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Kara left the tent. She approached Jeane by the fire and tapped her on the shoulder. “Hey.”

The elf turned. She had bundled herself up nicely due to the cold temperature from being at a higher altitude. Kara had not put on any additional layers and still looked about the same as she always had. Shorts and a skin vest over a short red tunic.

“Your turn to milk the Hero.” The Fox said frankly. She had a disgusted look on her face.

“I thought you were going to do it? I do not even know what to do. Or how to do it.”

“It's pretty simple. You're a smart Elf so I believe in you.” Kara coaxed, playing on Jeane's ego.
“The seed stops men from being able to take care of their needs normally. I guess we know now that the purpose is so that the roots can soak up all the seed that he can't let out and that's how it grows in men most of the time. That means unlike us he's on a clock where it's only a matter of time before he's corrupted.”

“The Rakshasa lied... There was no cure that he was willing to tell us about. Plus, we were forced to leave anyway. Heilan...” Jeane lowered her head.
“We just left her. We betrayed her. If only we had known, Kara...”

“If we had known? It was a guy messing with us. We made the best decision with the info we had. It's unfortunate that chick got swiped up by a predator, but we have to look out for ourselves.”

“And Fin.” Jeane added in a sad tone.

“Jeane...” Kara began before trailing off. The Elf eyed the Fox closely. She could read uncertainty in Kara's eyes.
“Are we going to keep protecting this guy? Even at the cost of our own lives?”

Jeane gritted her teeth. “He's the Hero! He's-”

“In a downward spiral. When do you think we should start thinking about ourselves?”

“The fact that you are asking me that means you have already decided. Kara... Were you ever thinking for anyone other than yourself?”

“You have no Idea! Anyway-”

Jeane saw the tent flap open and raised a hand. “Shh shh!”

The hero poked his head out, dark bags under his eyes. “What are you guys talking about?”

Kara lowered her head. Jeane answered. “We are passing close to Waren. The path we chose is uncharted and we are in the mountains so it may even be accurate to say we are within uncharted Waren now.”

“Land of the Orcs?” Kara asked.

“Correct.” Jeane could see a suspicious glimmer in Kara's eye. It disgusted her.
“What are you thinking?” She whispered.

“Nothing to worry about. We can handle a few Orcs.” Kara offered encouragingly.

The Hero smiled. “Maybe an actual fight would clear my head. We've just been losing and losing lately without a chance to even fight back.”

Kara stared down at Jeane. Her back was to Fin. “Since you still seem to care, why don't you go help Hero with his problem?”

“Fine.” Jeane stood up.
“Hero, I am going to assist you tonight instead of Kara.”

“But-” Fin bit his lip and lowered his head.

“What is wrong?” Jeane asked, entering the tent.

“It's embarrassing. To have to do this just to live.” He looked at her apologetically.
“J-Jeane, you don't have to if you don't want to. I don't want to be a burden to either of you. We are the only ones left. Even if it costs my life I'll try to protect you both. I don't want to lose anyone else.”

Jeane's pale cheeks flushed. “Hero... Please lower your pants.”

“Yes Jeane...” Fin unbuckled and dropped his pants rather easily. She wondered if it was a side-effect of the seed.
“You must not do 'anything' that anyone asks of you, Hero. Do you understand?”

He nodded lifelessly. “Yes Jeane.” She bit her lip, suddenly understanding why Kara was becoming annoyed and disheartened.


Fin wiped his brow as another Orc Warrior fell before him. “They just keep coming, but it isn't difficult.” As pathetic as he had felt recently, the onslaught reminded him that he was still a Hero that carried great destructive capabilities. He could defend his friends if it was in a fight. He looked over to see Jeane and Kara back to back dealing with the few that were left. There were still a couple warriors and a leader left.

Jeane muttered. “They keep finding us... I wonder how?”

Kara's ears twitched. “Orcs are clever and greedy. There's obvious reasons for them to be here. Besides, we're the only ones in danger here. Look at him over there... He's as happy as can be that he finally has something he can beat.”

“So maybe you wanted to give him that? Jeane inquired, sending a fireball into the belly of one of the last few Orc warriors. Each time they struck one down the Orcs would be able to get close. When they got close there was a scent and a sensation. It was like being close to a temple. The feeling of power and reverence. Without even being able to control this feeling, Jeane could tell that it was coming from a sole point. The Orcs balls. It was a force of attraction that Jeane could only assume was the Seed's fault. It needed semen to grow. Just as roots sought water, the parasitic plant would guide its host to seek semen of any kind.
“Psh...” Jeane uttered, slaying another.
“You can feel it, too?”

“Of course... I'm in the same boat as you, Elfie.” Kara commented as she destroyed an Orc with a ball of bluish-green energy.
“I am so dry right now... There's so little life here. So annoying.” Kara complained before honing in on the orc that could be identified as a leader. Fin was about to strike him down. The Orc would die easily to the Heroe's blade and was merely holding his hands up in weak defiance of the death that awaited him.

“Huh?” Fin stopped, heeding her request.

“He has some power on him.” Kara claimed.
“I need it.”

“Okay, Kara.” The Hero stepped back and lowered his sword.
“I trust you.”

Jeane gritted her teeth and looked on suspiciously. “If he has Power he's dangerous. That is the idea, is it not? He should be killed because he has power, not kept around.”

“Relax.” Kara licked her lips.
“Because I know what I'm doing he wont have much when I'm done. I'll refill myself a little and he will become nearly useless.”

The Orc saw it as a chance and held still as the Fox approached him. Since he was a Shaman, any chance he was given could lead to success. The woman was a fool. It was to his benefit. He thought all of that until Kara climbed on top of him and mounted him. She kept his hands from touching her by holding his wrists with surprising strength. He could feel himself withering as she rode him slowly.
“Uuuugh!” He cried out.

Fin blushed to see Kara riding such a big man. “K-Kara... The Seed.” He whined.

She huffed lightly. “Listen. I'm aware of all that. He wont even get to Cum. He wont last that long.” She was confident enough that Fin and even Jeane believed her. He endured the pain of watching her ride until the Orc shuddered and lost consciousness.
“This one was too weak to do anything to me from the beginning. If he was a bit stronger-” She grunted as she pulled herself off of his throbbing, twitching cock. As she left it it began to spurt and drip seed down it's misshapen length like a geyser. Kara was recharged, but each of them stopped and watched the fountain flowing from the Orc tip. Each of them thought the same thing without meaning to: So much is going to waste. Even Fin licked his lips. Though his seed was going to grow on it's own, he still craved such a virile source. Kara subtly regretted getting up. It would have been easy to fake that she had misjudged when he would cum and take it all in. Jeane was trying to look away, sweating at the though of all that sperm leaking into the ground. She shakily turned herself away fully.

“Th-this is dangerous.” Jeane stated.

“Nonsense.” Kara shrugged.
“I'd like to keep him around as a battery for a while longer.”

“What?” The Hero shook his head.
“Kara we can't.”

“Hero.” Kara stared at him. Her gold eyes rested on his until he gave in and looked away.

He nodded. “I understand. Yes Kara.”

Jeane stomped over to the Fox. “No! This is incorrect! We should not have this thing around us. You all felt the same thing I did, did you not?”

Kara smirked. “I could resist it easily. I was the one riding him, remember. It's simple. Think you can't?”

Jeane scoffed. “I- I can. I just-” She saw Kara's smug expression and sneered.
“I am no different from you. I can resist as well. Have the Orc carry our supplies and keep him dry, Fox.”

“That's the plan.” Kara smirked.
“You just focus on keeping our Hero milked.”

“Do not worry. I still am of the mind that all three of us can get through this together.”

Kara nodded. “Of course. Me too.” She said unconvincingly.


The Shaman panted. His body was not built for so much walking and what little energy and Aura he had was drained consistently, just as the Fox promised.
“That woman is a Demon...” He muttered to himself.
“I swear to god, they're picking up more stuff on purpose, just to make me suffer. I think I saw that damned Elf putting rocks in the pack.” He ground his teeth together. As if all of that was not enough, the Orc had to walk behind and witness the view of the two women's plump rears wagging in front of him. The Fox had long legs, wide hips and thick thighs. Her tail swayed as she walked and looked incredibly warm. The Elf had a much more lithe figure, but he bet she was as tight as could be and would make nice sounds if he fucked her. The Fox was almost emotionless during sex, like it was just a process to her.
'I should target the elf.' He thought. Looking down at his hands, though, he could barely feel enough Aura.
'I can shock to stun, but I can”t muster enough to do anything significant. It's not like I was ever a prodigy with this, either. What am I supposed to do?' He stared up. The Orcish god was nameless and voiceless. They were always expected to bring upon providence by themselves without prayer. But any good thing that happened was still attributed to their God's grace. The purpose being that if enough praise rests on him, he will eventually regain his name and his voice.

Unbeknownst to him the two women, Jeane especially, were stewing without any intervention necessary. Jeane suffered the worst because Kara was at least able to fuck out most of her frustrations. Jeane's only release was by her own hand after looking after their poor Hero. She was, in essence, tortured by the desire that the seed thrust upon her.

“Did you put rocks in the bags?” Kara laughed.

“Yes... I want him to be more tired than he was. We can not have him regaining his strength.”

“A bit cruel... But I like it.” Kara paused.
“Do you wanna have a go with him one night after I'm done?”

“W-what?” Jeane was shocked by both the offer, and by how immediately tempting it was. She blushed deeply at the fact that she had considered it so easily.
“That is not a good idea.”

“A good idea is instead to deny yourself until you lose your mind?”

Jeane cringed. “You make a good point. Still-”

“Still nothing. I'll drain him. You just wait for him to finish cumming and he'll be able to go again and he'll be dry. Low risk.”

Jeane analyzed the variable. The way Kara laid it out did seem promising. She could not resist. “Very well.”

“I'll take over Milking the Hero tonight so you have some alone time to look after your own needs. Alright?”

“Thank you.” Jeane muttered.

“No need to thank me.” Kara smiled brightly. Her face turned as Jeane walked ahead.
'Jeane happens to be too loyal. She”ll stick with the Hero until the end without caring what happens to her. It”s unfortunate but getting rid of her is a priority. After that I can dispose of the Hero in a way that no one else can have him. I'll be able to return to Coda and she”ll cure me of this thing.' She gritted her sharp teeth.
'Bastard should have gone north from the beginning. None of us had any knowledge of that area. Corrupting him with so many girls around and nothing to do was too tough so his core isn”t even close right now.' She had decided already that it would be better to return as a failure.

'Since I couldn”t get the Hero Coda will likely eat me instead... What else can I do? I”ll try to eat her instead. Raithe first... Then Leage... Then Coda.' She gagged, disgusted with herself.

'Look what this thing did to me... I”m fully thinking like them now that I”m through just a little hardship.'


That Night Kara left the orc after pretending to drain him fully. She left him with just enough to be a threat. She had decided going in that she would not drain him at all, but her conscious interrupted her plan. As a compromise she only did it to the degree that Jeane would have a chance if she were to resist fully. That way, at least in Kara's mind, it was up to her.
“Alright. Leaving him to you. Have fun.” The Fox winked.

“Thank you.” Jeane nodded. Kara walked past and retreated into the Hero's tent to distract him.

The Orc stared at the Elf that had caused him enough hardship to warrant revenge. She forced him to expend effort just for the sake of exhausting him, and stared down at him heartlessly even now, as if he was a thing to her. He laughed to himself.

'The Fox made a mistake. I have enough power right now.' He stroked himself, acting defeated and tired.

For Jeane the roots were tightening around her insides, creating desire by prompting her to seek pleasure. They had not spread to her brain but they could do this much even without that kind of influence. It was frightening how those roots spread throughout her like veins. But it was the nature of the affliction that it was also faintly appealing.
“Orc... You will be used for my pleasure tonight. Understand?” Jeane gulped.

“If I don't understand, what'll you do?”

She was taken aback. “Just shut up and lay down.”

“That's what I thought.” He chuckled.
“Go ahead, Elf. What can I do?” He was of course lying, but she had no way of knowing.

Jeane mounted the Orc, his thick member pushed into her incredibly tight cunt. She let out a low groan as her walls stretched to fit him. As his cock was as deep as it could go it felt like she was stretched even further to accept more of him. She wondered if the roots were changing her insides. She closed her eyes and leaned forward with her hands on his broad chest for support.

“If you weren't such a bitch, I'd consider making you mine.” The Orc commented.

“Be quiet...” Jeane panted. She was enjoying the depths of herself that he was able to plunge without him speaking. It was as if he was hollowing her out more and more with each thrust in, but as she rose and pulled free her sex tightened and would not let go. Her lips curled up as he stopped talking. She felt closer as she increased her pace. Her hips were rising and falling and her rear slapped him each time she fell over his entire length. She was becoming entranced by the sensation. Then she suddenly became very aware of a source of Aura. She had no idea why her eyes had not spotted it before, but he was certainly not drained. Not completely. She was too crazed to notice while she was craving anything big and deep inside of her. Furthermore she felt him throb.
“No!” She pulled out and fell back. He was cumming. It did not seem he was drained in that respect, either, because some of it made it inside and had creampied her while there was still more spurting out

“Oh, this!?” The Orc laughed.
“Something wrong with this getting on you?” He did not know why but she was very serious about it. So he rose up as she fell back and made sure to squeeze out every last drop over her skin. A rope shot in a zig-zag over her strange tattoo, up and over her breasts and between them, then made a beautiful necklace for her before the last few globs landed over her lips. Unconsciously she licked around her lips and desparately started to try and rub the Cum off of her, but she only wound up rubbing the sticky substance in.

“No no no...” To her horror and the Orc's curiosity the semen began to absorb into her skin. Jeane shuddered. She could feel the small roots spreading along her veins towards her brain. She felt the wrapping sensation, her eyes twitching as the nerves became affected.
“Uhh... Uhh..” She whined.
“I can still control it. I can-” She sat up and looked at the Orc. Her skin had fully absorbed all of his seed. She was staring longingly at his sloshing sack.
“I- I can.” She gulped, her tongue leaving her mouth to circle her lips. The root had already taken hold of her brain, giving her strange instincts.

'We are close to one.' She thought in a voice that sounded like her own, but was likely the seed speaking to her.

'You can see now that it does not feel too bad. We do not disappear, we change. The Orc is good soil for us, we can grow nicely using him.' Jeane smiled.
“Goo- Good soil.”

“Are you crazy?” The Orc asked. He felt as though it was confirmed when she bent down and began sucking his limp member to make it hard again. Her slender hand massaged his balls.

“Please go again... So close.” Jeane begged.

He lifted her up and stuffed his half-hard cock inside of her. They were both sitting up at that point. “You wanna go again, huh?” Jeane nodded.
'Soil my ass...' He grunted, placing his hands on either side of her head.
“I don't want you. I just wanna ruin you.”

“Wuh-” She came as electricity shot through her brain. As she convulsed in orgasm and her eyes rolled back she realized on important thing, even while the Orc thrust into her at the same time. The roots were retreating from being shocked.

“Th-thish ish...” Her tongue fell out over her bottom lip. She could barely speak or think.
“Tell- Gotta tell...” It was a breakthrough that could help them.

“Fat chance.” He bucked her up to the point that his member nearly fell out of her cunt, then let her fall back down. The last hard thrust sent her back arching and at the same time he used the last of his Aura to send an even stronger current through her.

“Nnng!?” When he stopped she was drooling and swaying. Gone. No more Jeane. No more mage.

The Orc spat on her vegetized  self and grabbed her by the ankle, dragging her out. He tossed her, letting her fall near the lit tent. There was too much noise inside for them to notice. As Jeane lay face down, Discarded, leaking and brainless the Orc retreated.
“Bastards are nothing but trouble.” He decided.



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