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Shandris observed Astranaar from a ridge above. A pile of furbolg bodies were piled behind her. Her aide had just finished taking care of them to avoid any alerts or distractions. The aide approached, noting that Shandris had a perturbed expression. She looked down and did not have the vision to see exactly what the General was seeing. What she could see, on a surface level were dots moving around the sky over the town. Wyverns. The place was far better defended than they assumed. The Horde had completely moved in. She wondered if this would affect their plans.
“My Lady?”

Shandris narrowed her eyes and covered her mouth. “There's quite a few more collaborators than we thought. Orcs are moving around freely. Anyone that's a prisoner is being...” She trailed off and stood up from the position she was knelt in.

With her superior vision Shandris had seen the things that the Orcs wanted to be seen by a keen eye. She could tell it was a display because it was portrayed brazenly. All of the Sentinels that were strong, all of those that were captured when the rear was taken. They were kept in uniform and force to kneel. She could see what was happening, but she could not hear what was being said, and that was an important piece that was missing for Shandris to understand.


“Alright! First contest. Orcish. Who can understand what I'm saying. Nod.” The Orc paced and inspected the bunch. All of the Sentinels, including Sentinel Thenysil, the true woman in charge of the defense of Astranaar, were bound and made to kneel. She was able to understand Orcish to an extent, so she knew that they were performing some crude examination. If it were not for the fact that they had already demonstrated what they do to those who resist, she would not have responded. Instead, Thenysil gave a nod, along with a handful of others out of the dozens that were captured.
“Looks good. About five? Take the others to get broken down normally.” The man ordered. Thenysil's eyes widened as she saw each woman that did not nod getting dragged off. The inside of the lodge had become a dungeon. Elves were denied pride, stripped and shamed until they were broken. Those who underwent that process of getting fucked aggressively over and over again were to be given out as gifts to High-Ranking Orcs, as there was little use for someone that could not understand verbal orders. A slave on the other hand only needed to understand body language and their singular duty to their masters.

“Now speak.” The Orc continued.
“Anyone I can't understand gets taken away. You better believe I'm not joking. If anyone speaks anything other than Orcish at any point you're getting taken away. Got it? Say you understand!”

“I understand.” Thenysil said in Orcish. A few others repeated the same words easily. For an officer, to know and read and speak the language of the enemy was quite useful. It allowed them to gather information quickly and independently.

“Heh. Now Orc says close your eyes and nod.”

Thenysil cursed as she closed her eyes and nodded. Among the five left, two had been just following along by observing. The moment they looked around instead of closing their eyes they were taken away as well, leaving three. She heard it and lamented that so many of them were taken so quickly. But, she was confused, because they had already lost. The Orcs could do what they wanted, so she had to wonder at the purpose.

“The three of you left speak Orcish, understand Orcish and... Well, let's see if you can read!” He announced.
“Come on out.” He ordered. Thenysil watched as four Kaldorei walked out to stand at attention beside the Orc. They looked down on her as she stared up at them in shock. Their clothing was not out of place for a Kaldorei. Scant leather armor that covered the chest and a loin cloth with high boots. Those being the only coverings were a little odd, but not out of the question. The only thing was, they were red and black. Horde colors. Then Thenysil's eyes widened as she saw their bellies just above their pubic area. A big red Horde symbol was tattooed there. They turned. On their lower backs was writing in Orcish.
“Now... What does this say? Don't say it out loud, whisper it into the ear of Duriel so there's no cheating.” He wagged his finger. Duriel smiled and happily leaned down to one of the remaining women. When the woman spat curses in Kaldorei at Duriel, she leaned back and pointed. The woman was taken away.
“You thought I was joking?” He asked. Speaking your heathen tongues isn't allowed anymore. Don't think this one won't snitch on you, haha.” He warned.

Duriel leaned in to listen to Thenysil. She gritted her teeth and reluctantly whispered in Orcish. “It says... Submission or Death... Now why are you doing this, Duriel?”

Duriel laughed. “Master, she got it, but she asked 'why am I doing this.'”

Thenysil thought she would be fine. She tensed, ready to be taken away. The Orc surprisingly asked. “She say it in Orcish?”


“Good. That's fine. There wasn't a rule about questions.”

Thenysil relaxed and watched the remaining girl pass as well. Thenysil offered her a short nod to her. The other captive smiled back weakly. Duriel seemed to relish the moment they were sharing. She whispered in the Orc's ear. He happily gripped her ass and pulled her under his arm. Rather than a soldier, she looked like a concubine and seemed happy to be stuck to him. She was no better than a slave, but she looked proud, like she had made it. She looked down on the two captives and her demeanor was shared between all of the other Kaldorei that shared similar markings.
“Go ahead.” The Orc offered her encouragingly.

Duriel smirked. “Next test is convincing the Master why you should be able to join us. Just so you know, only one of you can win, but both of you can lose as well.” The Orc laughed as she said that. He gave her ass an affectionate squeeze.

The two captives exchanged fearful glances. Thenysil did not believe she could offer up anything for such a humiliating condition, but then with one look back at the lodge her counterpart began blabbering  desperately.
“I- I am skilled in Alchemy, and I am also a trained warrior and hunter!”

“Hoh... That's not bad.” Duriel tapped her chin curiously, looking to Thenysil for anything in response.

Thenysil felt so confused and lost. She did not want to, but her mouth moved on it's own at the thought of being dragged away to such an unceremonious fate. The Orgy within the lodge could be heard from out in the courtyard. She could see her former comrades bent over, mewling while their cheeks were mashed into the floor by strong hands. The thick members practically split them, ruining them not just in the moment, but for the future as well. If she had a chance to stay that fate she had to take it.
“I have experience in command! I can lead Sentinels.”

“Not bad.” Duriel nodded.

The other captive interjected. “She- She's too prideful. She wont listen. I will, I'm not an officer or anything!”

“That's a good point, right Master?” Duriel asked. The Orc nodded.

Thenysil felt betrayed. She glared at the girl and corrected her. “I am not prideful! Why would I humor any of this if that were true!? I am her now because I want to escape.”

“You heard her, Miss, Sir. She said she wants to escape!”

Thenysil blushed and stammered. “I- I meant escape the, the fate of being taken away.”

“Why?” Duriel looked down on her harshly. She stepped out from under the Orc's arm and pressed her bare foot against the woman's chest.
“You don't like Orcs? Those girls in there are having fun, too. They just don't know it. You know... This whole thing isn't for you, it's for our Masters. You're being tested to see if you're useful. Don't tell me you're just trying to get out of being fucked?”

“No! No no...” Thenysil shook her head. She was pushed flat on her back with her knees up. Her legs and arms were tied together, so it was a vulnerable position to be in.

The other captive spoke up. “I'm fine to serve. I'll be useful. I promise.” She was sweating, Thenysil could see that. There was a tinge of shame and desperation in her tone that meant that she could not completely fault the woman.

“I don't hate Orcs...” Thenysil claimed unconvincingly.

“Wow, say it a little quieter, Thenysil.” Duriel mocked.

“I love Orcs!” She lied.

“I do too!” The other captive insisted.

Thenysil bit her lip hard. Duriel clicked her tongue and looked over. “I feel like it's pretty obvious. The other one seems way more passionate.”

“Yes, yes!” The captive nodded.
“Thank you, Miss.”

Thenysil felt dizzy and overwhelmed. “I-”

“Well... Looks like we have our winner.” Duriel teased.

“Take that one away.” The Orc ordered. As she felt large hands on her, Thenysil blurted out.

“I have connections!” They all stopped.
“I have the means to contact and send word to the High Priestess, since I was in a position in command of Astranaar.”  

Duriel laughed and pulled Thenysil off her back. “You lost it, Sister. You're actually giving that up? I mean... You win but-” Thenysil looked up and stared into her mad eyes and wide grin as Duriel taunted her. She felt even dizzier. Faint. Weak. Pathetic. She regretted volunteering what she did immediately, but she could not take back those words.
“-what kind of scum are you, really?”

“I'm... Not.” Thenysil protested weakly.
“I-” She shut her eyes tightly as her eyes became misty. She hung her head.

Duriel placed a hand under Thenysil's chin and lifted it so she could look her in the eye. “But you are. Pathetic. Sad. Broken. You were offering up access to your leader.”

“It's... It's just- I only have the ability to send word. Contact her and send messengers and Heroes to the temple.” She argued.

“You knew what you were doing. I actually like it, because it means you're like me.”

Thenysil looked up in shock. It was her, the other Horde Sentinels, the Orc and Duriel. “Like-”

“Yeah.” Duriel smiled sweetly.
“Even if you wanted to, what have you already done, Sister? You intentionally sold out the High priestess to save your ass. Literally.”

Thenysil's head swayed back and forth. She felt light-headed. “I... Did that?”

“Mhmm.” Duriel nodded, slipping behind her. She hugged Thenysil from behind and lifted her chin up to regard the cocky Orc.

“You're a traitor, Thenysil. Like me. Like them... None of us started out by enjoying Orc cock. It started with an unforgivable slip up. Like yours. We're all the same. I'm not gonna say you shouldn't be ashamed, because you should be. You should get now that you not only can't, but you don't have a right to return.”

Duriel's words were like worms crawling in her ears. She tried to shake them out but they just squirmed deeper until she began to sweat and shake at the realization. That she was right.
“Ah... Ah! No! I take it back...” She whined.
“Just take me away. I don't want this...” Duriel turned the Elf's messy face so that they could look at each-other. Duriel. Was craned over Thenysil's shoulder. She licked one of the salty wet streams from Thenysil's cheek, then dragged her tongue up over the woman's eye, forcing it shut.
“Uunh?” She uttered in confusion.

“What's with that look? Are you confused?” Duriel asked. Thenysil nodded.
“There's a place for you here, Confused, rotten, shameful sister. We take pride in the shame that would exclude us from our former society. It's our new dogma to replace that pathetic goddess.”

“Pa-pathetic?” Thenysil muttered.

“Look around.” Duriel motioned.

One of the others that came with Duriel stepped forward. “I used my skills and knowledge to track another patrol because I got captured. They threatened me. I saw what they did to prisoners, so I gave in and did whatever they asked.” The woman shrugged.

Another explained herself. “I... Actually like it a little. In interrogation I admitted to genuinely feeling excited about serving Orcs. When given the chance, I did... I could never return for that reason. No one would have me.”

The last one before Duriel stepped forward. “When I was captured, the Orcs put a Goblin device on me. If I didn't put out a signal to help them capture my patrol they would detonate it. I should have accepted death to save my Sisters, but instead I betrayed them for my own sake.”

Duriel then motioned towards herself. “I've put many hours already into converting my own Sisters. Like you. I'm pretty good at it... Did I get inside your head, Thenysil?” Thenysil stared up meekly and nodded. She felt like a boneless lump before the woman. Duriel gripped the woman's cheeks, squeezing affectionately.
“We take a nice, useful lump of clay like you and make it into a useful shape. You got something that you can offer us, Thenysil. You can do what any scum would do and save your skin by offering it to us, or you can accept losing here.”

Thenysil's head hung in submission as soon as she was let go. She spoke softly. “If you accept me... I can fabricate a notice for someone to travel to Darnassus and meet the High Priestess in person. I was-” She gulped.
“I was downplaying what I could do. Since it's from me, a person in a convincing guise could be seen by her with one-hundred percent certainty, even in times like these.” She felt weight on her, though nothing was actually touching her. It was the weight of what she had just offered. Her head fell lower and her stomach twisted.

`Did I really just...`

Duriel rubbed her shoulders. “That's perfect. Perfect and unforgivable. You'll really never be accepted anywhere else, except with us, Thenysil. Exactly how it should be.”

“How... It should be...” She repeated lifelessly.

“Greet your Master, Sister.” Duriel advised. The Orc was standing before them with a cocky grin. Duriel guided Thenysil down further. She then bent the rest of the way and kissed the top of his foot. She felt her arms being freed, then her legs. She planted her hands on the ground, lifted herself only to bend again to kiss his other foot. She then bent back and stared up reverently.

“Greetings, Master.” Thenysil said.

“That's charming.” The Orc complimented, stroking her hair. He lifted his loin cloth. Thenysil gripped his waist and dove in, absorbing his powerful scent as she took his cock in her lips and sucked. Her drooling mouth pulled the already massive cock into the back of her throat. She bobbed over it and pulled free to breath. She gasped in air mixed with wafts of his aroma of pubic sweat.

Duriel chuckled. “Yep, she's gone.” The others whistled at the sight and admired it ina  circle. Some of them stared more jealously than others.

One of the traitors blushed deeply and wistfully added. “I remember my first time giving myself over completely. I envy her... But is it true about what she can offer?”

“Of course.” Duriel confirmed.
“Otherwise what would be the point of setting her up like this?”

Thenysil's ears twitched. She looked back. “It- It was a setup!?”

Duriel grinned. “What are you going to do, unsuck his cock?”

Thenysil's face brightened, practically glowing. “I... No.” She left it alone and turned back to lick around the head of his trunk-like dick worshipfully.

`It's so savory... The smell is so full and encompassing. Being surrounded by this while tasting this and feeling his warmth on my lips and my tongue.` She panted, making a lewd little noise.
`In my mouth... My mind really is gone.` She kissed his balls, licking around them. He stroked her head as she did her best between his legs.

`Orc cock really is the best, somehow. Now that I no longer feel my shame the same way I feel less inclined to fight it. The feeling that Orcs are real men... Better men. But, Duriel said it was all an act? Am I really just  a lewd pervert that got absorbed in this due to my own hangups?` She looked around at the other faces.

`No... They're just as perverted as I am. Maybe more. I'm in good company.` She decided. Her eyes found the gazes of the guards. They were staring at her not as an enemy, but as a beautiful piece of ass. In their eyes she saw favor and it was intoxicating.

`I could maybe get used to this.`

Duriel crossed her arms. “Master, Raene, that girl we broke upon invading this place, should already have found and contacted anyone that's observing us.”

“Good.” The Orc grunted.
“Everything is going as planned. Well done, Duriel.” The elf beamed at the compliment.


Shandris adjusted the saddle of her mount. “Thank god you escaped, Wolfrunner. Your tracking and taming skills will be integral to our operations going forward. Was there anything of note you saw as you left?”

Raene hid her true feelings. She was tasked to act like a downtrodden escapee of the assault. “The Orcs... They talked about moving norther, even though the entirety of Ashenvale has not been secured. General... This feels like far more than a skirmish. Shouldn't we request aid from Tyrande and Darnassus? It's not too late.”

“You're correct, Raene. We'll discuss this more when we return. If The Horde is already moving that puts me in a difficult spot. We can't stop them if they forget convention and charge up the coast without bothering to protect their rear. I did not consider the possibility.”

Raene nodded. She had taken the bait. The information given would drive Shandris to act more recklessly in order to contain the Orcs, rather than cut them off and hold out as she had originally planned.



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