me. I can heal you immediately.”

She breathed a sigh of relief. “Thank god.”

“Look into my eyes, child.” The Father asked, resting both hands on her as he did. A smile grew smugly across his lips.
“You are aware...” He said as she began to feel the accursed seed shrinking into nothing just like that.
“That I do not accept something that does not belong to you as payment.”

She narrowed her eyes at him. 'The hell do you mean? Of course he belongs to me. He trusts me implicitly.”

“Even now? Perhaps he did before you entered. Now...” He shrugged.

Kara batted his arms away, covered her eyes and stumbled back. Her tail stood on end and her ears flattened against her hair. She bared her fangs at him.
“Dammit, why!?”

“Because this is your payment.”

“What is?”

“The seed that would have sealed your doom is gone. But, now you will seek your doom through other methods.”

“That's...” She dropped to one knee with one of her eyes half-shutting while the other remained wide open. She twitched and came and began drooling a little at the thought and desire of losing. Of falling to a creature that would end her without a thought.
“No... No no no. This isn't how it's... How it's supposed to- to go.” She muttered, holding her head and shaking it to try and force out the destructive thoughts. A hand pushed between her legs as she closed her eyes and imagined what possible end she could meet as soon as possible, but inevitably it was not enough to think about it, she needed to experience it first hand. She dropped down to all fours and crawled towards the priest, leaking and dripping like the doll she referred to Jeane as. She bent down without shame or thought and kissed and licked the base of his robe desperately.
“Please... End it...”

The Father laughed. “The Addiction and Desire I placed on you or... Your miserable self? If you choose, I will grant either one.” He offered coyly.

Kara gasped, looking up with wide eyes. “Yes! Yes... I of course want-” She stopped, hugging herself and clutching her shoulders at the itch and need she felt. The answer and the cure was right in front of her, and she could reach for them if not for an obsession and a need. Even with her own cure hanging by just a simple word or two she looked up with tears of joy in her eyes and saliva flowing over her plump bottom lip as she answered truthfully.
“My miserable self, Father! Save me!” She moaned lewdly, laughing to herself as she sat up on her knees in front of him.

The Father placed a hand on either side of her head, fingers rolling over her temples. Kara stared up in rapt enjoyment. She was masturbating while quietly muttering and nodding for what was to come.
“To kill... Is evil. However, to see the world through a truer lens, you are but an infection upon this world by your actions.”

“Yes... Yes... Father...” She panted, tongue hanging out like a dog.

“So, I do not kill, I simply cure. Cure the world of you. Your body? It will be donated to a worthy cause. Everything else that you are?” He paused, pushing power into her mind as he stared into her eyes.
“Gone, like a wound that must be closed.” Kara shuddered and came as her existence was cured from her very body in a rapture of pleasure. She fell back into a twitching puddle on the ground, giggling happily. There was no longer a being named Kara, just a body that lay flat on the carpet in the Father's study. She was lifted by unseen hands like a rag-doll and dropped unceremoniously in a small box by the door with her ass and one leg hanging out.
“Another shell for the pits, or possibly a toy for my good children.” He stared knowingly through the window with a warm, yet disturbing grin.

Outside Fin slumped down, in disbelief. In a mere minute he was betrayed by and lost his mentor. “Crack... There it is.” They commented beside him. Fin was stood up and dragged to the front, still stunned. He lowered his head before the Father. He shut his eyes tightly before feeling a hand on his head. Large and cold and heavy, it wove into his short dark hair.

“So it's me next...”

“Is that what you want?”

Fin opened his eyes, lifeless and dull. He wondered if it had happened already and he was a mere shell walking without realizing it. He rubbed his eyes, blinking away tears.
“I failed as a Hero, Father.”

“Oh?” He seemed content to listen.

“I failed the people I had to protect. The world. I even failed Kara. I should've done more to reign her in... But there's nothing I can do about that.” Fin took a deep breath and stared up into the Fathers dark, gem-like eyes. They reflected light like a kaleidoscope of only black.
“At least Cure Jeane... The Price is myself.” Fin choked out.

The Father smiled a wide, malicious smile. Fin looked up passively as his hands rested on the side of his head. Then... Nothing. Fin panted fearfully, looking around. Nothing happened. His lip quivered and he whimpered. He closed his hands in prayer and bowed his head.
“Please... Just do it...” He was begging for an end, but without the lewd reverence that Kara showed.

“But... It is already done.” The twins said on either side of him. Fin lifted his head and looked back. He saw Jeane rising, rubbing her head.

“Ugh... What- Where am I?” She began to walk to the front. Fin stood up and walked to her. She walked past as though she could not see him. She bumped into him, however. Jeane shot a look.
“Be careful. Do you work here?”

Fin looked at her in confusion, then back to the priest. He chuckles, wiping his eyes before stepping back between the twins with a slight nod.
“Yes... The Father is great man and I serve him. However...” He inspected her. She had not a blemish or wound on her and she by all accounts seemed normal.
“You aren't in need of healing.”

Fin felt a hand rest on his shoulder, pulling him to the Father's side firmly. “Indeed. Stay with us until we are free from the desert. Eat. Drink. Be comfortable. You are far from home, my child.” The Father offered genuinely.



Jane Hexum

is this the last part?

Jane Hexum

with the information we have at hand I'm going to call this a happy ending the black dragon seems to deal fairly enough fin was able to save someone kara after her fall got karma in the end. I'm actually quite interested with the father he almost came off a bit buddhay I'm curious how this version of fin would develop in the future.

Tanya Wormald

I don't know if it would be worth a series but Fin would become a worker within the Caravan and aid the Father as he 'heals' good and bad individuals in his own unique way. Imagine that bartender show where the bartender is the devil and the MC is a waitress or something. Death parade