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Shadowheart whispers to you once she has managed to pull you away from the one-horned Tiefling. “That is the Devil that the Blade of Frontiers warned me about when I spoke to him. She has one horn and red skin and is... Literally on fire.”

“Oh... No she's fine.” You say simply.


“So she's not a Devil?”

“Attractive as one.” You blush.

A wry smile crosses Shadowheart's lips. “If you're saying it I doubt I can trust your judgment. But, she does look quite charming.”

“Like she could throw you over her shoulder?”

“How did you know?” The two of you share a chuckle.

Lae'zel gathered everyone. “I have determined that the barbarian is more useful that the ridiculous Elf.”
You, with your Drow heritage look to Shadowheart and her Half-Elf self while touching your ears self-consciously. Asterion smiles and whispers in your ear.
“I think she means you, darling.” Lae'zel stares at Asterion flatly.
“Oh... Well I suppose I will enjoy doing nothing back at camp. Please hesitate to come and get me if you need something.”

After he leaves you ask. “Why did we not just travel with five people, Master?”

“Oi, you call this one Master? Didn't she throw you off a cliff?” Karlach has a perplexed look as she stares at you.

You rush to Lae'zel's side eagerly. “Well, yes, but it was a mistake.”

Lae'zel locks eyes with you sternly. “I do not make mistakes, servant. The ally we found was better than Asterion. For that reason I believe my throw quite good.”

“Right you are!” You concede happily.

Lae'zel crosses her arms and looks down her nose at you. “Four is enough. Three is too little. I just don't like that Elf. Do I need a reason?”

“Of course not.”

Karlach lifts one of her brows at the sight of you two. “This is an odd dynamic I walked in on. Is this what we're supposed to do? Puff up the Gith's ego?”

“Yes. But I do not need puffing.”

Shadowheart whispered. “We have a strange individual who will do whatever you ask her to do, and Lae'zel is simply the only one of use that lacks enough conscience to not take that too far.”

“Oh, I see.” Karlach scratches her head.
“Wait... No I don't see.. But, I guess you lot want to get these worms out of your heads?”

“We are apparently headed towards a Creche. They should have a device that will extract the worms.”

“Oh, alright! I'm all for that, then.”

“Speaking of, we should cut through the mountains. I sense my kin are close.”

“Tons of Gnolls up that way and they're pretty strong.” Karlach warns.

“We are 'pretty strong.' These clerics will heal me, and potentially you if the need arises. Before it becomes dangerous, all of the enemies will fall. That is how it has worked so far. There are no enemies that can stand up to us as we are now. A Gnoll is no different from a dog that has been taught to walk on it's hind legs.”

“I trust our leader.” You say enthusiastically. As a reward Lae'zel pats you on the head.
“It's refreshing to find even a single individual on this plane that knows their place.”

“I can't wait to meet all the Gnolls...” You say in an excited tone, practically salivating. Even Lae'zel seems to pick up on the foreboding nature of your excitement. The group can tell that she is trying to figure out a way to go back on her decision while saving face.

Karlach steps in. “I hear the road is a bit slower, but not having to fight any battles probably makes it quicker than taking a short route through the pass.”

“You have an impressive head on your shoulders.” Lae'zel compliments, clearing her throat.
“We will still reach the Creche, regardless. We are already past the point of when these tadpoles should have transformed us. Though it makes me uncomfortable, we may not be on as much of a timer as I thought.”

“Very wise decision making, 'Leader.'” Shadowheart comments sarcastically. Lae'zel takes the comment as earnest.

“I am glad you are coming around, Second Cleric.” She finds it hard to say those words, as though she thought it to be a compliment.

“I am the second cleric!? I was the original cleric!” She argues.

“Well, First Cleric is serving me so well that she deserves recognition.”

You smile proudly.

-In Another Time-

You feel another canine cock enter you as the sound of Gnolls slamming away at a chest nearby rings in your ears. You are naked, and with a crude rope leash tied around your neck you are pulled back with each thrust. It tightens each time, providing you with the intoxicating sensation of being close to losing consciousness while you are fucked. The Gnoll's breath reeks, and washes over your pale back. He is nothing in the very small scheme of Gnoll society, and the world in general but he holds your leash for now, and likely until your end.

You close your eyes and try to ignore the clanging of the Gnoll leader slamming away it the hard iron chest. Somehow that is more annoying to you than the constant rutting into you that the Gnoll raider is doing. That is quite pleasant in comparison. To your right are the strewn bodies of some unfortunate couriers that were caught out by the war-band. They died to protect their cargo so you wonder if their employer will at least be pleased if they were to know that much.

'Likely not.' You smirk, rutting back against the Gnoll, surprising him. If he is to be your mate for life you should at least treat him well. His hands loosen around your slender waist and his jaws close lightly around your neck from behind, making small marks He is claiming you. With that thought you experience euphoria. Your body shudders and your muscles tense. You bottom lip is the only target of your aggression as you bite down on it to the point of drawing blood. You breath once the wave passes, getting a whiff of satisfaction that the Gnolls balls are soon to empty into you. If your belly bursts like a Hyena how truly miraculous would that be? A birth as splendid as that is not something you ever realized you could have the right to. Maybe your child will inherit your blood... Without knowing what that blood is, you feel a sense of pride wash over you at being able to spread such inheritance. Part of you wishes to live through birthing a Gnoll child so that you can become a broodmare to this tribe. Your children could leave not a mark, but a deep gash on this world. That thought, too, pleases you.

Your attention is diverted away from your own situation. True to your dark desires you find yourself immediately drawn to the suffering of others as it appears around you. Shadowheart, the precious girl, is preying to Shar to forget what is happening. What has happened. Though you have a connection, you have idea if her prayers will be answered. She is being made to ride one of the archers, it's member reaching deep inside of her. Her sturdy body is a curse, not a blessing, as the Gnolls making use of her realized quickly that she can take whatever they give. She curses you with her dark eyes. The only person in the room that relishing your fate. In addition, you are the reason.

Thinking back, you charged headlong into the Gnolls, not out of bravery but out of a lack of self preservation. It was shocking to you when the Gnoll Chief's mind connected with yours. They were servants of the absolute. The moment your mind unintentionally imagined a world where you and your whole party were taken the events could no longer be stopped. You commanded them to do something they were so eager to do, anyway.

“Curse you!” Lae'zel cringes. The Gith is taking the brunt of a plain old Hyena... There is something fitting about her being left to the ones who are pets, even among Gnolls. It may have been something about her green skin or her unappealing demeanor that warded them off.

Then there is Karlach. Poor Karlach that had only just joined you was already put in such a state. There were many Gnolls around her, warming their hands on her as if she was a campfire. It seems they treat it as a challenge to see who could place their hands on her, or their cock in any of her holes the longest. They learned that the mouth was a surefire way to lose it, so gagged the Tiefling and had their way in other parts.

In your mind, it was quite a good day overall.




This was an absolutely beautiful read! Can't express to you how much I love, not just the what if end, but also the contents of it🤤