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You bypass a burning manor on Lae'zel's strict orders in order to reach a crossroads up ahead. She claims she heard the flapping of wings but you can not be completely sure as you were too busy staring at Karlach. You have no choice but to follow Lae'zel's orders, despite what the others claim. She is far too dominant. The others, Shadowheart and Karlach trail behind you unenthusiastically. The enormous gate looms up ahead and through it you can see a gathering of Flaming Fists. Guards from Balder's Gate. You wonder what they are doing here. The closer you come the easier it is to tell that there is a commotion. You, and other two with sense begin to hide while Lae'zel stands and watches. She beams proudly and admiringly as a dragon rider torches the Knights without much cause.

“What did they do?” You ask in a tone just above a whisper.

“Probably something egregious.” Lae'sel states.

You all overhear from the pale-faced Gith woman speaking in a standard Gith tone above the necessary volume. “That will teach you for asking me any question at all... And being Human.” She kneels down as the Dragon lands.

Lae'zel looks at you all as if she was vindicated by the explanation. “See?”

“Uh, yeah... I saw. That was bad that they did that to the... Gith lady.” Karlach and Shadowheart exchange hesitant glances as you say that to placate her.

“These Gith seem a bit more... 'Gith-y' than usual.” Shadowheart warns. They fall on deaf green ears.

“Take my things, slave. I will speak to my kin. Lae'zel hands off all of her heavy items and approaches her kin. You all observe quietly as she greets them. She speaks with the Dragon Rider respectfully and seems to be providing information.

“Oh, maybe this is good?” You whisper.

“Look again.” Shadowheart points smugly. You follow her finger and look back.

Lae'zel fucking dies.

“Oh my god, they just killed her... What did she do to deserve this?” You cover your mouth, aghast. A good woman, cut down so quickly and easily, without even a paragraph to describe it.

Shadowheart stares at you in disbelief as the Gith clear out. “I think she did A LOT to deserve it.”

“What? How could you say that? She was Lae'zel...” You complain, looking to them both for answers.

“She took advantage of you. More than anyone else.” Shadowheart said.


“Threw you off a cliff.” Karlach added.


“She referred to you as her slave.” Shadowheart adds to the pile.

You blush. “Well... That one wasn't-”

“She used you as bait for Goblins. BEFORE she knew it would be fine.”

“We can't know that for sure.”

“Listen.” Shadowheart grabs you by the shoulders and looks you firmly in the eye.
“I understand that you are a very, very great enjoyer of the abusive nature of our Gith `companion,` rest her soul, But you can get that feeling from someone that is not actively trying to lead us into a den of people that would like to murder and enslave us for not being Gith. There are other viable outlets for abuse.”

“This is the strangest pep-talk I ever heard.” Karlach utters, holding her stomach and her mouth.
“A bit... Nauseating, really.”

Shadowheart shakes her head. “Agreed, but this is how we have to speak to her.”

You nod reluctantly. “I suppose. Every time I pray to Shar I feel abused and a bit degraded, so we both have that, anyway.”

Shadowheart releases you, looking quite annoyed. “Let's not say something like that. Lady Shar is-” She takes a deep breath and calms herself.
“Never mind. The point is, Lae'zel is dead and we can't bring her back. Under any circumstances.”

You offer a subdued smile as you reach into Lae'zel's back. “She had this scroll. There's a note.”

“What does it say?” Karlach craned her head over curiously.

You read. “It says... 'Only scroll of-' she has really bad handwriting. 'Only scroll of Revivify we have. Use only in case of death of most important party member.'” You see an arrow signaling to turn it over.
“Then in brackets on the other side it just says, 'Me, Lae'zel.' It says we have to use this on her. It's like a last will.”

“Give me that!” Shadowheart swipes it from your hands abruptly. She throws the note away,
“I'm going to go loot her of her armor and underwear. Both weren't bad.”

“Sounds like a party.” Karlach goes with. The two chat along the way while glancing back in your direction. You remain behind, mourning quietly as Asterion approaches you from the shadows.

“Looks like you're back in. But what are you doing here? How'd you know Lae'zel died.?”

Astarion leans back, eyes wide. “Lae'zel died? This is so unexpected. What made you finally snap?”

“Wasn't me. I even wanted to revive her with the only revivify scroll we had but Shadowheart took it from me. So wait, why did you come here?”

“I was just in the neighborhood looking for a meal.” He pauses, considering what was said.

“Good. We should only use that in the event that our most important party member dies.”

“Is it you?”

“No, silly.” He taps you on the nose. Your eyes cross.
“It's you.”

“Me?” You are amazed by the claim and wonder where this joke is going.

“Not only are you my favorite blood-bag of the bunch, but you are like a lightning rod for unlucky situations. The moment you truly die, all bets are off. Also, no matter how empty that cute head of your is, you are a cleric that will soon learn to revivify.”

Your eyes light up. “I'm your favorite blood bag?”

“Of course you are. Looks like they are returning.”

You look over to see Karlach and Shadowheart walking from Lae'zel's naked corpse. One is carrying Lae'zel's underwear while the other is carrying her armor. Astarion broached the subject as soon as they returned.
“We have to vote on a new group leader, since Lae'zel can no longer pretend to be. Everyone who does not want the responsibility raise your hand.” Astarion, Shadowheart and Karlach raise their hands at once. You stand there for a few moments, looking confused.

“Wait... Raise my hand if I... Don't want to be leader, or if I do?”

“Perfect. Looks like it's decided.” Asterion pats you on the back.

Your jaw drops at the quick decision. “I can't be leader. Me head is full of holes...”

“Adorable. She sure is humble, our leader.” Karlach grins.

“Uh, what do we do now?”

“Up to you.” Shadowheart shrugs.
“We're no longer on a quest to kill ourselves at the end of a Gith blade so I'd say any direction is an improvement.”

“I guess we can just follow the nearest thread that hinted at a cure.” Your planning skills are not very well developed, but they all smile at you as if you have just made an excellent choice. As they take turns patting you on the shoulder you get the impression that you are the leader in the sense that it is your job to talk in any future suicidal situations, and to be the lightning rod in case anything goes wrong.

“First, though let's...” You look around at the faces of your subordinates and see Shadowheart muttering the words 'Long Rest.'
“Long... Rest?”

“Great idea, Leader.” Shadowheart congratulates you on a splendid call.
“Lets return to camp.”


As you returned to camp, the moment you laid down to rest you opened your eyes in the domain of the guardian that had protected you from the infection. The one you knew to be a Mind Flayer. He floats towards you, his hands folded behind his back. Beady black eyes center on you.
“I have been considering our last meeting where you flustered me into releasing the connection. The fact that you know what I am but are unfazed by me is a simple enough reason to consider you a useful individual. Do you truly not care that I, a Mind Flayer, have been the one helping you all this time? It takes an open mind.”

“I don't care...”

He lifts a curious finger to his tendrils near where you assume his chin should be. “It is not in my interest to say this, but I could be subtly manipulating you, no... Everyone in the group to act in a way that is favorable to me. Knowing that, do you still trust me?”

You stare up at him, a dribble of saliva peeking over your bottom lip and down your chin into your lap. “Uh... Okay.”

“Wha- what? That is not an answer to my question.”

You scratch your pale head quizzically. “I thought I was answering yes to subtle manipulation.”

He pauses, staring down at you with what you can only guess is frustration. His voice seethes quietly in your head.
“It is pointless to manipulate someone that wishes to be manipulated. I will just ask you to do something and you'll do it without any effort if that is the case.”

“Yeah.” You smile.
“See, you're doing a good job.”

“I am not manipulating you or doing anything to you right now.”

“I can't even tell so it's uncanny. Mind Flayers are something else. But do we have a safe word in case I want you to stop manipulating my brain?”

“There is no safe word-”


“Because I am currently not doing anything to your brain. I do not need to...” After he says that you just stare at him blankly. He stares back at you and the two of you hold that position for a full minute before he clutches his forehead. You wonder if Mind Flayers can get migraines.

“Okay. Yes. I am controlling you.” He decides in an unconvincing tone.

“You are my thrall.”

You clap your hands in front of you excitedly. “Tell me what to do, Master.”

He began explaining something about True Souls, parasites and something about the absolute but you were staring intently at his tentacles, and the beak within them. When he finished he sighed into your mind. It was a conscious decision to show he was discontent.
“You are not listening at all.”

“I was listening.” You lie.

“I know you are lying. Repeat back anything that I just said.”

You nod. “I have to put worms in my brain to fight a cult.”

He looks shocked. “That is- I... Suppose you were listening selectively to the parts you wanted to hear.” As a reward he hesitantly broaches a familiar topic.

“And now you are wondering if I eat your brain will you feel it, correct?”


“It would be painful. But... I could make a victim feel whatever I wanted them to, so it is possible for it to feel good. But you would die, so we will not do that.”

“You could make me feel it, though?”

“I could...” If Mind Flayer's could blush...
“If you are good, I will consider it. Obey my instructions, guide your party as I desire. Fight the Absolute and the Cult.”

“I can discard my morals, too, if I can watch. Do you want me to bring you anyone to eat?”

“No... No, that will not be necessary. But I will remember your enthusiasm.”



Jane Hexum

fun dnd lore fact albino drow are huge deal Szarkai meaning "ghost spiders" appearing in only 0.01% of the drow population. They were relatively more common among the noble houses than among lower castes, though it was unknown if this was the product of inbreeding or meddling by the goddess Lolth. The birth of a szarkai was viewed as the blessing of Lolth upon a family, and thus they were dubbed szarkai, or "ghost spiders". Other drow looked on them in awe. They were far too valuable to risk in the cutthroat politics of drow society, or to be murdered by chance in the streets. Thus, their existence was kept a secret from all, known only to the highest-ranking members of a family and those who had a vital need to know. Kept apart from everyday drow life, szarkai were sequestered and lived much safer than many other drow, though no less harsh or corruptive. They tended to receive personal attention and training from the very cruelest of priestesses and the most duplicitous of nobles. Almost from birth, they were trained as spies and saboteurs and readied for a life undercover on the surface, living among elves and in human cities where elves were common, where they could operate without suspicion. When they'd completed their training and had the necessary skills, szarkai were sent on deep-cover, long-term assignments to the surface, to advance the plots of their houses and of the Spider Queen. (taken straight from the wiki)

Tanya Wormald

Woah! That's cool. I may reference that, since I was unaware. We still need to enter the Goblin camp with all the interesting characters there.

Marisa Le

can’t waitttt to see another chapter of this!