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NTR Quest - Odyssey 28 - Visit Ashur

  • Add Ashur to Diplomatic Entourage 10
  • Decline Ashur 2
  • 2024-01-12
  • 12 votes
{'title': 'NTR Quest - Odyssey 28 - Visit Ashur', 'choices': [{'text': 'Add Ashur to Diplomatic Entourage', 'votes': 10}, {'text': 'Decline Ashur', 'votes': 2}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 12, 21, 50, 3, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 12}


You climbed the ladder onto the Tryskan vessel. 'I caught a a lot of flak from basically everyone except Mother, Djir and Jeane for coming here.' When you talked it over, Fiona was aghast that you were planning on humoring Ashur. Teuta was horrified and promised she would pray until your return. Only Marrien, Djir and Teuta saw the benefit in connecting with the Second Prince. As you lifted yourself up onto the deck you were met with a hand from Ashur. It was slender and without callouses. The Prince was smiling widely.
“G-greetings, Your Highness.” Marrien advised you to address him as such when first meeting. The Prince seemed annoyed. You gritted your teeth. 'Did I commit some sin I wasn”t aware of?'

“Please call me Ashur! Sheesh. We're having a visit. It's not some official meeting.”

“Ah...” You stood up. The Prince was slightly shorter than you and quite a bit more lithe.

“I had my Nanny prepare tea and cookies.” he announced proudly.
“Come! Come into the lower deck. There is a room set up where we can properly sit and connect.”

“Okay...” Ashur covered his mouth and giggled as he grabbed your hand and pulled you along. You felt extremely confused by the lack of pressure.
“Sorry Fiona couldn't come. She uh... Was busy.” It was the excuse you would have used.

“That's fine.” He waved his hand dismissively. Ashur led you down into the ship to a fancy sitting room. It had been done up with carpeting and furniture befitting a Palace, not a ship. There were two sofas surrounding a small little table with doilies set up. Ashur sat down and happily crossed one of his thin legs over the other. He smiled brightly and motioned for you to sit across from him.
“Let's see... Is everything set up?” He wondered out loud.

“Uh... About Fiona, Ashur. Are you-”

“I would very much like to have tea with her and. There are also some pretty dresses that I thought would look good on her, and I never see her in anything like that so I was hopeful that she would look at them and pick one she likes.” Ashur sighed, looking out longingly.
“Please do tell her I would just like to drink tea with her. I barely have any girlfriends I can talk to on this trip.”


“Girls that are friends.” He explained, looking around with an exasperated expression.

“Coming!” A woman uttered in a singsong tone. The woman that you had assumed as Ashur's mother came into the room carrying a tray of cookies of various sizes and types. Some had chocolate and others were sprinkled with sugar. There were confections and macarons as well. You stared down at the tray in disbelief, then up at the Nanny. She carried herself well and had emerald eyes similar to Ashur, and onyx black hair, as well.

“What about the tea!”

The woman smiled delicately and said. “Prince Ashur, you mentioned that you wanted to practice pouring the tear for your friends.”

“Ah! Thank you for reminding me!” He stood up and pranced over to another table. He brought with him a porcelain teapot.
“Fin, this tea was collected in the mid-east, just beyond Trysk. They grow stunning tea-leaves there.”

“I see...”

“Prince Ashur loves holding tea parties.” The Nanny chuckled.

“Ashur, you seem very interested in my Sister is it for-”

“Oh! I think she would be a great match for my older Brother, Paul!” He gushed.
“He's a gonna make a really great King so I thought that if Fiona joined our family I could be friends with Paul's wife.”

“What about you? Do you have an interest?”

Ashur touched his cheek and blushed why he held the teacup with his pinky out. “Oh, I don't know. I feel more at home with the Kingdoms Ladies, but I don't have much-”

The Nanny's smile cracked. She bent forward and covered his mouth to stifle his next words. “Things that should not be said out loud, Prince...” She turned to you and explained.
“Ashur is interested in Lady Fiona Vara and in several other Noble ladies. It is the reason he loves to host get-togethers with them. Do not misunderstand.”

“Ah.” You sipped your tea awkwardly, finding yourself instinctively avoiding the woman's emerald eyes for some reason. You also felt a strange sensation around her. It felt as if you knew her.
“What's your name Miss...”

“Lauda. People mistake me for this child's mother but I am a caretaker of the Royal Family. I tend to go where...” She let go of Ashur, allowing him to be free to reach forward for a cookie. He takes a smile bite, closes his eyes and smiles happily, then takes a sip of tea to follow it.
“Where I am needed most.”

“I see.” You took another quiet sip.
'I feel like I only have two words to say...'

“Ashur is a very special child.” She says earnestly.

He looked up indignantly. “Don't say any more, Nanny! I don't want Fin to hear anything embarrassing about me.”

You looked upon the prince with soft, feathered black hair and green eyes like precious gemstones. His pale skin and small body gave him the appearance reminded you of a black chick that had not made it out of the nest yet.
“How are the other two Princes, Ashur?”

“Paul is big and strong and he's very kind even though I'm an illegitimate child.” He blinked, covering his mouth.

“You unintentionally said one of those embarrassing things?” Lauda bent over and asked, wiping his cheek with a handkerchief once she saw a crumb. He blushed and nodded.
“Maybe Fin will agree to not spread it around?”

“Please Fin?”

You held up your hands. “I wouldn't spread rumors like that. W-we were just talking about your brothers. Nothing else.”

He breathed a sigh of relief. “Even though Aiden is younger than me he grew like a weed and ended up taller somehow. Now they're both starting to look like Father and practice with swords.”

You leaned forward. “Do you want to practice with swords, Ashur?”

He looked away and said hesitantly. “I probably should...”

“You don't have to if you don't want to. That fact that you came on this trip means you're brave enough, I think.”

Ashur brightened significantly. “You think so?”

“I know so. The number of applicants was so low due to the risk inherent in the mission but you came with just a Nanny. It's quite an accomplishment. Your father would probably be very happy.” You reassured. Ashur began to tear up.
“Ashur...” You looked at him sympathetically.

“N-Nanny something flew into my eye. Get it out.” He ordered in a flustered tone. Once the Nanny cleared his eyes he looked over and noticed your cup half-empty.
“Ah! Let me refill it, please!” He offered excitedly. He grabbed the kettle and leaned over the table.

Lauda held her hands out in an attempt to support him. “C-careful.”

“I can do it!” He assured her right up to the moment his foot slipped and Ashur fell forward onto the table. The pot. Opened at the top and spilled hot liquid over your groin area.

“A-ah...” You tried to remain calm. Your face was becoming red.

“Oh no! Nanny, what do we do!?” He began to panic.

“Stay put, I-I'll grab a towel!” She rushed off.

Despite being told to stay put, Ashur made his way around the table and pushed it back so that he could  kneel between your legs. You could see the prince was fretting over your pants.
“Are you okay? Did you get burned?”

“N-not sure... A little maybe?” Before you could say that your body would not easily be harmed by hot water, even if it stung for a little bit Ashur was already going for your buttons.
“Hey! What are you doing, Ashur!?”

“I wanna make sure you're alright.” He explained, opening your pants. Your hands hovered over him. The Prince was so delicate that you were not sure about touching him. Marrien said that the consequence of touching a member of the Royal family without asking could even be death.

“It's fine, I promise!” You uttered in vain.

“I have to check.” Ashur stated, pulling down your underwear. His face flushed as he took a look at your member.
“Oh... It's big and a little flush. Is that normal?” He took it.
“Ah! Blood's rushing to it! Is this bad?”

“We're the same age, how would you not know that's normal. Also please stop or you'll make it worse, Ashur!” You covered your face with your hands.

“I wouldn't know. Mine's limp all the time. It would never get like this.” He gulped.
“Jeeze, it's getting hard. Is this my fault?”

“Yes...” You said by mistake.

“How do I fix it!?”

“Let go!”

He gripped it and it began to throb in his hands. He seemed amazed. “It moves on it's own?”

“Your Highness are you fucking with me right now?” You felt the need to ask.

“Why would I do something so rude?” He retorted innocently while continuing to grip and even stroke a bit without thinking.
“The feeling in my hand... It's like a pillar of meat. How strange. Is there a point to this?”

“How has no one taught you these things?”

“My Nanny tells me things all the time, but nothing like this. Hmm...” He stared at it.
“For some reason I feel like I should put it in my mouth.”

“Some reason?” You questioned.
“What possible reason-”

You rubbed your eyes as Ashur popped your cock into his mouth and seemed to be quite surprised by the taste by the way his emerald eyes lit up. He let it out with a popping noise.
“It's good! Like a savory snack. Are you still injured.”

“I feel like my soul is being injured right now.”

“Your soul? Just from touching and licking this?” He let go.

You clenched your fist in annoyance as your member throbbed. “You know, you kind of started something that needs to be finished at this point, otherwise I will actually get hurt.”

“No!” He gasped, grabbing it again.
“Tell me what to do, Fin.”

“J-just take it like before and rub it faster while you stick it in your mouth and lick it.”

“Got it.” His tongue circled the head skillfully as he stroked you off.
“H-handkerchief!” You begged. He grabbed one off the table and handed it to you. As you were about to cum you pulled it away from him and made sure to shoot into the hankie. You tossed it onto the table and much to your chagrin Ashur picked it up and looked at it.

“What is this? Is it good?” Ashur asked.

“It is not...”

He tried it anyway. “Blech... Not bad.”

“How is that not bad?”

“It came from Fin.” Ashur smiled. He slid back to his seat and pushed the table into place as you stuffed your member back in your pants just in time for Lauda to return with towels. You stared at him from the other side of the table, sitting with his hands in his lap like nothing happened.
“Nanny Fin is feeling fine, now.”

She sighed with relief, placing a hand over her heart. “Thank goodness.” She placed the towels down in front of you just in case and asked.
“Fin... no, Hero. I was going to ask you if it were possible to keep Ashur close while you made Diplomatic contact with the Seafolk.”

Ashur raised his hand. “I just want to be there. I wont interfere.”

“Why does Ashur want to be there?” You asked, dabbing your lap.

“I just want to be able to say I did something when I return to Father and Brothers.” He explained.



Jane Hexum

Damn tea cookies and a Blowjob i have say Ashurs wining me over but we need to ask Djir if he views Ashur as a boy lol 1st Fin is going full harem. So the way tend to vote is simple keep main love interest safe but I'm will to let ntr happen for the rest. For Fin I'm 100% team Djir I'm willing to let the others have bad ends but Djir and fin's sis need to be kept safe


Live footage of me waiting for this chapter to unlock: https://youtu.be/-KJPP7GkuPU?t=8 Pleasant surprise to see it unlock on Tuesday though, and it was well worth the wait! Even my best hunch for Ashur's behaviour didn't have him acting like this. I'm guessing his time as Fin's maid really left an impression on his core. XD I'm looking forward to where this goes! Though I am a bit worried about how Djir might react.

Roland Taranis

I think Ashur is so ignorant of sexual matters that it could even take Djir aback... But there might be some negotiation for Ashur to keep his hands off Fin...