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“There's no way I'm gonna let you have her!” Sam shouted angrily. Her turned around to storm off. His mind was abuzz.

`Dad gave me the job to get rid of that bastard, but I don't have to do it his way. I'll figure out a way to eject the Orc and still get everything I want.`
Before he could fully walk away Sam's eyes widened as a presence came up behind him quickly. Before he could turn a wide hand swung down onto his rear and squeezed. In his second new body since he arrived in the circus he was not overly feminine, but had perky, lithe features. They were hidden beneath a robe but Malik could make them out easily. The Orc licked his lips as he assaulted the new Sam without any restraint. Sam screamed and pushed the Orc back, though Malik's body was so solid that Sam simply pushed himself away and landed on the rear that was just touched, leaving an embarrassing tingling sensation in that ass cheek.

“What do you think you're doing!?” Sam pointed accusingly.

Malik shrugged, stepping forward casually to close the distance. “Based on that decision you just made I know we'll be working together a lot, so I just thought I'd get to know you.” He teased.

Sam crawled back and stood up, dusting himself off. “The hell are you talking about?”

Malik stared at him harshly. “You're losing it, Sam. Think about how roughed up your brain is already. You probably just thought of that Raccoon as 'Dad' when you were thinking of him just now, and you're earnestly carrying out his orders, too. Like a good son.”

Sam shook. “That- That's-” He had nothing to say. He gripped his head with one hand and strained to think in a panic.

`Who... Who's my Dad? It's... It's just Serius, isn't it? My family... I know who they are.` He remembered the portrait. Them? After so many years of using such gaslighting tactics on others, he wish it helped him get any resistance to it himself.

`So then why does it feel wrong, and why does the Orc seem so right at the moment? He didn't touch my head...` Sam shook it off.
`I am... An Orran. With an Orran father. This was done to me recently. I'm not a Beastfolk! I'm better than that, I'm a Tanuki. Better than the average Beastfo-` Sam cringed.
'No, I was human.`

“Listen Sam. The only thing that's left for you now is to follow 'Daddy' like a good son and hand over the Hero to me. It's not worth anything to you or to Serius.” he crossed arms over his broad chest, rapping his fingers on his forearm.
“You know, I'm actually being serious with you right now. It's fun for me, but I don't care that much and I'd rather leave sooner. Trying to get everything you want wont work here, and it's stupid. The only person that can have everything they want in life is me.” Malik looked down at him in his twinkish form. He seems to only be getting stronger.
“You think you're something because you took out a Hero. All you did was be in the right place at the right time with a good enough tool. You aren't anything special, Sam. You're no better than a fool that won the lottery.”

“You're just saying that...” Sam gritted his teeth.
“As if you somehow know what's going through my head.”

Malik cocked a brow at the irony of that protest. In his minds eye he saw two qualities that showed what was going through his head: Addled Mentally, and Mentally Vulnerable. The Orc clicked his tongue.
“Poor thing.”

Sam grew even more frustrated and embarrassed. Before Malik still looked at him with a cocky expression, but there was still the glint of a challenge in that Orcs eyes. As Sam saw it now, as plain as day the Orc wore an expression of pity. He also saw the eyes of a predator looking upon prey. There was no acknowledgment of threat in that Orcs eyes anymore. It struck Sam. Then a thought popped into his head.
`I can use that. This guy wants to underestimate me? I'll let him. Once I'm in a better position I'll use what I know to fuck him up. I'm a martial artist. I know several different mixtures and elixirs and types of drugs. I can pull something off if he underestimates me like this.`

Little did Sam know that on other side there was no underestimation. There was simply an estimate. An accurate assessment of the situation by a man that could see rather uniquely into Sam's soul. Malik turned around and returned to his cushioned seating area to take a casual load off. He stared up lazily and remarked.
“Well... You better get close to me if you wanna catch me off guard, Sam.”

Sam blushed and blustered as Malik called out exactly what he was thinking. “You think I wont just because you said it as if you're some type of psychic? We both know something so obvious. Knowing what I gotta do wont save you from what I end up doing?”

Malik sighed happily, leaning back with his arms spread out wide across his couch. The picture of relaxation.

`Everything feels right, now. That guy isn't even trying anymore so it's just normal work for me, at this point. Once I have him converted I'll exchange Sam with Serius for the Hero and get out of here finally.` He glanced over at Sam, seeing him as just another chip in the Circus. He was not even the goal, he was the goal to reach the goal.
“You still here, babe? Why don't you sit down and tell me about all those cute plans you're cooking up.”

“W-wuh?” Sam was stunned.
“Why would I? And don't call me b-babe!” He bit the inside of his lip.
`But I do need to get close to him to actually accomplish my plan.`

Malik thought. `If I use magic on Sam at this point Serius could spin it as an attack and he'd have the right to deal with me on his turf. I've skirted by so far by keeping it mostly subtle and removing evidence but I dunno to what extent the guy can detect exactly what I do with Sam now that the fool is his son... Even without Sociamancy, dealing with him now is just a matter of push and pull. I can  prod him where I see weakness and then pull at strings after, like unraveling a quilt.`

A similar thought occurred to Sam at the same time. `I actually know for a fact that Dad watches us closer than anyone else in the Circus. As a result we're on a tight leash, but that also means if anything shady happens to us he has evidence of it happening. The Orc bastard can't use any shady shit on me to take me down like before or he'll have to answer to Dad.` Sam grinned and strutted over to Malik before sitting down beside him.
“You can't do anything to me.” Sam teased.

“That's true. My girl is so clever.” Malik said affectionately in a way that made Sam shudder, his large mouth curling up warmly as his arm fell down around Sam's shoulders, hand resting on his side. Sam struggled to get out from beneath the arm and crawl out in a panic.

“I'm not your girl! I'm a guy.”

“Then I'm not interested. Take a walk. If you show up next time you have to at least wear something cute to impress me.” Malik said flatly.

“But you need to deal with me to take the Hero for yourself and leave.”

“Pfft... Haha.” Malik waved.
“I don't care. I'll stay here for longer. I'm not the one that's on a timer.”

Sam stormed off, opening a door nearby to enter the hall. Then from the hall he found his room and jumped on the bed, screaming into his pillow while kicking his legs.
“This doesn't make any sense!” He shouted into the air. Sam blinked, feeling his throat. He tried to clear it, because his voice felt softer and a bit higher. He looked up and hung his legs over the side of the bed. He was wearing robes so he did not notice immediately but his legs became softer and more slender. He was shorter by a bit, because his bare feet only barely missed the floor. Sam touched his face and felt his cheeks.
“What the fuck? Why am I so...” Sam turned to stare into his rooms mirror. He saw staring back at him a Beastfolk twink. A common slave in Orr. He yelped and moved closer. It was subtle but his face was less rigidly shaped, his skin was softer and his body was softer overall. Sam squinted, His rear was a little bigger as well. Overall he looked just a little bit younger and smaller and hotter by his own standards, if he were a target of himself.
“Why's this happening!? That bastard did something to me, I know it.” Sam cleared his throat, through his arms out to the side with his fist clenched and shouted.

Serius appeared, hugging Sam from behind. “What is it darling?”

“That stupid Orc did something shady. That means we beat the shit out of him, right?” Sam squirmed out of the hug and made some distance, tripping over his enlarged robes due to his slightly smaller body.

“Actually, this is something I am responsible for sweetie.” Serius admitted.

“What!? Why the hell would you do this?”

“Because you are being bad. Also, swearing does not make you sound cool.” Serius wagged his clawed  finger.
“You were very mature before. Were. Since you began the mission I gave you, you have decided to act like a fool and avoided doing the simple things I asked of you. Plus, if you were going to go this route I would at least wish for you to be better at it.” Serius waved his paw dismissively.
“Until you act your age, you are the little brother. And Sam... Before you pout and point fingers at me, this is because you failed to act responsibly.” Serius really did scold like a father, though he was far kinder than a figure that Sam thought of for some reason, but could not rightly remember.

`Who... Would I be thinking of other than my Dad?`He set it aside for the moment while the old Raccoon was still present.

“B-but Daaad...” He whined, holding his head in his hands. Serius poofed away. Before he could fully take in what just happened, Suzy burst through the door.
“Oh no.”

“That's no way to talk to your BIG Sister.” Suzy grinned, clamping onto him with more strength than he could match. She pushed her cheek into yours, cuddling.
“So cuuuute! Look at your ears, they're so soft...  Mmmm. I just wanna eat them!”

“Don't eat my ears, you dumb bitch!” Sam gasped, her lips glomping onto one. It twitched. He used all of his strength to pry her away.
“Why... Are... You... So annoying!?” He screamed in a shrill voice.

“I have to be extra annoying now.” she admitted.
“If you start acting more mature Dad'll change your look again. So need to do my best to keep you all riled up, frustrated and adorable like a good lil' Bro.”

Sam exhaled, shaking his head as he plopped down on the bed. “Does he do that often?”

“Oh, yeah. If I acted any different I could look like an elegant Matriarch.” She lifted her chin as she said the words, resting her hands on her hips as well.
“But, I don't care that much. We don't actually ever age for real and our past is a made up fiction so Dad sometimes makes us different for fun based on how we're acting. Isn't that cool?” She beamed.

“No...” Sam pouted, kicking his legs on the side of bed restlessly.
“I look like I just completed my coming of age.” He cringed as she sat down beside him and pinched his cheek.

“That's true, you do. What's the mission, again?”

Sam stared down at the floor. “Dad wants me to evict the Orc.”

“What!? Oh... Right. I remember now. He did put you on that, didn't he?” She chuckled.
“Rough break lil' Bro.”

“Wait, if Dad can change our shape, can't we change our own? We have the same power.”

“Dad changes our general shape then locks it but we can actually make ourselves look any way within those bounds.” As she said that her clothes loosened. She became a He in an instant, then shifted back, her tail wiggling behind her.

“How do I change shape?”

“You just think about what you wanna be. So long as what that is, isn't taller than me with a bigger cup size.”

“Well... I don't want it to that extent. I want just enough to be convincing and look good in clothes. Oh... What about clothes.”

“We have a whole wardrobe of costumes and outfits to work with. If you just wanna look cute, put something on. I'll give you advice on what to wear and anything you should do with your face.” She offered.
“You probably don't need to change anything, since you are already very cute as you are.”

Sam stared at his reflection again. Soft lips, soft body, soft features. He was almost too embarrassed to face the Hero at the moment because he was the spitting image of Fin right before being feminized fully. Just with Tanuki ears. He walked to the closet to look around. It was all clothes shaped to fit him, in different styles. There were male, female and androgynous samples.

Eventually, after much discussion Sam arrived at something that was in between. He did not want to outright wear something feminine, but he also did not wish to get turned away by the Orc. He settled on short shorts that were tight to his thighs and cut bellow the rear. Sandals with no socks and no heel to them, then over his chest it he simply wore a loose, soft blouse that was buttoned near the top and could have belonged to either a man or a woman.

“Now, how to trick the Orc... I know I'm gonna drug him somehow, but-”

“What if we bake him some stuff together.” Suzy interjected excitedly.

Sam was about to say it was a stupid idea, then he remembered what Malik did before as a power play. “He'll think I don't have it in me. Also, it's a decent idea... I don't know how to bake, though.”

“I'll teach you. We can bake stuff together.”


Suzy hummed happily as she stood behind Sam. He was wearing a blue apron with frills and a  small white chefs hat.
“Why do I gotta wear this shit?” He muttered.
“So you don't get flour or gunk on your cool outfit. Start making balls out of the dough with the chocolate in them.”

“Oh, should I add the drug now or after?”

“After.” She added while licking her lips giddily.
“I wanna eat one of the precious cookies my little bro made with all his heart.” She wiggled her hips, hugging herself at the thought.

“Fine... You are so stupid and weird, Suzy. We aren't real siblings.”

“I know.” She leaned on him.
“I just think it's fun having a sibling. You were a cool older brother based on the memories of you that were put in my head. They all feel real so I really do like you, Sammy. But, I like you even more as a little brother because I haven't had a chance to be a big sister yet. Also, you're cute even when you're saying harsh words. Tee hee!” She covered her mouth cheekily.

Sam rolled his eyes. He scraped the empty bowl with his finger and pushed it between her lips abruptly. Her eyes widened, then she accepted the dough and gulped it down happily. Sam withdrew his finger and wiped it on his little apron.
“So good. Thank you!” She said genuinely. Sam saw her expression of joy, and heard her thanks and blushed a little.

“I was actually just trying to make you sick, since there's raw egg in that.”

She began to lick the bowl eagerly. “Dad says we can even eat garbage and not get sick.”

“Have you eaten garbage?”

“N-no!” She insisted strongly.

“Okay...” He began to remove the apron and the hat.

“Wait!” She held out her hand in a stopping motion.


“If you keep it on, the effect is strong with the way you look now.” Suzy insisted.


Sam grinned as he exited near Malik once more. “Hey, Orc!” He shouted.

“What?” Malik looked him over, his face lighting up.
“Oh wow. So, you kinda went all the way with this disguise, huh? Baker girl?”

“Shut the fuck up.” Sam smiled brightly and brought forth a plate of large, thin cookies with chocolate in them.
“I brought you this, because... I want to make amends.”

“Uh huh.” Malik smirked, staring at the plate closely.
“You baked these yourself. With help, but still. That's an attractive skill for an Orc woman. Good job. But they're drugged, right?”

“Non-sense, I'll eat them with you.” Sam announced, placing the plate down. He felt good. There was a single cookie that was not poisoned The others were laced with a subtle feminizing drug and he knew which one was safe off of memory, but to Malik all of them would be the same. He reached for a different cookie to fake Malik out into grabbing the one he was reaching for, instead of the right one. If Malik did not take the bait he would just grab the right one.
“But, I need to eat light with my figure so I'll just take-” Malik reached over Sam's slender hand and grabbed the safe cookie from the opposite side. Sam watched it happen and began to sweat as the Orc popped the lifeline into his fat mouth.

“Not bad! But yeah, that's fine. Go ahead and eat just one. I'm actually watching my weight as well.” Malik laid back and watched with amusement as Sam began to fret.

“On second th-” Malik picked up another one and pushed it into Sam's mouth There was in imperceptible amount of Aura used in that moment as Malik touched him to reinforce the instincts a person would normally have if they had food in their mouth. Chew. Swallow.

Even if the subtle use of Sociamancy was detected, Malik laughed internally knowing that it was already a plot against him. He could just claim that he did not know they were poisoned. Harmlessly getting a stupid twink to eat a cookie could not be construed as violence.



Jane Hexum

I wonder what the hero and the fox twins are doing during this Sam seems to have lost track of them.


When did we go from chapter 2 to chapter 6? Did I miss something or are the in-between chapters locked to the extra/publisher tiers?

Tanya Wormald

3-5 are up. I think it may be a tagging issue but I found them all by searching 'immovable'